HSC Science Teacher Professional Development Program Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HSC Science Teacher Professional Development Program Physics


Title: Antarctic Astronomy: Progress and Prospects Michael Burton Last modified by: Michael Burton Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: HSC Science Teacher Professional Development Program Physics

HSC Science TeacherProfessional Development
  • 830am Space and Gravity
  • Michael Burton
  • 945am Physics of Climate
  • Michael Box
  • 15 minute tea break
  • 1100am The age of silicon semiconductor
    materials and devices
  • Richard Newbury
  • 100pm Lunch

Presentations will appear onwww.phys.unsw.edu.au/
Space and GravitySome ideas for HSC Physics
  • Michael Burton
  • School of Physics
  • University of New South Wales

Gravity and the Planets
  • Escaping from a Planetary Surface
  • Acceleration due to Gravity
  • Escape Velocity
  • Geostationary Orbit and the Space Elevator
  • Keplers Third Law
  • The Planets
  • Jupiter and its Moons
  • Travelling the Solar System
  • Slingshot effect
  • Mission to Mars and the Hohmann Transfer Orbit

What is an Orbit?
  • Falling at just the right speed so that we travel
    around the planet rather than toward it.
  • No energy is required to maintain the orbit once
    it has been obtained!

Assumed Knowledge
Weight and Escape Velocity
  • mgGMm/R2 and 1/2mvesc2GMm/R
  • Compile for each planet and compare
  • e.g. how heavy would a bag of sugar be on Earth,
    Mars, Venus and Jupiter?
  • how fast must you launch it to escape each planet?

Weight Escape Speed (km/s)
Earth 1.0 11
Mars 0.4 5
Venus 0.9 10
Jupiter 2.5 40
(Geo-)Synchronous Orbit and the Space Elevator
  • Synchronous Orbit when
  • orbital period rotational period of the planet
  • Space Elevator ascends to the synchronous orbit
  • Lower escape speed
  • 1/2mvesc2GMm/(rsyncrplanet)

rsync Vescape (surface) Vescape (elevator) Tascent (_at_100 km/hr)
1000 km km/s km/s days
Earth 36 11 4 15
Mars 17 5 2 7
Venus 1532 10 0.7 638
Jupiter 89 60 40 37
Question and Exercises
  • Calculate (geo-)synchronous orbit
  • Compare between planets
  • Which might be feasible, which impossible?
  • How might it be built??? (carbon nanotubes?)
  • How massive?
  • How long would it take to ascend?
  • What gain in reduced escape speed?
  • How much more mass for the same thrust?
  • (extra energy available for accelerating the

Keplers Laws
  • Empirical Laws
  • Kepler 1 Elliptical orbits, Sun _at_ a focus
  • Kepler 2 Equal areas equal times

Keplers Third Law
  • Exercise 1 Research r and T for planets and
    investigate the relation between them
  • Plot r vs. T then log r vs. log T

r T T2/r3
106 km Years yr2/km3
Earth 150 1.0 3x10-25
Mars 228 1.9 3x10-25
Venus 108 0.6 3x10-25
Jupiter 778 11.9 3x10-25
K3L and the Moons of Jupiter
  • Use a web application, e.g.
  • jersey.uoregon.edu/vlab/tmp/orbits.html
  • Record positions of moons every day (use ruler)
  • Plot on graph paper
  • Determine orbital period and radius for each
  • Do they fit K3L? (yes!)
  • What relationship between their periods?

Journey to Mars
  • Gravitational Slingshot
  • Hohmann Transfer Orbit

Gravity Assist to the PlanetsCassini mission to
  • Venus, Venus, Earth, then Jupiter, on way to
  • Took 6.7 years, with ?V2 km/s
  • Hohmann transfer orbit would have taken 6 years
    but required a ?V15 km/s impracticable!

How GravityAssist works
  • Relative to Stationary Observer
  • Spacecraft enters at -v, Planet moving at U
  • Goes into circular orbit
  • Moving at Uv relative to surface of planet
  • Leaves at Uv relative to surface in opposite
  • Thus leaves at 2Uv relative to observer
  • e.g. Spacecraft moving at 10 km/s encounters
    Jupiter moving at 13 km/s. Leaves at 36 km/s!
  • Conservation of energy and momentum applies
    planet must slow (very!) slightly
  • In practice we would need to fire engines to
    escape from a circular orbit. However, one could
    enter on a hyperbolic orbit, with a gain in speed
    of slightly less than 2U.

  • The planet Mars, I scarcely need remind the
    reader, revolves about the Sun at a mean distance
    of 230 million km, and the light and heat it
    receives from the Sun is barely half of that
    received by this world. It must be, if the
    nebular hypothesis has any truth, older than our
    world and long before this Earth ceased to be
    molten, life upon its surface must have begun its
    course. The fact that it is scarcely one seventh
    the volume of the Earth must have accelerated its
    cooling to the temperature at which life could
    begin. It has air and water and all that is
    necessary for the support of animated existence.

H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, 1898
(No Transcript)
Olympus Mons
600 km across x 24 km high!
The Gorgonum Chaos
Water on MarsPolar Ice Caps
(No Transcript)
Sedimentary Rock layers of time
Recent water flow on Mars
24 April, 2005
22 December, 2001
The Hohmann Transfer Orbit
  • Most Fuel Efficient orbit to the planets
  • Three Parts
  • Circular orbit around Earth
  • Elliptical orbit, perihelion _at_ Earth, aphelion _at_
  • Circular orbit around Mars

Wolfgang Hohmann, German Engineer, 1925
Energy in an Orbit
Applies for elliptical orbit, semi-major axis
a Etotal GMm/2a constant in an orbit
Assumptions MadeHohmann Transfer Orbit
  • Only considering gravitational influence of the
    Sun (OK)
  • Apply thrust without changing mass of spacecraft
  • Assume circular orbits for the planets (OK)
  • Consider only impulsive thrusts (i.e. no slow

Energy Changes
  • Step 1 Heliocentric orbit around Earth to
    elliptical orbit with Earth at perihelion and
    Mars at aphelion
  • E1 GMm/R
  • E2 GMm/(RR)/2
  • Step 2 Elliptical orbit to heliocentric orbit
    around Mars
  • E3 GMm/R

m50 tonnes Orbit, a EGMm/2a ?E
x 106 km x 1013 J x 1012 J
Earth Orbit 150 -2.2
Transfer Orbit 189 -1.8 4.6
Mars Orbit 228 -1.5 3.0
Time Launch
  • Time taken is half the orbital period for the
    elliptical orbit.
  • Use K3L!
  • i.e. T/2 where T2(RR)/23 when measured in
    Years and Astronomical Units
  • T(1.01.5)/23/21.4 years
  • Thus it takes 0.7 years
  • Launch Window
  • Mars covers T/2/Tmars x 360 135.9
  • Spacecraft covers 180
  • Thus, Launch when Earth 180-135.944.1 behind

Harder Problem how often do launch windows occur?
Questions to consider?
  • How do we know this is the cheapest fuel orbit?
  • Cant be less (wouldnt arrive), neednt be more
  • How much change in energy is needed?
  • Relate to amount of fuel?
  • Best time to launch a few months before
  • Why? (44.1) Why not at Opposition?
  • How long will the journey to Mars take?
  • Compare to Journey to Moon (3 days), to Jupiter
    (2.8 yrs).
  • How often can we launch (every 2.1 years for
  • Implications for return journey (first window
    after 1.5yrs)
  • Implications for human exploration of the Solar
  • What do we need humans for, what can a robot do
  • What about lift-off from Earth, landing on Mars?

The End
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