Water Right Title Updating Fundamentals of Water Right Conveyance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Water Right Title Updating Fundamentals of Water Right Conveyance


Water Right Title Updating Fundamentals of Water Right Conveyance Division of Water Rights By Randy Tarantino Title Program Specialist Telephone: (801) 538-7387 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Water Right Title Updating Fundamentals of Water Right Conveyance

Water Right Title UpdatingFundamentals of Water
Right Conveyance
  • Division of Water Rights
  • By Randy Tarantino
  • Title Program Specialist
  • Telephone (801) 538-7387
  • randytarantino_at_utah.gov

Water Right Title Resources
  • Utah Code
  • Title 73, Chapter 1, Sections 10-12
  • Utah Administrative Code
  • Rule R655-3 http//www.rules.utah.gov/publicat/
  • Training Manual for Preparing a Report of Water
    Right Conveyance http//www.waterrights.utah.gov/t

Conveying Documents
  • Deed
  • Warranty Deed
  • Quit-Claim Deed
  • Water Deed, Sheriffs Deed
  • Trustees Deed, etc.
  • Court Decrees with conveyance language
  • Quiet-Title

Silent Conveyance
Conveying and Reserving a Water Right
Conveyance DocumentsPerfected Water Rights
  • A perfected water right is evidenced by a decree,
    a certificate of appropriation, a diligence claim
    to the use of surface or underground water, or a
    water users claim filed in general determination
    proceedings (published in a PD book)
  • A perfected water right shall be transferred by
    deed in substantially the same manner as is real
  • Deeds must be signed by all grantors and
  • Deeds must be recorded in the county recorders
    office in the county in which the water is used
    and diverted, only on water deeds
  • Documents must be legible and the recorders stamp
    must be visible

The water deed can be used for perfected or
unperfected water rights
Conveyance Documents Unperfected Water Rights
  • An unperfected water right has not been perfected
  • Unperfected water rights may be assigned
  • Assignments must be signed by all grantors and
    notarized (recording is not necessary but it is

The assignment can be used for unperfected water
rights only. The assignment accompanying the ROC
must be an original.
Supporting Documentation
Documents that support or clarify the ROC.
Generally these documents do not convey property
unless conveying language is used within the
  • Divorce decrees
  • Affidavit
  • Heir-ship
  • Ownership
  • Name also known as
  • Individual or multiple owners interest in Water
    Right, etc.
  • Contracts
  • Bill of Sale
  • Deeds of Trust/Trust Deeds
  • Water Shares / Stock Certificates

The Report of Water Right Conveyance (ROC)
  • To update water right ownership on the records of
    the State Engineer, a Report of Water Right
    Conveyance (ROC) must be submitted by the new
  • The ROC should be submitted as soon as the water
    right transfer is complete

Chain of Title
  • The conveyance documents must follow a logical
  • The first conveyance document must list the owner
    of record with the Division of Water Rights as
    grantor, assignor, etc., and all subsequent
    conveyance documents must link back in the same
    manner to the previous conveyance document
  • The first grantor must be the owner of record and
    the second grantor must be the first grantee,
    etc. (exception ownership conflicts or to
    establish joint tenancy)
  • Deeds must be recorded in order (exception
    warranty deed)

  • A water right can be deemed to be incidental (or
    appurtenant) to land when it is by right used
    with the land for its benefit
  • The land to which a water right is appurtenant is
    the authorized place of use of water as described
    in the water right
  • If there is an approved change application on
    file, the authorized place of use is the place of
    use specified in the change application approval.
    The filing of a change application severs the
    water from the land at the original (heretofore)
    place of use.

How does appurtenance affect the ROC filing
  • The ROC must be certified by one of the following
    professionals licensed in Utah
  • Title Insurance Agent
  • Attorney
  • Engineer
  • Land Surveyor
  • The professional must submit a map which clearly
    illustrates the parcel of land to which the water
    right is appurtenant as described in the deed
  • The parcel the water is appurtenant to needs to
    be highlighted or indicated on the deed, if
    multiple parcels are conveyed
  • The parcel described by the deed needs to be
    highlighted or indicated on the map

  • The map needs to meet the mapping standards
  • A North Arrow
  • A standard scale
  • All information included on the map must be
  • The legal description of the property boundary
    must be delineated
  • All maps must be tied to a section corner (NE,
    SE, NW, SW) of the section-township-range survey
    for the property
  • Any public roads adjacent to or near the property
    should be shown on the map

Maps that do not meet the mapping standards
May 4, 1998
  • Prior to this date only perfected water rights
    can be conveyed by appurtenance.
  • Land conveyances executed on or after this date
    may convey the associated perfected or
    unperfected water right by appurtenance.

Separation of Land Water
  • A water right that is appurtenant to land shall
    pass to the grantee of the land unless the
  • Specifically reserves the water right or any part
    thereof in the land conveyance document
  • Conveys part of the water right in the land
    conveyance document
  • Conveys the water right in a separate conveyance
    document prior to or contemporaneously with the
    execution of the land conveyance document

Partial Conveyances
  • If the land conveyed constitutes only a portion
    of the authorized place of use for the water
    right, the amount of the appurtenant water right
    that passes to the grantee shall be proportionate
    to the conveyed portion of the authorized place
    of use
  • For example if the place of use is authorized on
    two forty (40) acre tracts of land and the
    conveyed land is described as only one of the
    forty (40) acre tracts, only the amount of water
    appurtenant to the one forty (40) acre tract
    would be conveyed.

