Title: Weddings, Anthony, Octavian, and the Senate
1Weddings, Anthony, Octavian, and the Senate
- A girl was eligible at the age of fourteen.
- Wedding rings were worn on the third finger of
the left hand, because it was believed that were
was a nerve that ran directly from that finger to
the heart.
- Favored time for weddings was the second half in
June, mostly because this time of month was
considered lucky. Weddings in May and February
were forbidden.
- Tunica recta is a term for the marriage dress.
It was a vertically straight woven tunic and a
flame-colored veil.
- Pronuba is a term for a married woman
- Upon entering their new home together, the groom
would ask his new bride her name. She would
respond with ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia. (Where
you are Gaius, I am Gaia.)
- The groom would carry his bride across the
threshold of the new home to ensure that she
didnt slip, which was a bad omen.
- Marriages were not forced. There was an obvious
consent on both sides in order for a marriage to
11Antony, Octavian, and the Senate
- Mark Antony was born in 82 BC and was referred as
a gambler by Cicero
12Antony, Octavian, and the Senate
- Antonys speech at Caesars funeral was so moving,
that two of the attackers, Brutus, and Cassius,
were forced to flee from Rome.
13Antony, Octavian, and the Senate
- However, a major setback to Antony was that
Caesar had really named his great-nephew and
adopted son, Octavian, as his chief heir.
14Antony, Octavian, and the Senate
- Antony was continually humiliated by Ciceros
taunts, and the Senate tried to push Octavian out
of the picture so that Caesars murderers could
obtain power.
15Antony, Octavian, and the Senate
- Octavian wouldnt allow that to happen. He
called upon his eight legions to band together
and march on to Rome to demand authority. He won
them over, as well as the right to be called
16Antony, Octavian, and the Senate
- The Senate became powerless. Brutus and Cassius
plan had failed, and the Republic was no more.