Title: Milwaukee
1Milwaukees Community Development Block
GrantConnecting Youth Services and Economic
- Nina Carlson
- Julie Fitzgerald
- Kevin Murphy
- Bethany Shore
- Prepared for the City of Milwaukee,
- Budget and Management Division, Department of
- Framing the issue Problems facing Milwaukee
youth - CDGA allocates almost 2 million each year in
federal CDBG funding to Youth Services
- Research Tasks
- Determine the effectiveness of Youth Services
grants - Explore the possibility of better linking Youth
Services programming to economic development - Methods
4Table 1 Carnegie Youth Characteristics and
Corresponding CDGA Program Categories
Carnegie Council Youth Characteristics Corresponding Program Category
Intellectually reflective Education
Healthy/Caring and ethical individual Crime prevention/personal development
Good citizen Civic Engagement
En route to meaningful work Economic Development
Healthy Recreation
5CDGA-sponsored youth programming by category
Program Category of Programs
Crime Prevention/Personal Development 20
Civic Engagement 8
Recreation 7
Education 4
Economic Development 4
6(No Transcript)
7Research Question 1 Overview
- Are CDGA Youth Services grants effective?
- Literature review on the general effectiveness of
youth programming - Analysis of CDGA performance files
8Do Youth Programs Benefit Young People and Their
- According to academic research, they do.
- Examples
- Education ? Boost GPAs and school attendance
- Rec Crime Prevention ? Lower anti-social
behaviors - Civic Engagement ? Improve concern for others
welfare improve work ethic - The Benefits Last
9CDGAs Reporting Monitoring System
- The beginnings of a successful performance
measurement system - Outcome identification
- Outcome tracking
10Best Practices in Performance Measurement How do
grantees perform?
- Outcome measurement
- Struggle to distinguish between outputs and
outcomes - Data sources
- Some fail to use an adequate data source to
measure outcomes - Signs of success
11Reporting and Monitoring Systems Recommendations
- Mandatory Grantee Training Session
- Strengthen Grantee Reporting Requirements
- Implement a More Interactive Monitoring System
12Research Question 2 Overview
- How can Milwaukee link Youth Services programming
to economic development? - HUD definition of economic development
- Creating and maintaining jobs
13Evaluation of Programming for Youth
Type of Programming Outcomes
Early Intervention -Higher rates of return -Improves capacity for future learning
School Age -Increases attendance and graduation rates -Lowers incidence of risky behavior
Preparation for Post-Secondary Education -Develops personal qualities necessary for post-secondary success
Economic and Workforce Development -Develops soft and job-specific skills -Positive short-term effects -Limited long-term employment and wage effects
14Policy Options
- Focus on Job Training
- Focus on Post-Secondary Education
- Status Quo
15Research Question 2 Recommendations
- Take a broader perspective on economic
development - Expanded definition of economic development
- Services that encourage post-secondary
opportunities for youth, teach marketable job
skills, provide workforce or higher education
training for young adults, or encourage
productive citizenship - Maintain current mix of programming