Community Webinar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Community Webinar


... Volunteer, and Community ... programs/opportunities; recruit more members to ... public information tools are not user friendly 4-H is more than agriculture ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Community Webinar

Community Webinar CA State 4-H Futures Task
Force Recommendations for the Future
Facilitator Keeley Mooneyhan, HR Matters
Inc. April 30, 2014
  • Review Current Recommendations
  • Solicit Any Additional Recommendations
  • Next Steps

Ground Rules for the Day
  • Every idea offers potential success and the
    status quo stagnates innovation
  • Keep discussions open, honest and respectful
  • Be open to learning from others, listen actively
    and seek to understand others point of view
  • Give and receive feedback respectfully
  • Growth and change are a choice and move the
    conversation forward
  • Items should be relevant to our agenda today and
    we will actively table off topic issues for
    later- keep us honest in this effort

Shared Expectations
  • Partner, share, and build trusting relationships
  • Be the voice of innovation, change and
  • Help 4-H evolve
  • Make 4-H relevant and important
  • Speak of aspirations
  • Lead by example

Guiding Principles
  • Taskforce Goals
  • Strengthen program delivery Connect People,
    Resources, Programs, Tools, and Technology
  • Accelerate distribution of information,
    education, and learning
  • Honor and respect the past while leading 4-Hs
    next evolution
  • Identify Best Practices to grow, develop, and
    support 4-H across CA
  • Outcomes
  • Be committed to the mission, vision, and pillars
    of 4-H
  • Appreciate different perspectives of 4-H
  • Create a future where 4-H is considered a
    cornerstone of Youth Development
  • Identify areas of shared interest and value to
    the organization and commit to preserve whats
    great and to evolve what can be better
  • Overall Experience Goals
  • Minimize Negativity
  • Establish Trust and Grow Partnerships
  • Build Excitement Maintain Momentum
  • Create Interest
  • Gain/Retain Youth, Volunteer, and Community
    Engagement and Participation
  • Empower Youth
  • Drive Commitment
  • Set the Stage for Success (Expectation Setting)

Who, Why, What . . .
  • The Task Force is a cross-organizational group of
    delegates comprised of 4-H youth, adult
    volunteers, staff, and external partners
    supporting 4-Hs mission
  • There are several reasons for the conversation
    about the Future of CA 4-H, but most relevant are
    4 findings from the State 4-H Office which
  • Membership decline
  • 59 decrease over the past 40 years in the
    community club program
  • If this trend continues another 40 years, the 4-H
    community club program will be nearly
  • Need to build capacity for growth
  • More formalized connections, integration, and
    synergy across the state to free up resources,
    reduce missed opportunities, and be more
    effective and efficient in our work
  • Need for improved communication
  • Communication doesnt flow freely across the
    organization to reach all families
  • Communication needs to flow down, across, and up
    the organization to ensure the programs success
  • Sparse resources
  • There has been reduction in Staff and Adult
  • Decreased government funding and an increased
    need of funding from other sources
  • We met to have an open dialogue around what we
    love about 4-H and what we dont love so much,
    worked through how we might build a roadmap to
    the future, and created and collected
    recommendations from across the state
  • One key take-away was no matter where people sit
    in the state their experiences and pain points
    are similar with a lot of passion around 4-H and
    frustration around things that keep us from
    making the best better

Our Journey . . .
  • Understand the history of 4-H
  • Identify some of the opportunities for the future
  • Discover and Discuss Opportunities to Make The
    Best Better
  • Identify Areas of Interest
  • Draft Priorities
  • Confirm areas of interest
  • Set Priorities
  • Collect recommendations

  • Collect and share statewide feedback
  • Identify statewide themes for opportunity and
  • Draft Recommendations for the future

