Session 5823: Working with Windows NT Performance Data Paul Jaffray Technical Services Manager Promedica Health System, Inc. Wednesday March 6th, 2002 – PowerPoint PPT presentation
1 Session 5823 Working with Windows NT Performance Data
Paul Jaffray
Technical Services Manager
Promedica Health System, Inc.
Wednesday March 6th, 2002
2 Abstract
Real world look at working with NT performance data
Application of MVS techniques to NT
High level overview of NT performance data
Tools used for collection and analysis
What data do we look at
Discussion What does everyone else do?
3 Intro
I am not an expert on NT or Performance
I took my experience from managing SMF data on MVS and creating various performance reports for the mainframe and applied those processes to NT
I am still learning how NT works and what the various counters represent
Still developing ROTs for various counters
4 What Data Is Available?
Various Performance Objects
Each object contains related Performance Counters
Processor Processor Time
ProcessorDPC Rate
Lots and lots of counters
But how good is the data?
5 Performance Objects
Network Interface
Physical Disk
Print Queue
ADSM Client Performance
ColdFusion Server
6 Whats Missing
No response time counters
Delivery times are available
Transactions per Second
7 How Can I View the Data?
Task Manager
Real Time
Local machine only
Provides summary performance data
Not customizable
How to start
Right-click the task bar and select Task Manager
Crtl-Alt-Del and select Task Manager
8 How Can I View the data?
Performance Monitor
Real time or historical via logs
Also has alerting facility
Local machine or remote
You can select which objects and counters to view
How to start
StartProgramsAdministrative ToolsPerformance
9 So Now What? I wanted a way to consolidate performance data from every server to a single point and combine into a daily file for processing. This file should then be saved where it can be combined into a monthly file. A number of daily files and all monthly files should be archived so they can be retrieved and reported against in the future. 10 Challenges
No SMF facility standard with Windows
How to automate
How to locate and copy the data
How to handle and report errors
How to analyze data and create reports
11 Solution (so far)
VBScript code
Scheduled Tasks
Text file with a list of servers with data location
12 Creating the SMF Files
On each server NTSMF gets data from standard NT interfaces, builds records and writes them to a current file
NTSMF Directory Structure
Holds active file
Yesterdays data file(s)
Settable number of days worth of data
13 Gathering The Data
A script, driven by a list of servers to collect from, looks for files on each of those servers where the date in the file name is equal to yesterdays date and copies those files to a directory on the system the script is running on
All files are combined together in a single daily file that is available locally for SAS/MXG processing and is copied to a server for archival and later consolidation
14 Error Logging
Status messages are written to the NT Application Log
Start and Stop times for the script
Servers not found
Data not found
Messages are also gathered together and emailed to me as the last step in the script
15 Reporting On the Data
Processing can be done with SAS on MVS or Windows
MXG provides SAS Macros to process the raw NTSMF data into SAS observations
SAS can then be used to summarize and report on the data
16 Some Gotchas
Cross domain trusts
Must be in place to copy files from servers in other domains
File access
Registry updates
17 Some Gotchas
A crashed server can dump several K worth of nulls onto the end of a .smf file
These nulls cause SAS to stop processing the file
If they exist in the daily file they have to found and removed
18 Some Gotchas
Disk performance numbers must be turned on by issuing the diskperf command from the command prompt
C\gt diskperf yv
Some network numbers require Network Monitoring Agent to be installed
19 Some Gotchas
MemoryPage Faults/Sec
Can be very misleading as it includes Transition faults
Should use MemoryPage Reads/Sec
Accurate reflection of demand paging
20 Some Gotchas
Microsofts Outlook security patch in response to the ILOVEYOU virus broke the email part of my initial script
New version of script requires the SMTP service to be loaded on the machine that runs the script
21 Some Gotchas
Manually have to maintain the Server List file
Can be coordinated with the setting of the NTSMF options that must be set once the collector software has been loaded
22 What Numbers Do We Look At?
Daily 3 reports
Configuration report
Shows all servers we collect data from and their configuration
Disk Numbers
Free space shortages and high queuing
System Hourly Summaries
Hourly report for each server of key values
23 What Numbers Do We Look At?
Processor Processor Time
Looking for busy processors
SQL based applications seem to suffer at 60
SystemProcessor Queue Length
Indicates work waiting for CPU
Doesnt seem to work like I would expect
24 What Numbers Do We Look At?
MemoryAvailable Bytes
Shows physical memory installed but not used by operating system or application
Large number indicates an over-configured server
MemoryPage Reads/sec
Actual page faults resulting in a page in from disk
Page Faults/sec counter is misleading
Should be less than 200/sec?
25 What Numbers Do We Look At?
PhysicalDiskAvg. Disk Queue Length
How backed up is the IO subsystem
Shouldnt be greater than 3 or 4?
PhysicalDiskDisk Bytes/sec
How much data is being moved
How much is too much depends on the interface
26 What Numbers Do We Look At?
PhysicalDiskAvg. Disk Sec/Read
Average number of seconds per read
Less than 20ms good, more bad
PhysicalDiskAvg. Disk Sec/Write
Same as above except for writes
27 Discussion
What are others doing?
28 Tools NTSMF
Windows NT/2000 performance data collector
Creates SMF files containing records of selected performance counters
Demand Technology Software
29 Tools PrimalScript
The professional scripting environment of choice for developers working in any scripting language
Useful for working with VBScript
SAPIEN Technologies Inc.
30 Tools SAS
Data Access/Management/Analysis/Presentation Tool
Allows processing and summerization of raw data
SAS Institute Inc.
31 Tools MXG
SAS-based software package that processes the "SMF" data records created by computer operating systems
Turns raw data into observations in SAS datasets
Merrill Consultants
32 Some Books
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