Title: Special Solution Strategies inside a Spectral Element Ocean Model
1Special Solution Strategies inside a Spectral
Element Ocean Model
Craig C. Douglas University of Kentucky and Yale
Gundolf Haase University Linz, Austria and
University of Kentucky
- Mohamed Iskandarani
- Rutgers University
- and Miami University
- Versions of Spectral Element Ocean Model (SEOM)
- Description of layered version
- Solving the Laplacian for Spectral Elements
- Schur complement method with BPS-like pc
- Sparse approximation matrix and AMG
- A Two-grid method with patch smoothing
- What to do in 3D?
3North East Pacific Grid
44 Way Partitioning of the Grid
5SEOM Versions and Applications
- Single Layer
- 1.5 layer (wind circulation/abyssal flow)
- global tides
- estuarine modeling
- Multiple Layers
- wind driven circulation, 2-5 layers
- 3D Continuous Stratification
- Gravitational Adjustment
- Overflow
- Basin Circulation
6Highlights of Spectral Element Method
- h-p type FEM (C0 continuity)
- Geometric flexibility
- Dense computational kernels (ops O(KN3))
- Excellent scalability
- Very low phase errors and numerical dissipation
- CPU intensive
7Motivation for Layered SEOM
- Mathematically simpler than SEOM-3D
- Computationally simpler and faster
- No cross isopycnal diffusion
- No pressure gradient errors
- Baroclinic processes possible with 2 layers
- Eddy resolving simulations can be produced
relatively easily and cheaply
8Layered Model Equations
- Equations are
- duk/dt fuk -ÑFk (tk- tk1Ñ(nhkÑuk)/hk
- hk Ñ(Hk hk) uk 0
- The Montgomery potential is Fk g z1 Fk-1
gDrkzk, kgt0, where F1 is the barotropic pressure
contribution to the Montgomery potential. - The thickness anomaly of layer k is hk zk- zk1
withzN1 0. - The total depth of the fluid is H H1 ¼ HN.
- The vertical coordinate of the surface interface
of layer k is zk zk1 hk. - The stress on the layer k is tk, where t1 is
surface wind stress, tN1 is the bottom drag
coefficient, and tk1 is the interfacial drag
9Current Limitations
- Layer thickness must be gt 0
- Entrainment kicks in when h lt hc ht
Ñ(hu) wt - Topography confined to deepest layer
- No thermodynamics
10Time Discretization
- Third order Adams-Bashford (AB3) explicit on all
terms except surface gravity waves - Backward Euler (BE) implicit on surface gravity
waves - Implicit terms isolated in 2D equations
- Iterative solutions via PCG.
- Each layer has to solve
- denotes the filtered vorticity and
is the filtered divergence field - The filtering is done by series expansion and the
Boyed-Vandeven filter in each
spectral element. - Solve on each of the 5 layers
12Spectral Element
- Gauss-Lobatto discretization
- Element is the support of inner node f.e. basis
- Inner nodes
- Boundary nodes
- consisting of Edge nodes
- Vertex nodes
13SEOM Advantage over FDM
- The speedup formula shows that the speedup
deteriorates as the second term in the
denominator increases. - This second term decreases quadratically with the
spectral truncation, and like the square root of
the number of elements in the partition. - The formula also shows the distinguishing
property of the spectral element method which
gives it its coarse grain character the
communication cost increases only linearly with
the order of the method while its computational
cost increases cubically, yielding a quadratic
ratio between the two. - High order finite difference methods, by
contrast, show a quadratic increase of the
communication cost with the order, since the halo
of points needed to be passed between processors
14System of equations
- Spectral element discretization
- solve 10 times the system of eqns
- Block structure
- Note, that and
are symmetric.
15Whats the problem?
- symmetric, positive definite matrix
- no M-matrix
- huge
Many parallel solvers available
Memory requirements vs. solution time
16A. Schur Complement cg
- Solve Laplacian by Schur Complement cg
- Preconditioner
- Adapts wrt. spectral elements
17Factor matrix
- Factorization of results in
- Schur complement
- Matrices are stored.
18Schur Complement and Basis Transformation
- Defining the exact harmonic basis transformation
- the Schur complement can be reinterpreted as
- i.e., Galerkin approach.
19Schur complement cg
20Schur Complement Preconditioner I
- Again, we can factor
such that - BUT with j
counter of elements/edges/...
21Schur Complement Preconditioner II
- Substitute by
- linear interpolation from vertices
onto an edge j
22Schur Complement Preconditioner III
- Calculate element-wise
- Approximate by
- is on edge j
Dryja - Derive
directly by symbolic methods - Bramble/Pasciak/Schatz
23Schur complement pc
24Vertex node system
- is equivalent to a
- (non-constant) 9-point
stencil - Solve directly (gather on one processor)
- Combine with parallel AMG (PEBBLES)
- Special cache-optimized and parallel AMG/MG for
9-point stencil ()
25Memory requirements (A)
- Laplacian in 2D
- Small example 99 elements, 5146 nodes
- M O(nelem)
- M(Schur-cg) 2.35 MB
- M(Schur-cg,pc) 2.36 MB
26B. Matrix approximation
- Memory
- Approximate element matrices
- AMG solver
27Memory for stiffness matrix
- Small example
- Storing in CRS requires 4.79 MB
- Storing full matrices needs
3.10 MB - Symmetry gt half of memory requirements
- AMG gt 3 x 4.8 MB 14.6 MB
28Sparse element matrices
- 4096 entries in , many of them are small
- Lumping of entries lt 5 of main diagonal
- gt sparse matrix
- with aver. 9 entries per row
- Future Element preconditioning Reitzinger,
- M-matrix, reduced pattern,
symbolic methods
29Sparse matrix memory(B)
- M(C) 0.42 Mbytes
- AMG(C) gt 3 x 0.42 MB 1.26 MB
- cg(K) with AMG(C)-preconditioning
- matrix free matrix-vector M 1.26
MB - matrix-vector M
2.82 MB
30C. Two grid method
- Direct reduction to vertex system
- Patch smoother
- Matrix free defect calculation
- bilinear interpolation from vertices
- same operator for all elements
32Factor matrix
- Factorization of wrt.
- Element-wise vertex Schur complement ( coarse
matrix) - Matrices are stored
(16nelem 8).
33Patch smoother
- Sparse approximation of is
- Accumulate it and store inverse element matrix
34Element matrix I
35Element matix II
- Store in each element
(3nelem) - Store three 64x64 matrices
(34096) - 3 Mults and 3 Adds calculate the matrix entry
36Memory requirements (C)
- Laplacian in 2D
- Small example 99 elements, 5146 nodes
- M (vertex) 0.01 MB
- M( ) 0.13 MB
- M( ) 0.82 MB
- M(Two grid) 0.96 MB
37Memory requirements (A-C)
- 2D Schur complement pcg is fast
- AMG and Two-grid method require less memory,
especially in 3D - Use parallel AMG for Vertex systems
- Simultaneous iteration for u,v and layers will
save arithmetic in matrix-free methods