Our Staff - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Our Staff


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Title: Our Staff

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Our Staff
Kindergarten Health
  • Must be current.
  • The parent, guardian or responsible person has 30
    calendar days from the first day of attendance to
    present the required written proof of
    immunizations. The child CAN be excluded from
    school until proof is provided.
  • If you have any questions about your childs
    immunizations please contact the school prior to
    the start date.

  • Medications will be administered at school ONLY
    if a Physician Order for Medication form 1702 is
    completed, signed by physician and parent and is
    in the possession of school officials.
  • These forms are available at the front office.
  • All medications must be brought to school by

When to Keep Your Child Home from School
  • Fever of 100 or higher (Should be fever free for
    24 hours before returning to school).
  • Red, watery eyes with yellow drainage
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Severe headache
  • Undiagnosed rash

  • We promise to help your kindergartner get where
    he/she needs to be

Ways to travel
  • Ways to travel
  • Carpool
  • Bus
  • Daycare Vans
  • YMCA Before and
  • after school care
  • Walker
  • Get carpool and bus numbers at July 6 meet the
  • Transportation tags are needed for the first two
    weeks of kindergarten.

Transportation Tag Date ______________ Student
Name___________________ Teacher Mrs.
Atwood Lunch (circle one) Buying Brought
lunch How I will be going home today (include
Bus number or carpool number)
During the First Weeks
  • Parents are welcome to walk kindergarten students
    to their classrooms on the first day of school.
  • A kiss and go routine reduces
  • the likelihood of tears.
  • Upon arrival kindergarten students are escorted
    to their classrooms by staff members.
  • In the afternoons, kindergartners are escorted to
    buses and carpool by teachers.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Arrival (845 -915am)
  • Children may not arrive at school until 845
    unless enrolled in YMCA Before School Care.
  • Carpool and buses begin unloading at 845.
  • Children should go straight to their classroom.
  • A child arriving after 915 will need to go the
    office for a tardy slip
  • Any child who is tardy or absent will receive a
    phone call from the NCWISE automatic message
  • Dismissal 345pm
  • No check-out after 315.
  • At 340 carpoolers and YMCA children walk to the
    multipurpose room to be ready for the 345
  • At 345 walkers go to lobby to meet their parents
    and buses are called.
  • All kindergarten students are accompanied to
    their carpool lines/buses by teachers for the
    first few weeks of school.

Staggered EntryWhat is it?
  • Staggered entry is a transition activity aimed at
    helping to ease your childs (and your!)
    transition into kindergarten.
  • Each kindergartner will come for one full day
    during the first week of school.
  • Be sure to sign up for a
  • staggered entry day today!
  • Sign-up tables are along the wall outside the gym.

Staggered Entry
  • Smaller group sizes allow the staff to offer
    individual attention and support as children try
    new things
  • An informal assessment is integrated into the day
    through play activities.
  • This assessment, along with observations over the
    first weeks of school will allow the staff to
    plan your childs instruction.
  • Why do it?

  • Staggered Entry Select ONE date
  • Staggered Entry Day Tracks 1,2,3
  • July 9, 10, 11 OR 12
  • Staggered Entry for Track 4July 30, 31, Aug 1 OR
    Aug 2
  • First Day for ALL students (after Staggered
  • Tracks 1,2,3 July 16
  • Track 4 August 5

On the way to the first day
  • Meet the teacher is Friday, July 6 at
    230-330.(Track 4 Meet the teacher July 26,
  • Focus on the positive your attitude determines
    your childs attitude.
  • Communicate Use your childs daily folder to
    turn in important papers and notes for the
  • Get plenty of rest and expect
  • tired children in the afternoon.
  • July 6

Things to remember
  • Talk to your child about how he/she will go home
    in the afternoon.
  • Talk about snack and lunch have your child pack
    both in his/her backpack so they know which is
  • Allow plenty of time in the morning to arrive at
    school on time.

