Title: Freshwater
2Water Resources
- List of supplies for today
- Vocabulary from last night
- Notes pages for all group members
- 3-4 markers
- Big sheet of paper
3 Unconfined Aquifer Recharge Area
Evaporation and transpiration
Confined Recharge Area
Flowing artesian well
Recharge Unconfined Aquifer
Stream Well requiring a pump
Water table
Unconfined aquifer
Less permeable material such as clay
Confined aquifer
Confining impermeable rock layer
Fig. 14-3, p. 308
4On your big paper
- Collaborate together and put your words into 4-5
different categories according to their likes and
differences. (NO my vocab, bobs vocab etc.)
5- Put stars by surface water sources
- Square your ground water sources
- Circle uses of water
- Underline ways we control water
6Surface water
- Flood plains
- Riparian zone
- Lakes (oligotrophic, Mesotrophic, Eutrophic)
- Rivers
- Ponds
- Wetlands
7Ground water
- Aquifers (Confined and Unconfined)
- Water table
- Springs
- Artesian Wells
- Furrow irrigation
- Flood irrigation
- Spray irrigation
- Drip Irrigation
9Controlling water
10Sustainability (if you have them)
- Fish Ladders
- Desalinization
- Hydroponic agriculture
11On your notes
- List and define the works for ground water and
surface water in your spiral. - Try to see if you can label the diagram
12You should be able to do (s 1,4,5,6,7,)
- 1. Aquifer
- 2.confining zone
- 3. Unsaturated zone
- 4. water table
- 5. confined aquifer
- 6. unconfined aquifer
- 7. artesian wells
- 8. water table well
- 9. flowing artesian well
13A. Types of Water
- Absorbed in to the ground after a rain.
- More than 50 percent of the people in the United
States. - The largest use of ground water is to irrigate
crops. - We get ground water out of the ground by wells
- Standing (lentic) water such as lakes, ponds, and
inland wetlands. - Flowing (lotic) systems such as streams and
Figure 6-14
15B. Ground Water
- Ground water is the water that fills the empty
spaces and cracks. - The top of the water in the soil, sand, or rocks
is called the water table - Water seeping down from the land surface adds to
the ground water and is called recharge water. - Aquifer is the name given to underground soil or
rock through which ground water can easily move - Some wells, called artesian wells, do not need a
pump. - These wells are drilled into an artesian aquifer,
which is sandwiched between two impermeable
- Standing (lentic) water such as lakes, ponds, and
inland wetlands. ? - Flowing (lotic) systems such as streams and
rivers. ()
Figure 6-14
17D. Flowing Water Ecosystems
- Because of different environmental conditions in
each zone, a river is a system of different
18Natural Capital
1. Ecological Services of Rivers
- Deliver nutrients to sea to help sustain coastal
fisheries - Deposit silt that maintains deltas
- Purify water
- Renew and renourish wetlands
- Provide habitats for wildlife
Fig. 12-11, p. 267
19Freshwater Streams and RiversFrom the Mountains
to the Oceans
- Water flowing from mountains to the sea creates
different aquatic conditions and habitats.
Figure 6-17
201. Headwater Stream Characteristics
- A narrow zone of cold, clear water that rushes
over waterfalls and rapids. Large amounts of
oxygen are present. Fish are also present. Ex.
212. Downstream Characteristics
- Slower-moving water, less oxygen, warmer
temperatures, and lots of algae and
22Standing Water Ecosystems
23Life in Layers
- Life in most aquatic systems is found in surface,
middle, and bottom layers. - 1. Temperature, access to sunlight for
photosynthesis, dissolved oxygen content,
nutrient availability changes with depth. - 2. Euphotic zone (upper layer in deep water
habitats) sunlight can penetrate.
24Lakes Water-Filled Depressions
- Lakes are large natural bodies of standing
freshwater formed from precipitation, runoff, and
groundwater seepage consisting of - 3. 4 zones
- Littoral zone (near shore, shallow, with rooted
plants). - Limnetic zone (open, offshore area, sunlit).
- Profundal zone (deep, open water, too dark for
photosynthesis). - Benthic zone (bottom of lake, nourished by dead
25Littoral Zone
- A shallow area near the shore, to the depth at
which rooted plants stop growing. Ex. frogs,
snails, insects, fish, cattails, and water lilies.
