OSHA UPDATE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OSHA UPDATE Sheila Schulmeyer Compliance Assistance Specialist OSHA (Lubbock/El Paso) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Sheila Schulmeyer
  • Compliance Assistance Specialist
  • OSHA (Lubbock/El Paso)

Keeping you informed
  • Update on whats new on the compliance horizon
  • I am your contact for compliance assistance in
    the West Texas area
  • Your full service Area Office and District Office

Lubbock AO El Paso DO
Topics of Discussion
  • PPE Requirements
  • Electrical Standard
  • Chrome VI
  • Fatals in the oil patch

Employer-Paid PPE
  • Final Rule Published in November 15th, 2007
    Federal Register
  • Final Rule clarifies who is responsible for
    paying for PPE
  • Rule contains a few exceptions for ordinary
    safety-toed footwear, ordinary prescription
    safety eyewear, logging boots and ordinary
    clothing and weather-related gear.

Electrical Standard
  • Effective August 13, 2007
  • Adopted the NEC 2002 version NFPA 70E 2000
  • Applies to General Industry, shipyard employment,
    longshoring, and marine terminals.
  • Prior law was based on the 1978 NEC, so did not
    reflect changes in technology

Electrical Standard
  • This standard is one of several that will align
    the OSHA laws current technology.
  • The first stage covers design safety standards
    for electrical systems, while the second stage
    will cover safety-related maintenance and work
    practice requirements and safety requirements for
    special equipment. It will thus allow the latest
    technological developments to be considered.

Electrical Standard
  • Ground Fault Current Interrupters required in
    bathrooms and on roofs.
  • All 125-volt, single-phase, 15, 20, and
    30-ampere receptacle outlets that are not part of
    the permanent wiring of the building or structure
    and that are in use by personnel shall have
    ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for

Electrical Standard
  • If no GFCIs are available, then a written
    assured equipment grounding program overseen by a
    competent person must be used.
  • Test all cords every 3 months, visually inspect
    daily before use.

Electrical Standards
  • If no GFCIs are available, then a written
    assured equipment grounding program overseen by a
    competent person must be used.
  • Test all cords every 3 months, visually inspect
    daily before use.

Electrical Standard
  • More specific than previous law.
  • Covers issues such as what to do if there is no
    grounding conductor installed in a building
  • Clarifies double insulated tool use
  • Discusses some specific instances such as
    irrigation systems, fountains, etc.

Electrical Standards
  • Proposed laws to address personal protective
  • OSHA also has a proposed rule to address
    protective equipment in electric power
    transmission and distribution.

What is Hexavalent Chromium?
  • Toxic form of chromium metal that is generally
  • Used in many industrial applicationsprimarily
    for its anti-corrosive properties
  • Created during certain hot work processes where
    the original form of chromium was not hexavalent

How Can Occupational Exposures to Hexavalent
Chromium Occur?
  • Inhalation of mists, dusts or fumes created
    during processes involving the use of hexavalent
    chromium (CrVI) compounds or hot processes that
    cause the formation of CrVI
  • Eye or skin contact with powder, dusts or liquids
    containing CrVI

Three Cr(VI) Standards
  • 1910.1026 General Industry
  • 1926.1126 Construction
  • 1915.1026 Shipyards

Top Three Industries/Operations Covered by the
Cr(VI) Standard
  • Welding 269,380 (48) employees
  • Painting 81,893 (15) employees
  • Electroplating 66,857 (12) employees

  • Workers welding carbon steel containing more than
    .3 chromium
  • 10 would have exposure
  • Heat converts Cr(III) to Cr(VI)

  • Different welding techniques have different
    potentials for exposure, e.g.
  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
  • Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG)
  • Welding performed in many different conditions
  • Indoors vs. outdoors
  • Enclosed/confined spaces

  • Challenges
  • Enclosed/confined spaces
  • Variability in welding substrates and techniques
  • Close proximity of employees using different
  • Potential solutions
  • Planning (type of substrate)
  • Substituting GMAW for SMAW
  • Ventilation (local and general)

When Must Employers Comply with Provisions of the
  • Effective date May 30, 2006
  • Start-up dates
  • All provisions except engineering controls
  • For small businesses (19 or fewer employees) May
    30, 2006
  • For all others Nov. 27, 2006
  • Engineering Controls
  • For all employers May 31, 2010

Fatals in the Oil Patch
  • We have experienced five oil and gas related
    accidents since October 1, 2007
  • There were five deaths and a sixth who is still
    surviving, and if he continues to live on, he
    will be completely disabled.

What we know so far
  • All open cases
  • 1. An employee was treating a well with
    chemicals. A pressure release occurred and the
    employee was fatally injured. Another companys
    employees were on site and heard the explosion.
    They ran to the location and found the injured on
    the ground with no response.

  • 2. Drilling Rig collapsed and struck the victim
    when the drill string was being tugged on.
  • 3. Two employees were killed when they were
    pressurizing a valve that was connected to a frac
    tank. The valve came apart and the shrapnel
    struck the employees.
  • 4. An employee had his spine severed in two
    places (still alive) when a mishap occurred
    during the telescoping of the mast off of a
  • 5. An employee fell into a frac tank.(no further
    details at this time) asphyxiation.

What This Means
  • That even though the oil patch is continually
    becoming a much safer place than just a few years
    ago, we are still experiencing fatal accidents
    that could be prevented.
  • All the more reason to come together as an
    industry to come up with solutions, best
    practices, and resources to educate new and
    experienced workers alike in the methods of
    working safely.

  • This information has been developed by an OSHA
    Compliance Assistance Specialist and is intended
    to assist employers, workers, and others as they
    strive to improve workplace health and safety.
    While we attempt to thoroughly address specific
    topics (or hazards), it is not possible to
    include discussion of everything necessary to
    ensure a healthy and safe working environment in
    a presentation of this nature. Thus, this
    information must be understood as a tool for
    addressing workplace hazards, rather than an
    exhaustive statement of an employers legal
    obligations, which are defined by statute,
    regulations, and standards. Likewise, to the
    extent that this information references practices
    or procedures that may enhance health or safety,
    but which are not required by a statute,
    regulation, or standard, it cannot, and does not,
    create additional legal obligations. Finally,
    over time, OSHA may modify rules and
    interpretations in light of new technology,
    information, or circumstances to keep apprised
    of such developments, or to review information on
    a wide range of occupational safety and health
    topics, you can visit OSHAs website at
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