Mobile Chedar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mobile Chedar


Mobile Chedar A Peer-to-Peer Middleware for Mobile Devices Presentation for International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing (MP2P 05) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Jarkko
Tags: chedar | gateway | mobile


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mobile Chedar

Mobile Chedar A Peer-to-Peer Middleware for
Mobile Devices Presentation for International
Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing
  • 12.3.2005
  • Niko Kotilainen, research assistant
  • Department of Mathematical Information Technology
  • University of Jyväskylä, Finland
  • http//
  • With co-authors Matthieu Weber, Mikko Vapa and
    Jarkko Vuori

  • This paper describes Mobile Chedar, which is an
    implementation of a mobile peer-to-peer
    middleware enabling information sharing in a
    mobile environment
  • The proposed middleware is an extension to a
    non-mobile Chedar P2P network
  • Mobile Chedar allows Bluetooth-enabled mobile
    devices to access resources of Chedar P2P network
    through Chedar gateway nodes (workstations with
    Bluetooth adapters)
  • The middleware can be used to construct mobile
    peer-to-peer applications and as an example of
    such applications a co-operative learning
    application using Mobile Chedar is presented

Related Work
  • Four different MP2P middleware propositions were
    identified as the closest related work
  • Proem, 7DS, XMIDDLE and MOBY
  • In contrast to these middlewares, Mobile Chedar
    is an extension to existing peer-to-peer network
    and therefore differs in the approach
  • Also, Mobile Chedar provides mechanisms for data
    streaming, whereas the considered middlewares are
    designed for disseminating rather static content
  • The implementation of Mobile Chedar relies on
    Bluetooth, whereas many of the others have been
    built on Wireless LAN technology

  • Chedar (CHEap Distributed ARchitecture) is a
    peer-to-peer middleware designed for peer-to-peer
  • For example Chedar can be used to locate idle
    computers with a given characteristics in order
    to run computationally intensive calculations
  • Programmed with Java 2 Standard Edition using TCP
  • Currently used for speeding up the computations
    of NeuroSearch resource discovery algorithm with
    Peer-to-Peer Distributed Computing application
    (P2PDisCo) and for studying distributed data
    fusion in peer-to-peer environment

Chedar Internals
  • Nodes maintain a database of locally available
    resources and metadata for the resources such as
    type and path for a file or description of
    application registered as a resource
  • Resource database is stored as an XML document
    using a specific DTD, which allows making rich
    and complex queries to the database in the form
    of XPath expressions
  • Each Chedar node is identified with a unique

Mobile Chedar
  • With the advent of mobile computing and the
    inherent peer-to-peer properties of mobile ad hoc
    networks, Chedar has been extended to Mobile
    Chedar for mobile devices
  • Mobile Chedar provides functionalities for
    registering resources on a mobile device and for
    querying resources from other peers
  • Using Mobile Chedar, mobile devices can for
    example locate a communication stream from the
    network and subscribe to that stream to get all
    data written to the stream
  • By publishing the stream further other peers can
    join the stream
  • Programmed with Java 2 Micro Edition using
    Bluetooth transmission technology

Restrictions of Bluetooth
  • Because of restrictions in Bluetooth, one node
    can be connected to only one piconet at a time
    forcing the connection topology to be star-shaped
  • Chedar / Mobile Chedar gateway node can be for
    example workstation with a Bluetooth adapter and
    an Internet connection

Mobile Chedar
Mobile Chedar
Mobile Chedar
Chedar P2P Network
Mobile Chedar
Chedar / Mobile Chedar gateway
Mobile Chedar
Mobile Chedar
Streamable Resources
  • Nodes can provide streamable resources to other
    peers and subscribe to these streams
  • Multiple peers can simultaneously subscribe to
    the same stream and after subscribing they also
    start publishing the stream
  • Because streams are duplex, the data written to
    the streams by peers will be delivered to all
    other peers currently subscribed
  • However, the order of the data is not preserved
    and it is handled in a First-In-First-Out manner

Stream Delivery
Neighbor and Resource Discovery
  • Neighbor discovery is a prerequisite for resource
  • Using Bluetooths Service Discovery Protocol
    (SDP) all nodes within range of the radio
    frequency transceiver can be detected
  • Discovery of resources is performed as one hop
    query tagged with a unique Message-ID to all the
    nodes within Bluetooth range
  • When a query arrives to Chedar/Mobile Chedar
    gateway node, it forwards the query to all of its
    Chedar neighbors with default time-to-live

Mobile Chedar Application Programming Interface
  • Mobile Chedar provides the following API for MP2P
  • MP2P applications must implement the following

register(String resourceidentifier) Adds a
resource to the resource database. unregister
(String resourceidentifier) Removes a resource
from the resource database. connected() Chec
ks if Mobile Chedar is connected to other
Chedar nodes. query(String resourceidentifier) Ex
ecutes a query. subscribe(Resource
resource) Subscribes to the found
resource. unsubscribe(Resource
resource) Unsubscribes from a subscribed
resource. send(Resource resource, Message
data) Sends data to the subscribed resource.
resourceFound(Resource resource) Informs the
application when the query has located a
matching resource. receive(Resource resource,
Message data) Informs the application when new
data has arrived to a subscribed resource.
Mobile Peer-to-Peer Learning Environment
  • Mobile Peer-to-Peer Learning Environment (MP2PLE)
    is designed for collaborative note taking during
    lectures as a test application for Chedar
    peer-to-peer network and Mobile Chedar middleware
  • MP2PLE user interface contains a text area
    displaying the current state of notes and
    provides means for users to edit them
  • The user is allowed to modify any part of the
    notes by selecting a paragraph and submitting the
  • Whenever the data is being changed it is streamed
    to other participants subscribed to the same

MP2PLE User Interface
Use Cases for MP2PLE
  • There are two common use cases for such kind of
    an application
  • Firstly, it serves as a personal note-taking tool
    to store lecture notes
  • Secondly, people who do not take notes can
    benefit from other users notes, either during
    the lectures, or later, e.g. from home by
    accessing Mobile Chedar nodes through a gateway

Limitations of MP2PLE
  • Tiny user interface is problematic and provides
    only primitive means to take notes e.g., pictures
    cannot be drawn and class presentation material
    cannot be integrated with MP2PLE
  • Also, taking lecture notes is difficult because
    of the small keypads in mobile phones
  • Bluetooth does not allow multi-hop with current
    mobile phones, because the device can only belong
    to one piconet at a time

Conclusion and Future Work
  • Mobile peer-to-peer enables new kind of
    applications taking advantage of emerging
    short-range radio technologies and allowing
    collaborative resource sharing between peers
  • This paper described one way to construct
    peer-to-peer networks with support for mobile
    devices and demonstrates the feasibility with a
    prototype implementation
  • The future work of Mobile Chedar and MP2PLE
    includes the support of audio and video streams
    and determining the feasibility of the approach
    with practical experiments

Thank You!
  • Any questions?
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