CS 689 (Research Methods) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 689 (Research Methods)


CS 689 (Research Methods) Security in Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM) By SOBHA SIRIPURAPU Introduction ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode Originally designed to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 689 (Research Methods)

CS 689 (Research Methods)
Security in Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM)
  • ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  • Originally designed to implement B-ISDN
    (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network)
    technology so that all forms of data traffic (
    voice , video, data etc.) can be transferred over
    telecommunication networks.

Introduction (contd)
  • ATMs flexibility to deliver different classes of
    traffic at high or low speeds has made it a
    popular choice for many networks.
  • Therefore security is an emerging concern in the
    ATM networks.

Problem Description
  • Security is becoming more and more significant in
    network environment with the emergence of the
    internetworking technology.
  • Security in ATM networks is developing into a
    major concern because it was not a part of the
    original design.
  • This research describes why security in ATM
    networks is a potential issue and details the
    security measures needed to protect the network.

  • ATM networks require adequate security features
    to protect the involved systems, their interfaces
    and the information they process. The security
    requirements for ATM networks originate from the
    following sources -
  • ----- Customers / subscribers who use the
    ATM network

Motivation (contd)
  • ---- the public communities / authorities who
    demand security using directives to ensure
    availability of services, fair competition and
    privacy protection.
  • ---- network operators / service providers who
    require security to safeguard their interests.

  • The primal objectives in ATM security are
  • Confidentiality Confidentiality of stored and
    transferred data
  • Data Integrity Protection of stored and
    transferred information.
  • Accountability Accountability for all ATM
    networks and transactions.

Objective (contd)
  • Availability All legitimate requests should be
    allowed to pass.
  • In this research, we first examine the threats
    to ATM networks, the requirements of ATM security
    and its implementation issues.

Threats to ATM networks
  • The following intentional threats should be
    considered in a threat analysis of an ATM
  • Masquerade(spoofing)
  • The pretence by an entity to be a different
  • Eavesdropping
  • A breach of confidentiality by monitoring
  • Unauthorized access
  • An entity attempts to access data in
    violation to the security policy in force.

Threats to ATM networks (contd)
  • Loss or corruption of information
  • Repudiation
  • An entity involved in a communication
    exchange subsequently denies the fact.
  • Forgery
  • Denial of Service
  • This occurs when an entity fails to perform
    its function or prevents other entities from
    performing their functions.

Requirements of a Secured Network
  • Verification of Identities
  • Establish and verify the identity of the
  • Controlled access and authorization
  • No access to unauthorized information.
  • Protection of Confidentiality
  • Stored and communicated data should be
  • Protection of Data Integrity
  • Guaranteed integrity of communicated data.

Requirements of a Secured Network (contd)
  • Strong Accountability
  • An entity cant deny the responsibility of its
    performed actions as with their effects.
  • Activity Logging
  • Should support the capability to retrieve
    information about security activities.
  • Alarm reporting
  • Should be able to generate alarm notification
    about selective security related events.

Requirements of a Secured Network (contd)
  • Audit
  • During security violations, the system should
    be able to analyze the logged data relevant to
  • Security recovery
  • Should be able to recover from successful or
    services derived from the above.
  • Security Management
  • The security system should be able to manage
    the security services derived from the above

Generic Threats
Main Security Objecti-ves Masque-rade Eaves Droppi-ng Un-authoriz-ed Access Loss or Corruption of (transferred)information Repudiation Forger y Denial of service
Confidentiality x x x
Data Integrity x x x x
Accountability x x x x
Availability x x x x
Mapping of Objectives and Threats
ATM Security Scope
  • ATM architecture includes three planes
  • User Plane this is responsible for transfer of
    user data.
  • Control Plane is responsible for connection
    establishment, release etc.
  • Management Plane is responsible for proper
    functioning of various entities in the above two

Figure 1 ATM Architecture
  • User Plane Security
  • The user plane entities interact directly with
    user and have to be flexible to meet the
  • It provides security services like access
    control,authentication, data confidentiality and
  • Depending on customer requirements services like
    key exchange, certification infrastructure and
    negotiation of security options, might be useful.

  • Control Plane Security
  • This configures the network to provide
    communication channel for a user it interacts
    with the switching table or manages the virtual
  • Most of the threats to security are relative to
    control plane. Therefore it is very important to
    secure the control plane.
  • This plane may be secured by providing
    authentication and confidentiality of the signal.

  • If the message recipient can verify the source of
    this message, then denial of service attack
    cannot happen.
  • Control plane authentication can also be used to
    provide the auditing information for accurate
    billing which should be immune to repudiation.

  • Management Plane Security
  • This plane considers bootstrapping security,
    authenticated neighbor discovery, the Interim
    Local Management Interface security and permanent
    virtual circuit security.
  • Security recovery and security management have to
    be provided in security framework.

Figure 2
Security of the ATM layer
  • ATM layer entities perform ATM data transfer on
    behalf of the other entities in the three planes
    as shown in figure 2.
  • Since all data have to be transferred through ATM
    layer, the security of ATM layer is extremely

Draft of Phase I Security Specification
  • To solve the security problem for ATM security,
    ATM Forum Security Working Group is working on an
    ATM security infrastructure and have come up
    with Phase I Security Specification.
  • This deals mainly with security mechanisms in
    user plane and a part of control plane.
  • It includes mechanisms for authentication,
    confidentiality, data integrity and access
    control for the user plane.

ATM Firewalls
  • Firewalls are widely used security mechanisms in
    the internet as of today.
  • Traditional firewalls are not sufficient for ATM
    networks because of two main reasons
  • --- A Packet filtering router needs to
    terminate end-to-end ATM connections in order to
    extract IP packets for inspection.
  • --- The filtering bandwidth of a traditional
    firewall is far less than the typical ATM rate of
    data transfer.

  • Two approaches to solve the problem of
    incorporating firewalls in ATM networks are as
  • a) Parallel FirewallsIn this, distribution
    of load is done in two ways.
  • i) Static Distribution of connections One way
    is to provide a separate proxy server for reach
    service that has to be supported.By distributing
    the proxy servers among different hosts, the
    security can also be improved.
  • ii) Dynamic Distribution of Connections A
    proxy server may be replicated on multiple
    processors.Connections can then be dynamically
    mapped to replicated proxy servers.

  • The advantage of this solution is that meta proxy
    may gather status and load statistics from the
    proxy servers that enables a fair and balanced
    distribution of incoming connections.
  • ATM Firewalls with FQoS
  • The concept of Firewall Quality of Service
    (FQoS) is to optimize the effort to make the
    connections secure.

  • ATM has been predicted to be the most popular
    network technology in coming years. Therefore
    making ATM secure in terms of data transmission
    is a prime concern in network research and
    development. Though the Security Framework (Phase
    I) published by the ATM forum gives us a general
    overall view of the requirement, solutions
    meeting these are very few in number today.

  • http//www.3com.com- 3 Com Corporation
  • http//www.gdc.com-General Datacomm,Inc.
  • http//www.cisco.com -Cisco systems, Inc.
  • http//www.newbridge.com -Newbridge Networks
  • ATM Forum Security Framework (Phase 1)
  • http//www.atmforum.com
  • http//www.computerworld.com
  • http//www.network.com
  • http//www.nortel.com

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