Church Age 1 Thess. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Church Age 1 Thess.


Title: Premillennial Theories Author: Joyce Jamerson Last modified by: fRANK J JAMERSON Created Date: 8/8/2006 12:00:36 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Church Age 1 Thess.

Premillennial Theories
Judgment Seat
Great White Throne
Tribulation 7 years
Millennial Age
Rev. 20
  • Church Age 1 Thess.
  • Mt. 131-50 413-18

The Church A Parenthesis
  • Amillenariansfind the kingdom prophecies
    fulfilled in the present church
    ageDispensationalists have regarded the present
    age as a parenthesis unexpected and without
    specific prediction in the Old Testament
    (Walvoord, p. 227).
  • Isaiah 22 1 Tim. 315 Mk. 91

The Late Great Planet Earth
  • Hal Lindsey, 1970 Mt. 2434 this generation
    the one that saw the rebirth of Israel (1948) a
    generation some-thing like forty years Jesus
    is at the door 1988! (p. 43).
  • 1977 a generation between 40 and 100 years
    and do not know whether this generation
    officially began with the rebirth of Israel
    (Eternity Magazine, Jan.)

Premillennial Theories
Jehovahs Witnesses
Second Coming
144,000 Saved in Heaven
144,000 In Heaven 1000 yrs.
Little Season
Wicked Destroyed
1914 Kingdom Established
Armageddon 1975
Saved on Earth
Satan Loosed
Earth Class
Judgment Period of Perfecting
The Watchtower, May 1, 1968, p. 265
  • We know that, by autumn of 1967 C.E.,
    fifty-three years had gone by since the last
    days began (1914), since the appointed times of
    the nations ended! That means the end of this
    wicked system of things will come very shortly.
    As Jesus said, the end would occur in the same
    generation that saw the beginning of the last
    days in 1914 Matt. 2434

Autumn of 1975
  • Thus, eight years remain to account for the full
    6,000 years of the seventh day. Eight years from
    the autumn of 1967 would bring us to the autumn
    of 1975, fully 6,000 years into Gods seventh
    day, his rest day (p. 271)

1914 Generation
  • Some of the generation that discerned the
    beginning of the time of the end in 1914 will
    still be alive on earth to witness the end of
    this present wicked system of things at the
    battle of Armageddon Rev. 1614,16 (p. 272)

Certain - But Not Certain!
  • When he promises a new system of things we can
    rejoice in the fact that for a certainty, exactly
    on time, such prophecies will be fulfilled
  • Does this mean that the year 1975 will bring the
    battle of Armageddon? No one can say with
    certainty what any particular year will bring
    (p. 273).

Premillennial Theories
First Resurrection
Second Resurrection
Righteous Ascend To Heaven 1000 years
between Resurrections
Great Tribulation
Christ Saints Descend
Satan alone on Earth
Before May 19, 1780
Second Coming
Holy City Wicked Raised Satan Loosed Wicked
Destroyed New Earth Eternally
1000 plus years
The Last Generation
  • We cannot know the exact day and hour of
    Christs return (see Matt. 2436), but we do know
    promised to finish things very quickly now and
    cut the work short (Its Headed Straight
    Toward You, p. 6). (Note the generation is not

Heaven will Be On Earth!
  • Although the holy city is now in Gods dwelling
    place, He is going to move it to this earth. Sin
    and sinners will be destroy-ed with fire and the
    earth will be made over new and given to the
    righteous in all of its Edenic glory and beauty.
    The holy city will be the capital of the new
    earth, and God will move His throne hereand live
    with the righteous right here on this earth
    throughout eternity and where the Lord abides,
    that is heaven (A Colossal City in Space, p.

The Earthly City, Rev. 2116
  • The city is perfectly square. Its circumference
    is 12,000 furlongs, or 1500 milesIt is 375 miles
    long on each sideThe city is called New
    Jerusalem in Rev. 212 (Colossal City, p. 2).
    (Note Palestine is only about 40 x 150 miles.)

Premillennial Theories
Righteous spirit beings Ruling over immortal
physical beings 1000 years on earth
Second Coming
Remaining Dead Raised Given Second Chance Wicked
Abraham, Isaac Jacob - A Topflight team under
Christ Moses Director of State Elijah
Director of Church Daniel King of Gentile
Nations Paul under him David King of Israelite
Nations Apostles under him Noah relocation of
Races Job Director of Urban Renewal Joseph
Director of Economy
Throne of David From London to Jerusalem
World of Happy Immortal Beings
Wonderful World Tomorrow
  • Crime, sickness, disease, pain and suffering
    GONE! Poverty, ignorance BANISHED! SMILES on
    human faces faces that RADIATE! Wild animals
    TAME! Air pollution, water pollution, soil
    pollution GONEA world filled with happy
    radiating humans, guided, helped, protected, and
    ruled by former mortals made immortal

Denies Fulfillment of Land Promise
  • So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which
    He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they
    took possession of it and dwelt in it (Josh.
  • So the people went in and possessed the land
    (Neh. 923).
  • If the Lord gives you the land which He promised
    to give to your fathersthen you shall add three
    more cities (Dt. 198,9).
  • They added three more (Josh. 207-9).

Denies Establishment of Kingdom
  • And in the days of these kings (the fourth
    empire) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom
    that shall never be destroyed Dan. 244.
  • Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom
    which cannot be shaken Heb. 1228.
  • He hath delivered us from the power of darkness
    and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of
    His love, Col. 113

Denies Christ Is On David's Throne
  • He will be great, and will be called the Son of
    the Highest and the Lord God will give Him the
    throne of His father David. And He will reign
    over the house of Jacob forever, and of His
    kingdom there will be no end, Lk. 132,33.
  • David being a prophet,foreseeing this spoke
    concerning the resurrection of the
    ChristTherefore being exalted to the right hand
    of God (Acts 229-35 see Dan. 713,14).

  • There is no Land Promise for Gods people (Eph.
    13 Gal. 328,29).
  • There is no future earthly kingdom (Jn. 1836
    Rev. 19).
  • There is no future reign of Christ on earth (1
    Cor. 1522-29 Jn. 528,29)
  • Therefore - This Theory Is False!
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