Title: Recruitment and retention for sections
Dallas, TX March 4 to 6 Leonard A. Anderson, PE
AndersonL_at_asme.org Mandy Cowgill
BrogdonM1_at_asme.org Bill Robbins
- Overview of ASME Section Affinity Group
financial operations - Links to ASME policies
- Merit-Based Funding Process and relationship to
unit operations budgeting and planning - Custodian Funds
- Basics
- Handout Inventory
- Expenses
- Income
- Success Stories
- Events
- Section / Affinity Group Funds
- Accounting
- Financial Reports Manager
- Questions
- Continue on to Merit Based Funding
- Expenses (Uses for Funds) What does an ASME
Section or Affinity Group spend funds for? - Income (Sources of Funds) Where does an ASME
Section or Affinity Group get its operating
funds? - Fiscal Year How does ASMEs Fiscal Year differ
from the calendar year? (July 1 June 30 vs. Jan
1 Dec. 31)
- Overview of specific financial information -
LTC_financial_handout_11.doc - Dayton Engineering Sciences Symposium.pdf
- Event essentials Events.doc
- Custodian Fund Explanation.pdf
- MBF handout - Sections.doc
- MBF handout - Affinity Groups.doc
- Meetings, tours, conferences, short courses and
special projects - Recognition, honors and awards
- Support for officers and members to participate
in ASME programs - Speaker programs
- Scholarship programs
- Newsletters and other member communications
- Current method of providing funding to Sections
and Affinity Groups from ASMEs Operating Budget
based on Units achievements - To be discussed in detail in the second half of
this session
- FY08 (1st yr) 95K FY09 87K
- FY10 - 83K donated
- FY 11 85K donated
- Checks / EFTs should have been distributed by now
for FY 11 - Consider sending out reminders to Members to
renew and mention they can donate directly to the
Section on their dues statement
9How Do We Raise Money? Ask for it!
- Individuals
- Face-to-Face Asks
- Direct mail, letter campaigns
- On-line campaigns
- Telethons
- Special Events
- Products sales
- Foundations
- Submit letter of inquiry proposal
- ASME sources
- Outside Foundations
- Corporations
- Sponsorships
- Corporate Foundation/Marketing
- Matching gifts
- Campaign gifts
If Doing Any Major Fundraising, Check With Your
District Leader to Insure Youre Not Interfering
With Something Being Done by ASME or the ASME
Discussion on the Dayton Engineering Sciences
SymposiumMandy Cowgill BrogdonM1_at_asme.org
- Annual symposium
- Local engineers present research
- Commercial
- Military
- Academic
- Commercial sponsors
- Held at local university
- Continental breakfast, lunch with speaker
- Undergrad students (presenting) 0
- Grad students (presenting) 0
- All other students attending 25
- Unemployed ASME members 25
- Keynote/luncheon only 30
- ASME members 75
- Non-ASME members 100
- 2010 was 6th annual event
- 2005
- 6 ½ hr event
- 11 sessions
- 2010
- 9 hr event
- 28 sessions
- Extra funds to support
- Student sections
- K-12 STEM programs
- Promotion of
- Local section
- Local companies
- Host university
- Do you have any questions?
- How many would consider replicating this program
in your own Section? - Further info
- Mandy Cowgill BrogdonM1_at_asme.org
- http//www.cs.wright.edu/asme/DESS.htm
- ASME Program Initiative Fund (Policy P-2.3)
- ASME Foundation Grants (Policy P-2.11)
- Breakthrough Grants
- Enterprise Initiative Fund (coming soon)
- Levels of ASME Involvement
- ASME Sponsorship ASME has total financial
responsibility - ASME Co-sponsorship Joint financial
responsibility with another organization - ASME Participation No ASME financial
responsibility - Policy 12.1 updated
18Section Affinity Group Funds
- Monies from General Fund are disbursed by
appropriations in accordance with Society Policy
P-2.8. - Monies may be solicited for special activities in
accordance with Society Policy P-5.3. (Policy
2.1, Section IV.A.1)
19Section Funds
- ALL Units with bank or other financial accounts
using an ASME issued tax payer ID must submit a
bank statement in addition to the other annual
ASME requirements - If statements not dated 6/30, submit statements
containing 6/30s date
20Section Funds
- Submit These Financial Statements by October 1
- Scan and email to unitsupport_at_asme.org along with
your unit name. Please put "Bank Statement" in
the subject line. - Upload an electronic copy of your statement via
VERT at http//vorequest.asme.org/ - Send it via fax to 212-591-7671. Attention
Jessica Albert - Send a hard copy to ASME to the attention
ofJessica AlbertMS 23S1ASMEThree Park
AvenueNew York, NY 10016
- Money kept separately in banks or other
recognized financial institutions (distinct from
Custodian Funds which are maintained by the
Treasurer of the Society) - Each Section has a taxpayer ID
- Each Affinity Group should acquire a taxpayer ID
if they receive funding - Bank accounts should have at least two authorized
- Budget required by ASME and useful tool
- Check signing authority
- Documentation paper trail
- Audits perform annually
- Accepting Credit cards Acteva, etc.