First Day Supplies
  • Students will need to come to school with the
    following supplies on their staggered entry day
  • A large backpack without wheels (for art projects
    and school work!)
  • A towel for rest time labeled with childs name
    (no blankets or pillows please.)
  • A healthy snack labeled with childs name and
    packed separately from lunch. Please do not send
    cookies or sweets for snack. Think brain food! ?
  • A full change of clothes (inc. socks
  • packed in a large Ziploc bag and labeled
    with childs name
  • Transportation tag pinned to childs shirt.
  • You will receive a list of additional supplies
  • from your teacher at Meet the Teacher.

Transportation Tag
A Typical Kindergarten Day
  • Morning Meeting/Calendar
  • Literacy Block
  • Snack
  • Special Classes Art, Music, PE, Media,
  • Sharing/Shared reading or writing
  • Lunch
  • Recess
  • Quiet Time
  • Math
  • Science/Social Studies
  • Social Centers

Time to EAT!
  • On your staggered entry day you will receive
  • Your childs lunch number
  • Free Reduced Lunch forms
  • Payment options
  • Pre-pay online (preferred)
  • Send a check made out to TCE cafeteria for an
    amount you choose.
  • Students will wear name tags that also list their
    lunch .
  • When students pay for lunch they type their lunch
    into a key pad.

Lunch Money can be pre-paid online at the WCPSS
website under Departments Child Nutrition. Then
look for Lunch Money Options.
  • PTA Newsletter
  • Ribbit Report weekly
  • Principal Newsletter
  • Classroom Newsletters
  • Student Folders
  • Conferences - 2 per year
  • Report Cards - 2 per year

Opportunities to VolunteerALL VOLUNTEERS MUST
  • Field trips
  • Classroom events
  • Learning centers
  • KITS Kids into
  • Thinking
  • Lunch Bunch
  • PTA Events
  • Media Center

Thoughts at the Bottom of a Beanstalk
  • Once upon a time there was a little boy named
    Jack who was about to climb his very first
    beanstalk. He had a fresh haircut and a brand-new
    book bag. ??     Even though his friends in the
    neighborhood had climbed this same beanstalk
    almost every day last year, this was Jack's first
    day and he was a little nervous. So was his
    mother. ??     Early in the morning she brought
    him to the foot of the beanstalk. She talked
    encouragingly to Jack about all the fun he would
    have that day and how nice his giant would be.
    She reassured him that she would be back to pick
    him up at the end of the day. For a moment they
    stood together, silently holding hands, gazing up
    at the beanstalk. To Jack it seemed much bigger
    than it had when his mother had pointed it out on
    the way to the store last week. His mother
    thought it looked big, too. She swallowed. Maybe
    she should have held Jack out a year... ??     
    Jack's mother straightened his shirt one last
    time, patted his shoulder and smiled down at him.
    She promised to stay and wave while he started
    climbing. Jack didn't say a word. ??     He
    walked forward, grabbed a low-growing stem and
    slowly pulled himself up to the first leaf. He
    balanced there for a moment and then climbed more
    eagerly to the second leaf, then to the third and
    soon he had vanished into a high tangle of leaves
    and stems with never a backward glance at his
    mother. ??  

  • ?     She stood alone at the bottom of the
    beanstalk, gazing up at the spot where Jack had
    disappeared. There was no rustle, no movement, no
    sound to indicate that he was anywhere inside.
    ??     "Sometimes," she thought, "it's harder to
    be the one who waves good-bye than it is to be
    the one who climbs the beanstalk." ??     She
    wondered how Jack would do. Would he miss her?
    How would he behave? Did his giant understand
    that little boys sometimes acted silly when they
    felt unsure? She fought down an urge to spring up
    the stalk after Jack and maybe duck behind a bean
    to take a peek at how he was doing. ??     "I'd
    better not. What if he saw me?" She knew Jack was
    really old enough to handle this on his own. She
    reminded herself that, after all this was thought
    to be an excellent beanstalk and that everyone
    said his giant was not only kind but had
    outstanding qualifications. ??     "It's not so
    much that I'm worried about him," she thought,
    rubbing the back of her neck. "It's just that
    he's growing up and I'm going to miss him."
    ??     Jack's mother turned to leave. "Jack's
    going to have lots of bigger beanstalks to climb
    in his life," she told herself. "Today's the day
    he starts practicing for them...
  • And today's the day I start practicing something
    too Cheering him
  • on and waving good-bye."
  • (Author Unknown)

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