Where Are We today?
Current Conversation
The Roadmap to the Future
Vision, Mission,and Objectives
FTF Strategy
Public Relations
Organize 4-H to best meet the growing and
changing needs of the members, volunteers, and
supporters to better position growth for the next
100 years
Increase awareness, visibility, outreach and
participation in the program.
Build and improve relationships with members,
potential members, leaders, and external
advocates increase knowledge of
programs/opportunities recruit more members to
participate increase delivery modes of 4-H and
increase diversity by reaching more people in our
Increase communication across the 4-H
organization, share opportunities across
sections, and improve the flow of information.
Review of Timeline
Current Recommendations
The Top 5 Areas of Discussion by Level of
Organization The CA 4-H organization is complex and has multiple areas which have become unintentionally siloed. If the organization is able to reorganize to best meet the growing and changing needs of the members, volunteers, families and supporters the organization may be in a better position to help 4-H grow for the next 100 years.
Funding Continue to build a stronger case for support reduce costs for youth participation and increase resources.
4-H Public Relations 4-H is more than agriculture, its more than cows and cooking. There is a desire to increase awareness, visibility, outreach and participation in the program. Development of a 4-H PR plan and associated marketing materials is needed.
Engagement Build and improve relationships with members, potential members and volunteers, and external advocates increase knowledge of programs/opportunities recruit and retain more members and volunteers and increase diversity of youth and volunteer participants.
Communication Increase communication across the 4-H organization, share opportunities across sections, and improve the flow of information.
Engagement Recommendations
  • Engagement is how we interact, recruit and retain
    youth and adults in the program. Relationships
    and being part of a community are real tangible
    benefits from being part of 4-H. We want to
    increase outreach and participation in the
    program, particularly among underserved and
    underrepresented populations. 4-H needs to
    represent the diversity of the communities we
    serve and provide rich and diverse programs.
    Build and improve relationships with members,
    potential members and volunteers, and external
    advocates increase knowledge of
    programs/opportunities recruit and retain more
    members and volunteers and increase diversity of
    youth and volunteer participants.

Answer the question What is 4-H? in relevant and understandable language. This would help with recruitment, orientation, public image, and retention.
Explore the recruitment and Welcome Experience for 1st year families, youth, and adult (including teenagers). Create a Welcome to 4-H orientation framework and develop a graphic video to provide an introduction to 4-H.
Development of models to reach and establish 4-H programs in underserved areas with attention to integration with 4-H and sustainability. Explore streamlined (alternate) models of 4-H Clubs while maintaining the essential elements of the club model.
Need recruitment effort for younger adult volunteers and an effort to build and strengthen the collegiate 4-H program so that there are meaningful roles for them. (age 18-30).
Explore statewide programmatic consistency/alignment/standardization while balancing the need for local adaptability (particularly for those affected).
Strengthen youth-adult partnerships by minimizing micromanagement politics and establishing an engagement code of conduct (promoting an inclusive and safe environment)
Provide training to youth and adults either a statewide training corps or online matrix of topics with videos and activities.
Youth Leadership sectional conferences should be planned by youth and provide more resources to the sectional conferences to strengthen them.
Smaller and simpler record book.
Explore existing 4-H incentives and recognition programs to ensure it is meeting the needs of 4-H members (to retain youth).
Create consistent 4-H identity for all delivery modes (branding).
Communication Recommendations
  • Communication is the exchange of information,
    ideas, and access to tools. Information doesnt
    flow easily through the 4-H organization in any
    direction. Despite efforts to push information
    down from the State to the local levels,
    information doesnt get to every individual and
    locally information doesnt always flow back up
    to the State so that information becomes 2-way.
    It is important to consider the best
    communication strategies to reach every
    individual member/volunteer and ensure access for
    the majority if not all involved.

Conduct an Environmental Scan to determine the most common and effective communication delivery methods to establish an organization-wide communication plan. The overall consideration should include traditional print/web media, social media, newsletters, calendars, updates, organization policy access, and non-connected participants. The goal is to increase information and reduce redundancy and meet the diverse needs of the organization both geographically and generationally.
Establish website guidelines, template, and resource library to gain consistent look, feel, and content of all county websites. Define a template and standard approach with links to/from the State web site to include menu/headers, file organization, and search features. Build in performance tracking (to track active links), metrics, and web search optimization to increase incidence in key word searches.
As part of an overall Communication and Engagement strategy, create an escalation organizational chart with names, titles, and contact information for club, county, section, and state resources.
When members/volunteers register online, there should be a disclaimer that they will automatically be enrolled to receive the standard formats for communication correspondence including but not limited to newsletters, emails, calendar updates, etc. Individuals can opt out. As part of the registration process these communication vehicles should be set-up to be automatic so individuals start receiving information immediately.
Standardized project curriculum.
Public Relations Recommendations
  • Public Relations is the process of creating and
    maintaining a favorable public image. 4-H could
    benefit from a robust public image campaign to
    increase positive awareness, visibility,
    outreach, and participation in the program.