23ASME Financial Reports Manager
- The Financial Reports Manager is a tool which
allows Unit Leaders to view reports of their
Custodian Accounts online - Requires special authorization usually given to
Unit Chairs and Treasurers
24Accessing the ASME Financial Reports Manager
- The Financial Reports Manager can be accessed
from the Unit Leadership Resource Center
http//volunteer.asme.org/Unit/ - Or, can be accessed directly at
25- The ALF Resources Financial Reports Manager
presentation will be posted on the 2011 LTC Web
Site, at - http//events.asme.org/LTC11/home.cfm
- Aaron Tsang TsangAH_at_asme.org
- Feedback on needs for ASME support for Sections
Affinity Groups in financial operations
27Part 2 ASME Merit Based Funding Program
28Discussion Topics Part 2
- Program Objectives
- Program Basic Facts
- Quick Review of the Section Affinity Group
Merit Funding Programs - Practical Exercise
- Review Typical MBF Timeline
- Important Filing Requirements
- Benefit of Experience
- Contact Information
- Your Questions
29Program Objectives
- A system that recognizes achievement in meeting
the Societys objectives and adding membership
value - Ensure that all Units, regardless of membership
size, demographics or geography have an
opportunity to secure funding for future
activities - Develop criteria that are not prescriptive, but
that set a roadmap and incentives for enhanced
section or group performance - Similar programs under consideration/development
for Technical Divisions
30Section Merit Funding
- Covers program year starting July 1 to June 30
- Mandatory Prerequisites
- In order to qualify for funding, each Section
must have submitted the required Annual Financial
Report, Operations Budget Report, and Merit
Funding form between July 1st and no later than
October 1st - A current list of section officers must also be
on file with ASME - Unit After Activity Reports are components of the
reporting criteria
31Section Merit Funding Updates - 11
- Reporting Criteria with varying weights
- Section Communications
- Section Activities for Members
- Provide Opportunities for Members Professional
Growth - Aid in the Development of the Engineering
Workforce - Section Operations
- Section Growth and Sustainability
- Partner with Engineering Organizations
(Districts G J) -
- Grade x Weight Score , Add Scores From all
Criteria - Total Score
- Note Not all section activities can be captured
by a single form. If a section has done an
activity or program above and beyond normal
programming they can include that for special
32Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Review of changes to the Section Merit Based
Funding Form for FY 11 (New criteria in
underlined italics) - Item 1 Section Communications
- Maintain a website with current officer contact
information. (definitions on page 3 of form) - Maintain regular communications with members
newsletters/meeting notices via website, direct
mail, email, text message, social networking or
other as appropriate to the section. (defns pg
3 of form) - Set up and maintain a new social networking
site/page for section members (Facebook,
LinkedIn, etc.) - Utilize ASME list-server for communication with
members newsletters/meeting notices, direct
mail, and email. - NOTE Scoring schema has changed for Item 1.
33Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 2 Section Activities for Members
- General membership activities held, such as
technical meetings, socials, tours, webcasts,
industry meetings, History Heritage events,
etc., with corresponding ASME Unit "After
Activity Report must be submitted within two
weeks of the activity (Item 5 includes grade
points for Executive Committee Meetings which are
NOT eligible for this category.) - Collaborate with other ASME Units / Sectors,
technical and professional societies and other
educational organizations by organizing joint
events and activities (definitions on page 3 of
form) - NOTE Scoring schema has changed for Item 2.
34Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 3 Provide Opportinities for Members
Professional Growth - 1 Point for EACH activity (Max 3 points)
- Sponsor or conduct a short course or other
professional development activity (seminar,
workshop, etc.) Earn one point for EACH 2 PDH
eligible event offered You can accumulate
more than one point per activity, or can add two
1 PDH activities together to equal 2 PDHs. (Note
No more than 1 point can be earned from technical
dinner meetings. See definitions, Page 3 of
form.) - 1 Point (Max 1 point)
- Send a delegate to the Leadership Training
Conference (LTC) Relocated from Item 5
35Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 3 Provide Opportinities for Members
Professional Growth Continued - 1 Point (Max 1 point)
- One Member submitted by the Section for ASME
District or higher Honor or Award - Bestow local Section Honor, Award or Scholarship
on one Section/Student Section Member (see
definition, Page 3 of form)
36Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 4 Aid in the Development of the Engineering
Workforce - Candidate Workforce Development Activities
- Conduct a dedicated activity for students and/or
early career engineers (networking event, student
paper presentations, career night, early career
forum, industry tour, etc.) - Conduct a short course at a level appropriate for
students or early career engineers - Engineering related presentations to or
interaction with K-12 schools, universities, or
student sections - Participation in engineering job shadowing /
mentoring program, or Engineering Fairs /
37Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 4 Aid in the Development of the Engineering
Workforce Continued - Sponsor an engineering workforce or university
activity (E-Week, FIRST, Human Powered Vehicle
Challenge, Student Professional Development
Conference, etc.) that promotes math, science and
engineering education. Engaged participation or
volunteering is expected in addition to any
financial sponsorship. - NOTE Scoring schema has changed for Item 4.
38Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 5 Section Operations
- Executive committee meetings held at least
quarterly - Conduct an annual program planning meeting
- Section has a representative participate in a
Global Communities or District or Society related
webcast - Section submits an article or a best practice to
bestpractices_at_asme.org - Maintain current Executive Committee officer
identification on the ASME master roster. - Maintain Section operations by-laws document and
have current copy on record with ASME
headquarters. - Maintain a section history (Current with the last
three years). -
- NOTE Scoring schema has changed for Item 5.
39Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 6 Section Growth and Sustainability This is
an entirely new Item 5 Points, Max - Co-develop and/or organize an event with a
Student Section Similar bullet was in Section 4 - Hold membership recruiting or retention campaign
or event Was in Section 4 - Personally contact and invite new members to
attend section event or activity (as per new
member list and guidance from ASME headquarters) - Include an early career engineer (less than 10
years professional experience) on the Executive
40Section Merit Funding Updates - 11Continued
- Item 6 Section Growth and Sustainability
Continued - Conduct one communication on how to make the most
of your membership such as a presentation at a
Section or Student Section meeting, or a
newsletter article. Similar bullet was in
Section 4 - Hold an early career event, resulting in at least
50 participation by early career engineers (less
than 10 years professional experience). - Item 7 Extent of Partnership with Local /
National Engineering Organizations (NEO) - Unique to Districts G J (Non-N. American Dists)
41Program Details Updated for 11
- Four grading levels (Excellent Good Fair and
Funding Withheld) - Funding formula 100 for Excellent 75 for
Good 50 for Fair and Zero for Funding
Withheld. - Funding formula takes into account unit size,
100 Amount x per member for first 250
members, plus y per member for each member over
250 members. For FY 11 formula x10.00 and
y5.45. - Current funding (FY11) is 375K (increase from
FY10 funding of 367K) FY09 funding was 390K
FY08 funding was 350K FY07 funding was 230K).
Should have been completely distributed by LTC. - Note The goal is for all sections to achieve
Excellent status - 15 Point Bonus To ALL Sections for FY 11
42Affinity Group Merit Funding
- Similar requirements to Section Merit Funding
program. Deadline for submittal is October 1. - Mandatory Prerequisites
- In order to qualify for funding, each AG must
have submitted the required Annual Financial
Report, Operations Budget Report, and Merit
Funding form - A current list of AG officers must also be on
file with ASME - Unit After Activity Reports are components of the
reporting criteria
43Affinity Group Merit FundingContinued
- Reporting Criteria with varying weights
- Governance - 2 points max
- Communications - 4 points max
- Activities - 4 points max
- Growth - 3 points max
- Fundraising - 2 points max
- Scoring
- Score of points x 10
- 0 - 50 No Funding
- 51 - 100 will receive percentage of funding
equal to score - Funding
- Up to 500/year is available to each AG to fund
group activities
44Practical Exercise
(Exercise based on section operations.It is
applicable to Affinity Groups as well, but
timelines may be different.)
