Trade and FDI in Services in Asia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Trade and FDI in Services in Asia


Trade and FDI in Services in Asia Kailas Karthikeyan , UNCTAD Fostering Trade through Private-Public Dialogue Expert Meeting on Regional Integration in Asia – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Trade and FDI in Services in Asia

Trade and FDI in Services in Asia
  • Kailas Karthikeyan , UNCTAD
  • Fostering Trade through Private-Public Dialogue
  • Expert Meeting on Regional Integration in Asia
  • 28th and 29th March 2007

Contribution of Services Sector
  • It has been theoretically argued and empirically
    estimated that as economic growth proceeds as the
    services sector grows.
  • In 1990, the services sector contributed more
    than 60 of GDP in most of the developed
    countries while in developing countries of Asia
    it ranged between 40 to 45 in 1990.
  • In the period 1990 to 2005, we find that the
    share of services in GDP remained more or less
    the same in many East and Southeast Asian
    countries while there has been a rise in its
    share in most of the South Asian countries

Growth rate in manufacturing sector has been
higher in ASEAN countries because of which the
contribution of services sector has not been high.
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Trade in Services
  • An important reason for growth of services sector
    has been trade in services.
  • There has been a substantial increase in services
    trade as a proportion of GDP in most of the ASEAN
    countries in period 1990 to 2005.
  • In most of the South East Asian countries it
    averaged around 20.
  • However, for most of the South Asian countries,
    except Maldives, trade in services as a
    proportion of GDP has not been very high (less
    than 10)


Trade in services in South East Asia
  • Almost all the ASEAN countries witnessed an
    increase in their trade in services in the latter
    half of the 1990s compared to the early 1990s.
  • Liberalisation of their financial sector led to a
    rapid increase in trade in financial services in
    these countries.
  • But the financial crisis of 1997 led to a
    lowering of trade in services, especially in the
    case of the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand.

Trade in services in South Asia
  • In South Asia, tourism has been the main form of
    trade in countries like Nepal and Maldives.
  • The proportion of trade in services to total
    trade therefore has remained high in these
    countries, except for periods of political
  • India, on the other hand, has witnessed a steady
    growth in the proportion of services trade to
    total trade, which can be solely attributed to
    trade in IT and ITES.
  • Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal, on the other hand,
    have experienced a fall/stagnation in the average
    percentage of trade in services in total trade.

South Asia in Global Services Trade
  • South Asia as a whole has been able to increase
    its exports of commercial services between 1993
    to 2003 by almost four times, i.e., US 7.9
    billion to US29 billion. But out of this US25
    billion is from India.
  • However low growth from other South Asian
    countries is largely attributed to substantial
    underestimation of the real flows.
  • 40 of remittances to Bangladesh are through
    illegal hundi sources.
  • In Pakistan, out of a total US 10 billion only
    US1billion is through formal channels.
  • Of the other South Asian countries, Sri Lankas
    remittance receipts were larger than its tea
    exports, and in case of Nepal, the remittances
    accounted for 12 percent of its GDP in 2004.

RCA Analysis for Asian Countries
  • RCAij(Exports of i in jth service sector /Total
    Exports of i in services) / ( Exports of Asian
    countries to world in jth services sector / Total
    Exports of services of Asian countries to world )
  • Year 2003 (UNCTAD Stats 2006)

Countries which had RCA in sector more than 1
China, Hong Kong SAR Bangladesh China China Cambodia China, Hong Kong SAR
Korea, Republic of India China, Hong Kong SAR China, Hong Kong SAR China Korea, Republic of
Philippines China, Hong Kong SAR India Singapore China, Macao SAR Singapore
Singapore Indonesia Malaysia Indonesia
Sri Lanka Pakistan Philippines Malaysia
Philippines Sri Lanka Maldives
Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar
Sri Lanka
Intra-Regional Complementarity
  • Complementarity in competitive advantages in
    services between South Asia and East and South
    East Asia.
  • South Asia competitive with respect to
    Communication services and Travel services while
    ASEAN competitive with respect to financial
    services and other business services.

