Mini-research project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mini-research project


Magneto-convection Movies from Hinode/SOT Granules (weak B) Umbral dots (strong B) Magnetic fields suppress convection. Example of convection simulation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mini-research project

Mini-research project
  • Participants are divided into 6 teams.
  • Each team includes 2-4 members and is supervised
  • Yokoyama or Isobe or ChenPF
  • Each team works on a research project together.
  • On Friday we have presentation from each team.
  • If it works well, we continue collaboration and
    write papers!
  • If you have your own idea for research project,
    you can work on it yourself. We will help the
    simulation setup.

Possible projects
  • Asymmetric flare loop (1DHD)
  • Three-minutes oscillation and spicule (1D HD)
  • Upflow in coronal dimming after CME (1D HD)
  • Multiple loop modeling of solar/stellar flares
    (1D HD)
  • Wave propagation in stratified atmosphere (2D
  • Standing sausage mode (coronal wave) (2D MHD)
  • Magnetic reconnection (2D MHD)
  • (Magneto-)convection (2D HD/MHD)

1. Asymmetric flare loop
Scenario of flare loop evolution
  • Energy input at the loop top (by reconnection)
  • Energy transport to chromosphere
  • Heat conduction
  • Non-thermal particles (electrons)
  • Chromospheric evaporation

energy input
heat conduction, particles
Isobe et al. 2005
What happens in asymmetric loop?
  • Footpoint with stronger magnetic field has
    stronger convergence (because BAconst.)
  • Stronger convergence stronger mirroring less
    precipitation of particles weaker HXR (Sakao
  • About 1/3 flares shows opposite sense (Goff et
    al. 2004)
  • Aim of this study
  • What about heat conduction?
  • Can we find observational signature of asymmetric
    heat conduction?

Sakao 1994
Simulation setup
  • 1D hydrodynamics
  • Heat conduction
  • Radiative cooling
  • Flare heating
  • Possible future extensions
  • Include non-thermal particles and calculate HXR
  • Calculate radiative transfer in chromosphere and
    optical emissions (using Nanjings code?)

2. 3-min oscillation in chromosphere
  • With the standard solar atmospheric model
    (VAL3C), even 5-minute oscillations are imposed
    at the bottom of the photosphere, you will get
    3-min oscillation in the chromosphere. Although
    many people believe that the 3-min period comes
    from the cut-off frequency, it is still a problem
    with some debates.

3. Upflow in coronal dimming after CME
Temperature-dependent upflow found in dimming
region (Imada et al 2007) Mass supply from
chromosphere (Jin Chen 2009)?
Imada et al. 2007
Simulation setup
  • 1D HD w/ or w/o heat conduction
  • Evacuated open magnetic field (pressure smaller
    than hydrostatic).
  • Is there mass supply from chromosphere?
  • What kind of heating term can produce Imadas

4. Multiple loop modeling of stellar flares
  • Motivation
  • stellar flares can not be spatially resolved
  • loop size can be estimated from cooling time

Energy equation
Longer loop length L is results in longer cooling
time td
Application to X-ray observations
Periodic X-ray flare on class I protostar (Tsuboi
et al. 1999)
Estimate of L from td yields L
14Rsun gt Rstar a few Rsun
X-ray intensity
Isobe et al. 2003
Flare loop connecting the star and its accretion
Disk-star flare
  • Magnetic loop is twisted by differential
  • Expansion and eruption of the loop
  • Reconnection gt flare

Hayashi, Matsumoto Shibata 1996
Effect of continuous heating
In reality, weaker energy release continues
during decay phase
Neglecting heating term will overestimate the
loop length
Using 1D HD simulation, Reale et al. (1997) made
a scaling law of loop length and slope in n-T
Shortage in Reales model
  • R97 assumed continuous heating in the same loop.
  • In reconnection model, continuous heating occurs
    in different (outer) loops.

Hori et al. 1997
  • Observed light curve is a super position of many
    successively heated loops.
  • Will this change the scaling for loop length?