45Typical MBF Timeline
- June Consider MBF as Unit plans next years
program - July 1 through Oct.1 Units prepare all
necessary reports (Financial, Budget, Unit After
Activity report) and file by Oct.1 - July 1 through Oct. 1 Units file Merit Funding
Report You will be notified that your report is
received. - Oct. 1 through Oct. 16 ASME Unit Support to
process and verify reports
46Typical MBF TimelineContinued
- Oct. 1 through Oct. 16 Leaders and ASME Unit
Support staff to contact all units that did not
submit reports - Oct. 17 through Oct. 23 Unit Support staff
(using Merit Funding Formula) to determine
funding levels - Oct. 24 through Nov. 6 Unit Support staff to
complete payment authorizations and submit to
ASME Accounting for payment - Nov. 7 through Nov. 17 Payment processing and
distribution - Consider calculating your Units TENTATIVE MBF
score at beginning of year and tracking
throughout as your actual program evolves
47Important Filing Requirements
- File your units reporting forms
- Unit Budget Financial Reports (no later than
Oct 1) - After Activity Reports (no later than Oct 1)
- Merit Funding forms (no later than Oct 1)
- All can be accessed on the Unit Leadership
Resource Center - http//volunteer.asme.org/unit/
- Notify ASME of your section/group officers (no
later than Oct 1) - Section chairs have the option of directly
entering officers online using the access to the
online roster. If you have any questions on how
to do this contact Jessica Albert at
AlbertJ_at_asme.org. -
- You can also submit a hardcopy of your officer
listing. The forms are available on the Unit
Leadership Resource Center under Section
Officers Committees Information Form
- Plan Development
- Revenue Estimate
- Expenditure Estimate
- Plan Approval
- Plan Submittal
DUE by October 1st!
FORM available from http//volunteer.asme.org/uni
t/ Section Form shown, Affinity Group Form is
An Annual Financial Report is a U.S. Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) requirement and must always
be submitted.
The Three Parts
- ASME Funding
- Unit-Generated Income
- Expenditures
DUE by October 1st for preceding fiscal year!
FORM available from http//volunteer.asme.org/uni
DUE within 2 weeks of event ALL reports due
by October 1st for preceding fiscal year!
FORM available at http//forms.asme.org/unitactiv
ity/CreateMeeting.cfm Filled out and filed online
53For More Information or to Comment
- Youre welcome to contact us
- AndersonL_at_asme.org , RobbinsW1_at_asme.org
- or BrogdonM1_at_asme.org
- - or -
- Contact your District Leader
- - or -
- meritfunding_at_asme.org
- - or -
- Burt Dicht, Managing Director
- Knowledge and Community Sector
- 212-591-7074
- DichtB_at_asme.org
54Contact InformationDistrict Leaders
District A Stan Halperson (FY011)
s.halperson_at_comcast.net District B Aaron
Tsang (FY13) TsangAH_at_asme.org District
C Mohammed Mahinfala (FY11) MahinfalaM_at_asme.org
District D Mahantesh Hiremath
(FY12) hiremathm_at_yahoo.com District E Elliott
Short (FY11) ShortB1_at_asme.org
District F John Mulvihill (FY12)
MulvihillJ_at_asme.org District G Vojislav Ilic
(FY12) V.Ilic_at_uws.edu.au District H Bernard
Gindroz (FY12) gindrozb_at_orange.fr District
I Mario M. Copa, PE (FY11) CopaM1_at_asme.org
District J Hadi H. Tahboub (FY12) hadi.tahboub_at_g
55Contact InformationAffinity Communities
Operating Board
VP, Affinity Communities (FY13)KC Dugal de la
Garza DugalC2_at_asme.org Finance Committee
Representative Stephen ReeseStephen.Reese_at_inl.gov
57(No Transcript)