Define and align on What is 4-H to include Organization Values Clear Public and Private Values Key Messages related to what 4-H is and how it works Lock on public image which may include (uniform, symbols, and pledge)
Create a Marketing strategy that provides statewide templates, brochures, and social media collateral (_at_CA4H or 4-H) and instruction which can be customized for local use and distribution
Develop core messages, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and standard scripts to drive consistency in messaging for different purposes and audiences which are culturally and geographically sensitive. These messages should be shared with the organization so they can be customized and leveraged locally
Identify and support visible 4-H participation in non-4-H events such as maker faires, speaking contests, college bowls, etc.
Create a PR platform to promote 4-H as an educational development opportunity that expands beyond current perceptions
Create consistent approach to the use of the uniform to include guidelines around informal and formal dress so that 4-H maintains tradition and recognizes the changes necessary to meet the needs of todays youth. The emphasis is on creating an updated, comfortable, easy and affordable dress code for 4-Hers to be recognizable at any/all 4-H events.
Organization Recommendations
  • Organization refers to how 4-H as a body of
    people is organized for governance,
    administration, and delivery of programs. The CA
    4-H organization is complex and has multiple
    areas which have become unintentionally siloed.
    An organization should be established to best
    meet the growing and changing needs of the
    members, volunteers, families and supporters and
    to help 4-H grow for the next 100 years.
    Organization should address administration,
    management, program development and delivery, and
    funding challenges and create additional
    opportunities for efficiency and combined
    synergies for shared success and growth.
  • We cannot change the organizational ownership
    however, one of the ways we might move forward is
    to think in terms of One 4-H and how we can
    drive towards an outcome where CA 4-H operates as
    One 4-H Organization. The basis of the
    organizational design initiative include
    Collaboration, Communication, Operational
    Efficiency, Transparency, and Cross-Organizational

An effective structure for the California Youth Development Program should further empower and give youth and adult volunteers greater authority in the program. A structure should focus on 4-H Public Relations, Youth and Adult Engagement, and Fund Development as well as expand the programmatic focus at the state level. The structure needs to improve communication and minimize administrative and management responsibilities.
Organization that engages youth, volunteers, academics, community partners, state and county staff to execute in the following areas Management (effectively manage 4-H to meet its youth development mission and outreach objectives now and in the future). This will be managed through a board of directors and management committees. Programs Events (development programs focused on growing youth who thrive through science, engineering and technology healthy living and citizenship). To include working teams, advisory teams, and state-level event coordination. Delivery Mechanisms (engage youth through multiple avenues of involvement in 4-H youth development programs/project/events). This will include greater state/volunteer partnership at the sectional level as well as working teams focused on delivery.
Increased partnership for the state at the local level by assigning state staff partnership at the sectional councils and by reaching out to the county to determine better avenues of partnership with volunteers.
Next Steps
Futures Task Force
  • The Futures Task Force will present their
    recommendations to the State 4-H Director for
    review and consideration
  • Keep the Recommendations Flowing
  • Recommendations are how we adapt and grow
  • Recommendations are solution-focused. If raising
    an issue, provide a potential solution or state
    you dont have a solution and are looking for
  • Send recommendations to or go
    online to http//
  • The State 4-H office will prioritize the
    recommendations based and start then partner with
    the organization for planning and implementation

Future Planning
  • Cross-organization working teams will organize
  • Define the details of the recommendations
  • Take the approved recommendations and breakdown
    into what work would need to be done
  • Identify actions that need to be completed in
    order to move forward and implement. For
    example, identifying what resources needed to
  • Identify costs, resources, and other
    implementation challenges, risks, and

Future Implementation
  • Cross-organization working teams will organize
  • Build out implementation project plan(s)
  • Start implementing approved plans
  • Build and execute on communications plan
  • Develop change management plan and execute

Next Steps
  • Continue to engage in conversation towards One
  • Well keep the 4-H community involved and
    apprised during the next steps as this is Our