Strategy of the project
  • Run 1D simulations with different heating rate
    and different loop length, corresponding to the
    different stage in a flare (pseudo-two
    dimensional approach)
  • Calculate the temporal evolution of average
    temperature and density of a sum of many loops
  • Compare the slope in n-T diagram and the loop
    length. Any difference from R97?

5. Waves in stratified atmosphere
  • Stratification introduce variety of complexity in
    wave modes
  • acoustic cutoff
  • internal gravity wave
  • Near the foot point of a flux tube,
  • plasma beta change from gt1 to lt1.
  • gt Mode conversion between fast and slow modes

Study the various magnetic and non-magnetic waves
in stratified atmosphere.
Hasan 2005
6. Standing sausage mode
  • Roberts et al. (1983) proposed that the frequency
    of the standing sausage mode in the flux tube is
    determined by the radius of the tube. However,
    Nakariakov et al. (2003) found that the frequency
    should be determined by the length, rather than
    the radius.

7. Magnetic reconnection
  • Flare sudden conversion of the magnetic energy
    to the thermal and kinetic energy of plasma
  • Resistivity ? is tiny in the coronal plasma
  • Releasing the magnetic energy of a typical solar
    flare (1030 erg) by simple diffusion takes 107
  • The time scale of flares are comparable to Alfven
    time tA (dynamical time of the system). We need
    a fast energy release mechanism fast

Rm magnetic Reynolds number
What is magnetic reconnection
  • Diffusion becomes fast when the gradient of
    magnetic field strength is large current sheet.
  • When reconnection of magnetic field lines occurs
    , the Lorentz force accelerates the plasma (like
    a slingshot) and expel the plasma from the
    current sheet, so that current sheet becomes
    thinner and diffusion becomes faster.
  • Energy release rate ? reconnection rate MAVin/VA

Theories of magnetic reconnection 1.
Sweet-Parker reconnection
Mass conservation
Balance of advection and diffusion in steady
gt Reconnection rate
Parker 1957, Sweet 1958
... too slow
Reconnection becomes Sweet-Parker type if the
resistivity is uniform.
Theories of magnetic reconnection 2.
Petschek reconnection
Petschek 1964
  • Diffusion region is localized in a small region.
  • Plasma heating/acceleration by slow mode MHD
  • MHD simulations if resistivity is localized,
    Petschek-like reconnection (i.e., with slow
    shocks) occurs.
  • Such localized resistivity may be realized by
    anomalous resistivity (microscopic instabilities)

Research project Reconnection basics
  • Either Sweet-Parker nor Petschek reconnection
    are the exact solution of MHD equation.
  • Can we reproduce the S-P scaling by simulation?
  • What happens when we gradually change the
    spatial profile of resistivity? Transition from
    SP to Petschek?

Research project 2 High-beta reconnection
Shibata et al. 2007
  • Observations indicates fast reconnection occurs
    also in chromosphere and photosphere
  • Chromospheric jets
  • Ellerman bombs
  • Magnetic cancallation
  • etc..

If Petschek reconnection realized in high-beta
8. Magneto-convection
Movies from Hinode/SOT
Granules (weak B)
Umbral dots (strong B)
Magnetic fields suppress convection.
Example of convection simulation
Possible projects
  • 1. Deep convection
  • Previous simulations consider only shallow layer
    near the surface.
  • In reality, solar convection zone is as deep as
  • Density changes 5-6 orders of magnitude across
  • Do we see multi-scale convection
    (meso-granulation, super granulation) ?
  • Effect of magnetic field?

Stein 2006
Possible projects
  • 2. Magneto-convection with horizontal fields

Application sunspot penumbra, emerging flux
How to proceed
  • Think about the problem and determine the
    numerical setup in your head (1D or 2D, gravity?
    thermal conduction? initial condition, boundary
    condition etc..)
  • Find a similar model (md_) from already existing
    models in CANS
  • e.g., md_flare for asymmetric flare loop
  • Modify model.f (initial condition), bnd.f
    (boundary condition) and main.f (data I/O etc)
    according to your problem
  • Check the data, think again, change the program
    and run it again
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