  • Joint Tenants have one and the same interest
    (each owns an undivided interest in the whole)
    with the right of survivorship
  • A copy of the death certificate, and an Affidavit
    of Survivorship must be submitted in order for
    the surviving joint tenant to assume sole
    ownership of the water right interest
  • Tenants in Common each hold an undivided interest
    in the whole without the right of survivorship
  • The surviving tenant in common does not assume
    sole ownership of the water right interest upon
    the death of the other
  • A deed or other conveying document will be needed
    to transfer the interest to the survivor
  • If the estate of the deceased tenant in common
    goes into probate and one successor to the
    deceased is established, the water right
    ownership may be updated to the successors name
    (the ROC must be accompanied by a copy of the
    probate document)
  • If an executor of the estate is established, the
    executor may deed the water rights in the name of
    the deceased (the ROC must be accompanied by
    letters of testament or probate documents which
    provide the name of the deceased and the

May 5, 1997
  • As of May 5, 1997, ownership interest granted to
    two persons, who are designated as husband and
    wife in the granting documents, is presumed to be
    a joint tenancy interest, unless expressly
    declared in the grant to be otherwise
  • Every ownership interest that does not qualify
    for the joint tenancy presumption is presumed to
    be a tenancy in common interest unless expressly
    declared in the grant to be otherwise
  • Prior to this date, the tenancy is considered to
    be in common unless specified otherwise in the
    granting document

The Affidavit
  • Affidavit
  • A voluntary declaration of facts, written down
    and sworn to by the declarant before an officer,
    authorized to administer oaths (notary public).
  • An affidavit may be used to clarify discrepancies
    in the chain of title, such as name spelling or
    specific beneficial use conveyed, if signed by
    all owners at the time of conveyance.
  • An affidavit cannot be used to convey title or
    establish joint tenancy.

Owner of Record
  • The owner of record must be exactly the same as
    the name listed on the conveyance document.
  • If there are differences, the discrepancy may be
    addressed by attaching an affidavit executed by
    the appropriate individual(s), asserting that the
    persons named are one and the same.

Trustees Deed
  • Generally represents default on loan
  • Preceded by a Trust Deed or Deed of Trust
  • Any deed executed after the execution of the
    Trust Deed is subject to the Trustees Deed.
  • Documents that may be required to support the
    Trustees Deed are the Deed of Trust, the Notice
    of Default and the Successor Trustee appointment.

BASIC 100 ROC Checklist
  • Fee
  • Signature of at least one of the new owners
  • Complete chain of title
  • Deeds are recorded in correct counties
  • Deeds are recorded in correct order
  • Deeds are signed by all grantors and notarized
  • ROC information matches the deeds
  • Water Right Number is mentioned on the deed
  • If the Water Right Number is not mentioned on the
    deed, a professional must sign the ROC, and
    submit a map establishing appurtenance
  • If multiple parcels are listed on the deed, the
    parcel the water is appurtenant is highlighted on
    the deed
  • Maps must match the legal description on the
    deed, and must be the same as the authorized
    place of use
  • The purported conveyance actually represents 100
    of the water right or 100 of the grantors

BASICPortion ROC Checklist
  • In addition to the 100 checklist
  • Only a portion of the water right is being
  • The portion of the water right conveyed has been
    clearly defined in the conveyance document OR the
    professionals statement on the ROC is reasonable
  • If the water right, or associated change
    application has more than one use and the uses to
    be conveyed have not been defined in the
    conveyance document, a professional must sign the
    ROC and specify the uses the professional may
    only define what has already been defined
  • If the water right or associated change
    application has more than one owner, and their
    interest has not been defined, the owners of
    record will need to define their interest with a
    deed or affidavit in order for the uses to be
  • Verify that the uses quantify
  • Verify that the grantor has the interest declared
    to be conveyed

Tips to Remember
  • All documents that pertain to the chain of title
    (deed, assignment, marriage certificate, probate
    document, death certificate, affidavit, map,
    etc.) must be attached to the ROC
  • The chain of title must begin with the owner of
    record on the Divisions records
  • The new owner and the professional, if retained,
    must sign the ROC and submit contact information
  • We cannot process a ROC without the required
    filing fee
  • Review all documents associated with the water
    right (hard copy / scanned documents)
  • Do a thorough title search on the property to
    assure no conflicting ownership documents exist

County Recorders TheDivision of Water Rights
  • The official office of record is the county
    recorders office (http//www.waterrights.utah.gov
  • The Division of Water Rights does not assure that
    title documents which may conflict with our
    ownership records do not exist
  • The filing and processing of a ROC is neither an
    adjudication of water right ownership nor an
    opinion as to title or validity of the water
  • Update of title on the State Engineers records
    does not warrant or guarantee title to the water

The Division of Water Rights Websitewaterrights.u
  • Report of Water Right Conveyance 100
  • Report of Water Right Conveyance Portion
  • Assignment of Water Right
  • ROC Process Status Page
  • Water Right Title Information Page
  • General information
  • Changes in processing guidelines
  • Links to resources

Common ROC Deficiency
  • Conveyance summary incorrect or not in
    chronological order
  • Missing a signature
  • No fee submitted
  • Mapping standards not met
  • Supporting documents (missing or dont convey)
  • Divorce Decrees
  • Affidavit attempting to convey property or
    establish joint tenancy
  • Water Right is Pending Adjudication Claim
  • The process for filing a claim has not been
    completed. The water right has not been decreed
    in court, nor published in a PD Book

Pending Adjudication Claim
(No Transcript)
Pending Adjudication Claim This status requires a
Diligence Claim to be filed.
Discrepancies on the Divisions Records
  • If it is believed there is a discrepancy
    associated with the water right on the Division
    records and appurtenance cannot be established,
    the Regional Office can be contacted to determine
    the action required to correct the State
    Engineers records. The correction will need to
    occur prior to filing the ROC.

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