Title: Shift Happens:
1Shift Happens (Trans)Forming Peacemaking Sons
(and Daughters) of God in the 21st Century
- Thursday, June 2
- 900 a.m.
2Shift Happens
3Shift HappensReligious Preferences of Entering
College Students January 1989
- Roman Catholic 36.2
- Baptist 13.4
- Methodist 8.7
- Lutheran 6.2
- Presbyterian 4.5
- Other Protestant 4.8
4Shift HappensReligious Preferences of Entering
College Students January 1989
- Other 5.5
- Jewish 3.2
- Buddhist 0.4
- Muslim 0.3
- Hindu NA
- None 11.6
5Shift HappensReligious Preferences of Entering
College Students January 2011
- Roman Catholic 26.6
- Baptist 10.1
- Methodist 4.1
- Lutheran 3.3
- Presbyterian 2.9
- Other Christian 12.6
6Shift HappensReligious Preferences of Entering
College Students January 2011
- Other 2.9
- Jewish 2.9
- Buddhist 1.2
- Muslim 1.0
- Hindu 0.8
- None 23.0
7Shift Happens A Young Adults Lament
- I really thought long and hard about becoming a
member of the church and prayed for God to guide
me. I took the step seriously and when I finally
decided to make my commitment to Christ and his
ways, all I got was
8(No Transcript)
9A Question Worth Pondering Posed by a Jewish
- My sons school guidance counselor met with me
to talk about his intellectual and social
development. With a gracious smile she said,
Its so important for children to fit in and
feel like they are a part of the larger culture.
And I said to her
10A Question Worth Pondering Posed by a Jewish
- Why on earth would I want that?
11A Question Worth Pondering Posed by a Jewish
- Since I want him to grow up Jewish and know
himself to be Jewish first and foremost and
therefore different from the larger culture,
thats the last thing I want! -
12Think About It
- How many practicing Jews do you know who play for
any of the big universities or the NFL?
13Shift Happens
- Its 1973 and Im in my small-town high-school
history class. My teacher asks, How many of you
are Protestant? About a third of the students
raise their hands, and the teacher exclaims,
Wow, that many of you are Catholic! - Jump ahead thirty-six years.
14Shift Happens
- Im having a conversation with a friend about
her commitment to raising children outside the
church. She explains, - What intelligent person would possibly look to
the church as a moral compass these days? - Times have changed.
- - Cassandra D. Carkuff Williams, Learning the
Way Reclaiming Wisdom from the Earliest
Christian Communities
15Shift Happens
- Whether we like it or not, most 18-29 year olds
describe us as - Anti-Homosexual
- Judgmental
- Hypocritical
- Old-fashioned
16Shift Happens
- Too involved in (conservative) politics
- Out of Touch with Reality
- Insensitive
- Boring
- Kinnaman and Lyons, unChristian What a New
Generation Really Thinks About ChristianityAnd
Why It Matters (2007)
17A Question to Ponder
- Why do I as a teenager have to go through
Confirmation class but a 30 something who wants
to join the church only has to tell the preacher
and the next week she is baptized and joins the
church? It doesnt seem fair, especially if
shes never been a part of the church.
18Shift Happens Ways to Respond
19Shift Happens Ways to Respond
20Shift Happens
- Discern the proper age for each candidate (9th
grade) - Ask questions What are you seeking? Why do you
want to become a Christ follower? Whats been
your journey so far? What needs to die in you so
Christ can live in you? What aspects of the
Christian Way are not easy for you?
21Shift Happens Ways to Respond
- Incorporate the church in the formation of
disciples through prayer and liturgy - Use Accountability Groups
- Provide Mentors in the Faith
- Form the habit of worship
- Claim the power of the Eucharist to Feed, Form
and Transform
22Shift Happens Ways to Respond
- Do Transformational-Reflective Bible Study (e.g.,
Lectio Divina) - Teach Prayer
- Practice Spiritual Disciplines (e.g. retreat,
silence, fasting, journaling) - Discern Spiritual Gifts
- Serve the Poor
- Dont Be in a Rush
23Shift Happens Additional Resources
- David Platt. Radical Taking Back Your Faith
from the American Dream (Multnomah, 2010) - Companions in Christ Resources www.companionsinchr
ist.org - Richard Foster. Celebration of Discipline (3rd
ed., Harper, 1988) - North American Association for the Catechumenate,
www.catechumenate.or - Shift Happens Video http//www.youtube.com/watch?