Title: Muscles of Mastication
1Muscles of Mastication
- Jaw closing muscles
- Masseter
- Temporalis
- Medial pterygoid
- Jaw opening muscles
- Lateral pterygoid
- Inferior head
- Superior head
- Anterior digastric
Origin zygomatic process of the maxilla and
inferiorborder of zygomatic arch Insertion ang
le of the mandibleinferior, lateral side of
ramus Innervation masseteric
nerve Function elevate mandible
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Origin temporal fossa andtemporal
fascia Insertion coronoid process ofthe
mandible Innervation temporal
nerve Function elevate mandible
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8Medial Pterygoid
Origin pterygoid fossa on medial surface of
lateral pterygoid plate Insertion medial
surface of angle of the mandible Innervation m
edial pterygoid nerve Function elevate mandible
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13Origin of Medial Pterygoid
14Lateral Pterygoid -- Inferior Head
Origin lateral surface of lateral pterygoid
plate Insertion anterior neck of
mandible Innervation branch of masseteric or
buccal nerve Function pull condyle and
disk along the eminence
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16Origin of Lateral Pterygoid, Inferior head
17Lateral Pterygoid -- Superior Head
Origin infratemporal fossa of greater sphenoid
wing Insertion anterior neck of
themandible Innervation branch of masseteric
or buccal nerve Function pull condyle and
disk along the eminence
18Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid
Origin posterior digastric mastoid notch of
temporal bone Insertion anterior digastric
lingual, inferior border of the
mandible Innervation Posterior
digastric--facial nerve Anterior
digastric--mylohyoid, mandibular
nerve Function Lower mandible, raise hyoid
21Thank youandBest of Luck!