26Limnetic Zone
- Open, sunlit water that extends to the depth
penetrated by sunlight.
27Profundal Zone
- Deep, open water where it is too dark for
285. Thermal Stratification
29Lakes Water-Filled Depressions
Figure 6-15
- The temperature difference in deep lakes where
there are warm summers and cold winters.
31Lakes Water-Filled Depressions
- During summer and winter in deep temperate zone
lakes the become stratified into temperature
layers and will overturn. - This equalizes the temperature at all depths.
- Oxygen is brought from the surface to the lake
bottom and nutrients from the bottom are brought
to the top.
- During the summer, lakes become stratified into
different temperature layers that resist mixing
because summer sunlight warms surface waters,
making them less dense.
- The middle layer that acts as a barrier to the
transfer of nutrients and dissolved oxygen.
34Fall Turnover
- As the temperatures begin to drop, the surface
layer becomes more dense, and it sinks to the
bottom. This mixing brings nutrients from the
bottom up to the surface and sends oxygen to the
35Spring Turnover
- As top water warms and ice melts, it sinks
through and below the cooler, less dense water,
sending oxygen down and nutrients up.
36Types of Lakes
- Plant nutrients from a lakes environment affect
the types and numbers of organisms it can
support. - Oligotrophic (poorly nourished) lake Usually
newly formed lake with small supply of plant
nutrient input. - Eutrophic (well nourished) lake Over time,
sediment, organic material, and inorganic
nutrients wash into lakes causing excessive plant
37Types of Lakes Oligotrophic
Narrow littoral zone
Little shore vegetation
Low concentration of nutrients and plankton
Sparse fish population
Limnetic zone
Sleepily sloping shorelines
Profundal zone
Sand, gravel, rock bottom
Oligotrophic lake
Fig. 7-17a, p. 139
38Types of Lakes Eutrophic
Wide littoral zone
Much shore vegetation
High concentration of nutrients and plankton
Dense fish population
Limnetic zone
Gently sloping shorelines
Profundal zone
Silt, sand, clay bottom
Fig. 7-17b, p. 139
Eutrophic lake
39How we use our water and the problems we create?
41Too Much Water
- Problems include flooding, pollution of water
supply, and sewage seeping into the ground.
- Heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt, removal of
vegetation, and destruction of wetlands cause
flooding. - Floodplains, which usually include highly
productive wetlands, help provide natural flood
and erosion control, maintain high water quality,
and recharge groundwater. - To minimize floods, rivers have been narrowed
with levees and walls, and dammed to store water.
- Comparison of St. Louis, Missouri under normal
conditions (1988) and after severe flooding
Figure 14-22
- Human activities have contributed to flood deaths
and damages.
Figure 14-23
45 Forested Hillside
Oxygen released by vegetation
Diverse ecological habitat
Trees reduce soil erosion from heavy rain and wind
Agricultural land
Steady river flow
Leaf litter improves soil fertility
Tree roots stabilize soil and aid water flow
Vegetation releases water slowly and reduces
Fig. 14-23a, p. 330
46 After Deforestation
Tree plantation
Evapotranspiration decreases
Roads destabilize hillsides
Ranching accelerates soil erosion by water and
Winds remove fragile topsoil
Gullies and landslides
Agricultural land is flooded and silted up
Heavy rain leaches nutrients from soil and erodes
Rapid runoff causes flooding
Silt from erosion blocks rivers and reservoirs
and causes flooding downstream
Fig. 14-23b, p. 330
47Too Little Water
- Examples include drought and expanding deserts.
49Overdrawing Surface Water
- Lake levels drop, recreation use drops, fisheries
drop, and salinization occurs. Ex. Soviet Union
(Aral Sea) the inland sea drained the river that
fed into it. Now its a huge disaster (read pg.
322 in text).
50Case Study The Aral Sea Disaster
- Diverting water from the Aral Sea and its two
feeder rivers mostly for irrigation has created a
major ecological, economic, and health disaster. - About 85 of the wetlands have been eliminated
and roughly 50 of the local bird and mammal
species have disappeared. - Since 1961, the seas salinity has tripled and
the water has dropped by 22 meters most likely
causing 20 of the 24 native fish species to go
51Aquifer Depletion
- This harms endangered species, and salt water can
seep in.
