Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1Workpackage number WP5 Workpackage
Title Dissemination of Information Start
Date Month 0 Lead contractor UNITUS Person-
month per participant Alterra 2 UNITUS 20
Provide policy and stakeholder interface
Regularly update the website to allow access to
the latest scientific findings of the project,
along with source of data and relevant documents
Produce policy-maker summaries of each annual
report, which should be suitable for distribution
at relevant policy discussions (eg UNFCCC
Conference of the Parties)
D5.2 Online and ad hoc consultation to the
European Commission
D5.3 Report on the estimation of the contemporary
land carbon sink and its causes.
( Distill relevant informations from annual
3List of dissemination activities
- IGBP-WCRP- IHDP Global Carbon Project (Jan 2003)
- EU Presidency workshop on Climate Policy (Sept.
2003) - Contribution to IPCC special report on new good
practice guidance (Nov 2003) - COP9 UNFCCC Milano (Dec 2003)
- CarboEurope GHG workshop on terrestrial carbon
accounting (Jan 2004) - Update WEB page with polciy relevant documenst
(pdf papers Shulze et al., Valentini et al etc
4Distill policy relevant results
- Work on a CAMELS paper within the 2nd year
- Addressing the question of energy and
vulnerability of carbon
5(No Transcript)
6Potential future carbon gap due to land processes
( stabilization _at_ 550 ppm)
Gruber et al 2003 , SCOPE project