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Summary of Discussions from I Love 4-H . . .
4-H Public Relations Rich 100 year heritage and history rooted in agriculture with new participation opportunities Unique and different than other programs Pride and commitment for 4-H symbols from clover to CA uniforms to even the old clipart Family oriented, strong ethical base, legacies
Development Opportunities to develop youth and adult volunteers to grow and progress over time Skills, responsibility, public speaking, autonomy, improvement, positivity, competition, evaluation Varied projects, committees, conferences, training, events, and vast resources available Connection to universitys research and evaluation Teaching youth how to learn Great hands-on education for the money
Engagement Sense of belonging, lasting relationships, camaraderie, and being part of a family community Networks and connections for life Outreach, community involvement, open to all Passionate participants- members and volunteers
Leadership Conferences, club/project governance, and mentoring Ability to adapt and change Knowledge and experiences shared from adult volunteers and staff Youth leading projects, clubs, committees, conferences
Youth Adult Partnerships (YAP) Empowering youth to lead with the support and partnership of adults Dedicated volunteers
Summary of Discussions from I Love 4-H, but . . .
Communication There isnt enough communication Information doesnt flow easily through the 4-H organization in any direction Information does not get to the members and individual volunteers There is no formal process to inform volunteers or members of state-wide opportunities There are conflicts with parents at fair and events No good tool exists to communicate with everyone There is no easy way to share experiences, learnings, or resources More open dialogue between the staff, volunteers and youth required There is inconsistency in messages around programs, opportunities, and requirements No one knows what the different 4-H bodies do and why
Organization Some decisions seem arbitrary, and its not clear who does what, and how funding policy decisions are made The State creates too much bureaucracy and makes it difficult too much paperwork How 4-H is organized in CA impacts communication, what we do, and access to resources The current organization is not efficient and leads to lots of redundancies Inconsistencies across the organization
Record Books The online record book is challenging, complex and a deterrent to participation in 4-H although if used properly would build great skills The record book doesnt measure and track growth easily
Partnership Lack of external partnerships can limit opportunities, programs, support, and growth
Funding The program is too expensive for some families where does the money go? Everything requires money from clubs to conferences, and it is expensive There is a lack of funding to support growth in the program, staff, or resources
Summary of Discussions from I Love 4-H, but . . .
4-H Public Relations 4-H does not have a well known public image, its the best kept secret Its difficult to grow when no one knows about 4-H There are no national, state or local public relations campaigns to increase outreach The website and other public information tools are not user friendly 4-H is more than agriculture
Development More leader/volunteer development is needed Sharing/increasing resources across the state Need opportunities and curriculum for teen members to continue to develop and learn The programs, mandates and initiatives need more flexibility in implementation Need a better connection between initiatives and programs Need more for transition from high school to young adult (19-25)
Leadership More leadership training, programs, and opportunities needed Youth are not always leading or being heard Lack of conflict management skills and training for youth and adults
Engagement 4-H isnt available to every youth in CA Relationships are strained in clubs, counties, sections, state, and across volunteer to staff Learning curve for 4-H is hard, when/how to join, paperwork, how to, record book Volunteering can feel like a life sentence and many people seem burned out
Youth Adult Partnerships (YAP) Some areas of 4-H have become less youth led and more adult directed Youth dont feel empowered in all parts of 4-H Being a youth leader feels like being a baby-sitter at times
4-H FTF Subcommittee on Organization
Recommendations Proposed Outcome Summary
  • Based on our discussions there were several clear
    themes which emerged and should be at the basis
    for any organizational design initiative
    Collaboration, Communication, Operational
    Efficiency, Transparency, and Cross-Organizational
  • CA 4-H has a unique operational and support
    structure in cooperation, oversight, and shared
    ownership with the USDA, State of CA through the
    University of California Division of Agriculture
    and Natural Resources, Local Counties, multiple
    volunteer organizations, and 4-H youth/adult
    participants. Not to mention, funding and
    program support are often provided by external
    partners, grants, and fund development in and
    around our communities. We cannot change the
    organizational ownership however, one of the
    ways we might move forward is to think in terms
    of One 4-H and how we can drive towards an
    outcome where CA 4-H operates as One 4-H

The Key Objectives
  • An organization should be established to best
    meet the growing and changing needs of the
    members, volunteers, families and supporters and
    to help 4-H grow for the next 100 years
  • An organization should address administration,
    management, program development and delivery, and
    funding challenges and create additional
    opportunities for efficiency and combined
    synergies for shared success and growth
  • An effective structure for the California Youth
    Development Program should further empower and
    give youth and adult volunteers greater authority
    in the program
  • A structure should focus on 4-H Public Relations,
    Youth and Adult Engagement, and Fund Development
    as well as expand the programmatic focus at the
    state level
  • The structure needs to improve communication and
    minimize administrative and management
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