52Salinization of Irrigated Soil
- Water is poured onto soil and evaporates. Over
time, as this is repeated, nothing will grow
there anymore.
53U.S. Water Problems
54Surface Water Problems
- The polluted Mississippi River (non-source point
pollution) has too much phosphorus. - In the Eerie Canal, which connects the ocean to
the Great Lakes, lampreys came in and depleted
the fish. The zebra mollusk is also a problem in
the Great Lakes.
55Effects of Plant Nutrients on LakesToo Much of
a Good Thing
- Plant nutrients from a lakes environment affect
the types and numbers of organisms it can support.
Figure 6-16
56Effects of Plant Nutrients on LakesToo Much of
a Good Thing
- Cultural eutrophication
- Human inputs of nutrients from the atmosphere and
urban and agricultural areas can accelerate the
eutrophication process.
57Mono Lake
- (like the Dead Sea) This has a huge salt
concentration due to mans draining.
58Colorado River Basin
- These are dams reservoirs that feed from the
Colorado River all the way to San Diego, LA, Palm
Springs, Phoenix Mexico. So far has worked
because they havent withdrawn their full
allocations. See pg306.
59The Colorado River Basin
- The area drained by this basin is equal to more
than one-twelfth of the land area of the lower 48
Figure 14-14
Aqueduct or canal
Salt Lake City
Upper Basin
Grand Junction
Lower Basin
Colorado River
Lake Powell
Grand Canyon
Glen Canyon Dam
Las Vegas
Boulder City
Los Angeles
Palm Springs
100 mi.
San Diego
150 km
All-American Canal
Gulf of California
Fig. 14-14, p. 318
61Case Study The Colorado Basin an Overtapped
- The Colorado River has so many dams and
withdrawals that it often does not reach the
ocean. - 14 major dams and reservoirs, and canals.
- Water is mostly used in desert area of the U.S.
- Provides electricity from hydroelectric plants
for 30 million people (1/10th of the U.S.
62Case Study The Colorado Basin an Overtapped
- Lake Powell, is the second largest reservoir in
the U.S. - It hosts one of the hydroelectric plants located
on the Colorado River.
Figure 14-15
63Groundwater Problems
- These include pollution, salt, and draining too
64Other Effects of Groundwater Overpumping
- Sinkholes form when the roof of an underground
cavern collapses after being drained of
Figure 14-10
65Groundwater Depletion A Growing Problem
- Areas of greatest aquifer depletion from
groundwater overdraft in the continental U.S.
- The Ogallala, the worlds largest aquifer, is
most of the red area in the center (Midwest).
Figure 14-8
66Ogallala Aquifer
- This is the worlds largest known aquifer, and
fuels agricultural regions in the U.S. It
extends from South Dakota to Texas. Its
essentially a non-renewable aquifer from the last
ice age with an extremely slow recharge rate. In
some cases, water is pumped out 8 to 10 times
faster than it is renewed. Northern states will
still have ample supplies, but for the south its
getting thinner. It is estimated that ΒΌ of the
aquifer will be depleted by 2020.
67Global Water Problems
68Impacts of Human Activities on Freshwater Systems
- Dams, cities, farmlands, and filled-in wetlands
alter and degrade freshwater habitats. - Dams, diversions and canals have fragmented about
40 of the worlds 237 large rivers. - Flood control levees and dikes alter and destroy
aquatic habitats. - Cities and farmlands add pollutants and excess
plant nutrients to streams and rivers. - Many inland wetlands have been drained or filled
for agriculture or (sub)urban development.
69Core Case Study A Biological Roller Coaster Ride
in Lake Victoria
- Lake Victoria has lost their endemic fish species
to large introduced predatory fish.
Figure 12-1
70Core Case Study A Biological Roller Coaster Ride
in Lake Victoria
- Reasons for Lake Victorias loss of biodiversity
- Introduction of Nile perch.
- Lake experienced algal blooms from nutrient
runoff. - Invasion of water hyacinth has blocked sunlight
and deprived oxygen. - Nile perch is in decline because it has eaten its
own food supply.
