Title: Human Subject Protection Issues for HSR
1Office of Research Oversight
- Human Subject Protection Issues for HSRD
Researchers - Tom Puglisi, PhD, CIP
- Chief Research Oversight Officer
- HSRD National Meeting
- February 21-23, 2007
2Frequent Problem Areasin HSRD Research
- Research vs Quality Improvement
- Research vs Program Evaluation
- Compartmentalizing Project Activities
- Patients and Providers as Subjects
- Information Security
- Engagement
3Definition of Research38 CFR 16.102(d)
- A systemic investigation, designed to develop or
contribute to generalizable knowledge. - Includes research development, testing,
evaluation - May include demonstration and service programs
- Activities which meet this definition constitute
research for purposes of this policy, whether or
not they are conducted or supported under a
program which is considered research for other
4Research vsQuality Improvement
- Research is designed to develop or contribute
to generalizable knowledge - Design gt plan / methodology
- Design gt intention
- Prospective intention to conduct research
- Post Hoc intention to conduct research
5Research vsProgram Evaluation
- Independence of the Program Under Evaluation
- Research Team did not design the program
- Research Team did not implement the program
- Program existed prior to the evaluation
- Program will continue after the evaluation
6CompartmentalizingProject Activities
- The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
- Intent of the activity as a whole is critical to
research vs non-research determination - Unless activities and information access are
strictly limited in writing, all members of the
research team are generally accountable for the
project as a whole, including their intellectual
7Patients and Providersas Research Subjects
- Subjects may feel undue influence to
participate - Confidentiality risks are real
- Harm may be substantial
8Information Security
- Anonymous vs
- Not Identifiable
- De-identified
- Coded
- VA Security Requirements
- Storage
- Transmission
- Encryption
9Engagement in Research
- Federal Policy (Common Rule)
- 38 CFR 16.103(a)
- Each institution engaged in research conducted
or supported by a Federal Department shall
provide written assurance satisfactory to the
Department that it will comply with the
requirements set forth in this policy.
10General Consequences ofEngagement
- Federalwide Assurance (FWA) is REQUIRED
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) review and
approval are USUALLY (but not always) REQUIRED
11Engagement in Human ResearchVHA Handbook 1200.5
- A VA facility is engaged in human subject
research (and needs an Assurance) whenever its
employees or agents - Intervene or interact with living individuals
- for research purposes, or
- Obtain, release, or access individually-identifiab
le private information (or individually-identifiab
le specimens) for research purposes - See 38 CFR 16.102(f)
12VA Facilities Housing Research Repositories
- Are engaged in a human research activity (ie,
maintaining a research repository) - Facility IRB must review and approve protocol
with - Requirements for operating the repository
- Requirements for accepting, storing, and sharing
data - Requirements for maintaining privacy and
confidentiality - Are typically NOT considered involved in the
conduct of individual projects using repository
data - Review of individual projects by Repository
Facilitys IRB typically not required unless PI
is also at the facility
13Critical Question IRB Review byNon-Engaged VA
- When is the VA facility responsible for
activities of non-facility researchers? - Involving the facilitys patients but conducted
outside the facility? - Involving the facilitys employees but conducted
outside the facility?
14Definition of Research38 CFR 16.102(d)
- Examples of HSRD Research
15Office of Research Oversight
- http//www1.va.gov/oro/
- 811 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 574 (10R)
- Washington, D.C. 20420
- PHONE (202) 565-5184
- FAX (202) 565-9194