Services Trade South Asias Major Strengths
  • South Asia is the second largest recipient of
    remittances in the world. In 2005 it received US
    32 billion dollars.
  • The region therefore has comparative of advantage
    in Mode 4 of GATS, in both high skill and low
    skill workers.
  • Cross border trade in services under Mode 1 is
    important for India and countries like
    Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are also
    emerging as regions for BPO outsourcing.

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Market Access Barriers to Services Exports
  • Barriers in Cross-Border Trade
  • The growing business of outsourcing is creating a
    more efficient global division of labour and
    bringing significant welfare gains
  • But simultaneously it is affecting the structure
    of employment in a number of importing countries
    and impose adjustment costs.
  • This has led to big concerns and apprehension in
    the US and the UK about the IT job loss.
  • 112 bills were passed till first three months of
    2005 in US restricting government offshoring.

Market Access Barriers in Mode 1
  • a) The US Congress included in the fiscal 2004
    omnibus spending bill a provision that prohibits
    federal agencies from outsourcing some kinds of
    work to private companies that use workers
  • b) Prohibits a company from receiving state or
    local contracts, grants, loans, or bonds, if the
    company has a net loss of employees in the state
    during the prior calendar year caused by the
    company relocating jobs from the state to a site
    located outside the United States.
  • c) Only individuals who are either US citizens or
    authorised to work in US permitted to perform
    certain contracts.

Market Access Barriers Mode 1
  • In Europe also there were legal norms designed to
    protect workers in outsourced deals known as
    TUPES (Transfer of Undertakings and Protection of
    Employees), which also have an inhibiting
  • EU even gave wide ranging directives to safeguard
    the privacy of personal data of EU citizens by
    backing power to cut data flows to countries that
    the EU judges not to have adequate data

Barriers for Temporary Movement of Natural
Persons from Asia to developed economies
  • Wage-parity requirement discourages import of
    cheap labour
  • strict visa procedures
  • Economic Needs Tests
  • Non-recognition of professional qualifications
  • Imposition of discriminatory standards or
    burdensome licensing requirements,
  • payment of social security without corresponding
    benefits like medical and pension insurance
  • requirements of registration with or membership
    of professional organisations.

  • Asian Regional Integration can compensate / make
    up for lack of liberalisaton seen in developed

Trade in Mode 4 Services within Asia
  • Source Countries Bangladesh, Cambodia, China,
    Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Phillipines,
    Sri Lanka Vietnam
  • Destination Countries West Asia and Persian
    Gulf, Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea,
    Singapore, Taiwan
  • Both Source Destination Countries India,
    Malaysia, Pakistan and Thailand.
  • (Wickramasekara, ILO, 2002)

Need for Mutual Recognition Agreements - I
  • Mutual recognition of qualification is considered
    to be the main obstacle affecting trade in
    professional services.
  • Commitments on market access and national
    treatment are not always sufficient for a foreign
    service supplier to be able to supply a market
    because if a profession is regulated, no one can
    practice it without a license.
  • Some professions such as law, health care,
    engineering, architecture, and accountancy fall
    into the category of accredited or regulated
    professions in most countries.

Need for Mutual Recognition Agreements - II
  • Article VII of GATS allows Members to enter into
    mutual recognition agreements (MRAs), enabling
    them to recognise the education or experience
    obtained, requirements met, or licenses or
    certifications granted in one or several other
  • The article further requires that negotiations to
    such agreements be open to all Members that can
    demonstrate that their qualifications are
  • However, to date, the number of MRAs and their
    impact on services trade have been rather

Services Trade Restrictions in Asia The example
of telecom
  • Indonesias telecom policy restrictions that
    enable state enterprise domination only partial
    liberalisation in 1990s.
  • Similarly Malaysias commitments also limited
    important to study reservations for Bumiputras
    whether this had a buffer effect in 1997 crisis.
    Similarly Thailand.
  • Case for regional openness success of India in
    sequential liberalisation a case in point.

  • Complementarities exist in Asia- regional
    integration in services likely to improve
    competitive exporters earnings as well as induce
    efficiencies in importing countries.
  • Evidence already suggests high intra-Asian FDI
    movement in services sector
  • Compelling groundss to explore Asian services
    integration no significant new opening of
    traditional services export markets plus
    restrictions in accessing these.
  • Importance of learning lessons within region
    both successes (India telecom) and failures
    (financial services liberalisation in SE-Asia and
    1997 crisis)
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