Title: Symbolism from Greek and Roman Mythology Part II
1Symbolism from Greek and Roman MythologyPart II
- by Don L. F. Nilsen
- and Alleen Pace Nilsen
2Romulus and RemusRome, Italy
3Saturn, Bacchus DionysusSaturnalia,
Bacchinalia, the Planet Saturn
4The Phoenix Rising vs. J. K. Rowlings Phoenix
5The SphinxRiddle of the Sphinx
6Tantalus (the Catch 22 god)and Tantalizing
7Thalia (Music, Dance, Song)Thanatos (Death)
8The Titanic
9Boticellis Venus, Venus Fly Trap, Venus De Milo
(Le Louvre) and the Planet Venus
10Vulcan vs. Spock (A Vulcan)
11Astronomy and Astrology
- Northern Constellations
- (Never Set24-Hour Clock)
- Ursa Minor (Little Dipper)
- Ursa Major (Big Dipper)
- Draco
- Cepheus
- Cassopeia
- Southern Constellation
- (Never Rises)
- Southern Cross
- Australian Flag
- New Zealand Flag
- Zodiac (Milky Way)
- (Rise Set in 24-hour period)
- Aquarius (Water Carrier)
- Pisces (Fish)
- Aries (Ram)
- Taurus (Bull)
- Gemini (Twins)
- Cancer (Tropic)
- Leo (Lion)
- Virgo (Virgin)
- Libra (Scales)
- Scorpio (Scorpion)
- Sagittarius (Centaur Archer)
- Capricorn (Horned Goat)
- Sign Dates Stone Equinox/
- Solstice
- Aquarius Jan 12-Feb 19 Garnet
- Pisces Feb 19-March 21 Amethyst V. E.
- Aries March 22-April 20 Bloodstone
- Taurus April 21-May 21 Emerald
- Gemini May 22-June 21 Aquamarine S. S.
- Cancer June 21-July 22 Pearl
- Leo July 23-August 22 Peridot
- Virgo August 23-Sept 22 Saphire A. E.
- Libra Sept 23-October 23 Chrysolite
- Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 21 Beryl
- Sagittarius Nov 22-Dec 21 Topaz W. S.
- Capicorn Dec 22-Jan 21 Ruby
13Milky Way Galaxy and the Zodiac
14Astronomy and the ZodiacNorthern Southern
15Special Stars
16Mythological PlacesElysian Fields and Champs
Elysees in Paris
17Scylla Charybdis
18The River Styx (with Charon)The River Lethe
19The Iliad The Odyssy
20Jason the Argonauts
21Helen of Troy Trojan Horse
22Mythological ObjectsThe Golden Apple and the
Judgment of ParisJason and the Golden Fleece
23The Philosophers Stone and the Beginnings of
24Mythical CharactersGriffin, Satyr, Centaur,
25Hogwarts Houses
26An Invented PlatformAnd An Invented Alley