71Stable Runoff
- As water runs off from rain, its supposed to get
into rivers, and finally off to the sea. But
when we dam rivers, less goes to the ocean,
meaning the brackish water (where the river hits
the ocean) becomes more salty. This is the
breeding ground for many fish and invertebrates.
This harms the ecology of the area.
72Population Growth
- Problems include over-drawing fresh water,
pollution, and over-building so that water cant
seep into the ground.
73Sharing Water Resources
- There are water wars out west. California bought
the water from the Colorado River, but Arizona
wants it. Who owns it? The same thing is
happening in Texas. More water rights are sold
than the actual amount of water. How do you
share water? This is a problem all over the
74Water Management
75Dams and Reservoirs
- Description A dammed stream that can capture
store water from rain melted snow. - Benefits Hydroelectric power provides water
to towns recreation controls floods downstream - Problems Reduces downstream flow prevents
water from reaching the sea (Colorado River)
devastates fish life reduces biodiversity.
- Large dams and reservoirs can produce cheap
electricity, reduce downstream flooding, and
provide year-round water for irrigating cropland,
but they also displace people and disrupt aquatic
77 Provides water for year-round irrigation of
Flooded land destroys forests or cropland and
displaces people
Large losses of water through evaporation
Provides water for drinking
Downstream cropland and estuaries are deprived of
nutrient-rich silt
Reservoir is useful for recreation and fishing
Risk of failure and devastating downstream
Can produce cheap electricity (hydropower)
Downstream flooding is reduced
Migration and spawning of some fish are disrupted
Fig. 14-13a, p. 317
78 Powerlines
Fig. 14-13b, p. 317
79Case Study Chinas Three Gorges Dam
- There is a debate over whether the advantages of
the worlds largest dam and reservoir will
outweigh its disadvantages. - The dam will be 2 kilometers long.
- The electric output will be that of 18 large
coal-burning or nuclear power plants. - It will facilitate ship travel reducing
transportation costs. - Dam will displace 1.2 million people.
- Dam is built over seismatic fault and already has
small cracks.
80Dam Removal
- Some dams are being removed for ecological
reasons and because they have outlived their
usefulness. - In 1998 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
announced that it would no longer build large
dams and diversion projects in the U.S. - The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has
approved the removal of nearly 500 dams. - Removing dams can reestablish ecosystems, but can
also re-release toxicants into the environment.
81Water Diversion
- Description Damming a river to control where
the water flows - Benefits Keeps water where we want it- cities!
- Problems Drains wetlands, destroys land
- Description Removing salt from salt water
- Benefits Freshwater
- Problems Uses lots of energy costs 3-5Xs more
money what do we do with the salt?
- Removing salt from seawater by current methods is
expensive and produces large amounts of salty
wastewater that must be disposed of safely. - Distillation heating saltwater until it
evaporates, leaves behind water in solid form. - Reverse osmosis uses high pressure to force
saltwater through a membrane filter.
- Seeding clouds with tiny particles of chemicals
to increase rainfall towing icebergs or huge bags
filled with freshwater to dry coastal areas have
all been proposed but are unlikely to provide
significant amounts of freshwater.
85Harvesting Icebergs
- Description Towing massive icebergs to arid
coastal areas (S. California Saudi Arabia) - Benefits freshwater
- Problems Technology not available costs too
high raise temperatures around the earth.
- Sixty percent of the worlds irrigation water is
currently wasted, but improved irrigation
techniques could cut this waste to 5-20. - Center-pivot, low pressure sprinklers sprays
water directly onto crop. - It allows 80 of water to reach crop.
- Has reduced depletion of Ogallala aquifer in
Texas High Plains by 30.
87 Drip irrigation
(efficiency 9095)
Gravity flow
(efficiency 60 and 80 with surge valves)
Center pivot
(efficiency 8095)
Water usually pumped from underground and sprayed
from mobile boom with sprinklers.
Above- or below-ground pipes or tubes deliver
water to individual plant roots.
Water usually comes from an aqueduct system or a
nearby river.
Fig. 14-18, p. 325
- Description Saving the water we have
- Methods recycling conserving at home
xeriscaping fix leaks - Benefits Saves money Saves Wildlife
- Problems bothersome to people lack of caring