Asteroids - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Modified by J. Tandean in July 2005 Original file created by Claude Pruneau – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Asteroids

Asteroids Comets
Debris of the Solar System
  • Asteroids are rocky or metallic objects orbiting
    the Sun that are smaller than a major planet, but
    that show no evidence of an atmosphere and
    contain little volatile (easily evaporated)
  • Comets are icy bodies that revolve around the Sun
    and are smaller than a major planet, but that
    contain frozen water and other volatile materials

Discovery of Asteroids
  • Most asteroid orbits lie in
    the asteroid belt, between
    Mars and Jupiter
  • too small to be visible
    without a telescope
  • They were first discovered
    when astronomers were
    hunting for a missing
    planet between Mars and Jupiter
  • The 1st asteroid, named Ceres and initially
    thought to be the missing planet, was
    discovered by Giovanni Piazzi in 1801
  • It orbits at 2.8 AU from the Sun
  • The discovery of other minor planets in similar
    orbits followed in subsequent years
  • Now, more than 20,000 asteroids are known to have
    well-determined orbits

Asteroid Nomenclature
  • Asteroids are given both a
    number and a name
  • The names were originally
    chosen from Greek/Roman
    goddesses, then other female
    names were used, and
    finally all names go!
  • Asteroids 2410 and
    4859 are named
    after Morrison and

Asteroid Census
  • The total number of asteroids in the solar system
    is very large
  • It must be estimated on the basis of systematic
    sampling of the sky
  • Studies indicate that there are 106 asteroids
    with diameters greater than 1 km!
  • The largest is Ceres, with a diameter of 1000 km
  • Pallas and Vesta have diameters of 500 km
  • 15 more are larger than 250 km across
  • There are 100 times more objects 10-km across
    than 100-km across
  • The total mass of asteroids is less than the mass
    of the Moon

Asteroid Orbits
  • All asteroids revolve around the Sun in
    west-to-east direction, like the planets
  • Most of their orbits lie near the plane in which
    the Earth and the other planets circle
  • The asteroid belt is defined as the region that
    contains all asteroids with semi-major
    axes in the range from
    to 3.3 AU
  • Their orbital periods range
    from 3.3 to 6 years
  • 75 of known asteroids are
    in the main belt
  • But they are not closely

Asteroid Families
  • Japanese astronomer Kiyotsuga Hirayama found in
    1917 that some asteroids fall into families
  • The families are groups with similar orbital
  • Each family may have resulted from a breakup of a
    larger body, or from the collision of two
  • Members of each family have similar speeds
  • There are physical similarities among the larger
    members of a given family
  • Several dozen families are found

Asteroid Physical Appearance
  • The majority of asteroids are very dark
  • They do not reflect much light
  • Their reflectivities are only 3 to 4 percent
  • There is, however, a sizable group that is not
    very dark
  • Its typical reflectivities are 15 to 20 percent
    (similar that of the Moon)
  • A few asteroids even have reflectivities as high
    as 60
  • To understand the reasons for these differences,
    astronomers performed spectral analysis of the
    light reflected by asteroids

Asteroid Classification (1)
  • The dark asteroids
  • are believed to be primitive bodies
  • chemically unchanged since the beginning of the
    solar system
  • are composed of silicates mixed with dark,
    organic carbon compounds
  • include Ceres, Pallas, and most objects in the
    outer third of the asteroid belt
  • Most of the primitive asteroids are classed as C
  • C stands for carbonaceous (carbon rich)

Asteroid Classification (2)
  • The second most populous group is the S asteroids
  • S stands for a stony or silicate composition
  • They have no dark carbon compounds and hence
    higher reflectivities
  • Most S asteroids seem to be also primitive
  • The third group is the M asteroids
  • M stands for metal
  • Their identification is difficult
  • done by radar for the largest asteroids such as
  • They are much less numerous
  • Each may have come from a parent body that had
    earlier differentiated and later shattered in a
  • There is enough metal in a 1-km M-type asteroid
    to supply the world with iron for a long period
    of time

Asteroid Classification (3)
Trojan Asteroids
  • The Trojans are located far beyond main belt
  • at 5.2 AU from the Sun, nearly the same distance
    as Jupiter
  • dark, primitive objects, like some other
  • They have stable orbits because of Jupiter
  • In Jupiters orbit, there are two points near
    which an
    asteroid can
    stay almost indefinitely
  • They make equilateral
    triangles with Jupiter
    and the
  • Since their first discovery
    in 1906, several hundreds
    have been found
  • The larger Trojans can be up to 200 km across

Animation the Trojans
Green circles indicate main-belt asteroids and
blue dots on the outermost circle are the Trojans
Asteroids in Outer Solar System
  • There are asteroids with orbits that carry them
    far beyond Jupiter
  • They are hard to detect and only a few have been
  • Examples
  • Chiron is 200 km across and the largest of them,
    with a path carrying it from just inside the
    orbit of Saturn to almost the distance of Uranus
  • Pholus, with an orbit that takes it 33 AU from
    the Sun, beyond Neptune, has the reddest surface
    of any object in the solar system, with unknown
  • They are named after centaurs (mythological half
    horse, half human) because these objects have
    some of the properties of both comets and
  • In 1988, on its closest approach to the Sun,
    Chirons brightness doubled, much like the comets
  • Chiron, however, is much bigger than comets

Earth-Approaching Asteroids
  • Some asteroids may stray far outside the main
    belt and travel inward along paths that come
    close to or cross Earths orbit
  • Such asteroids, and other objects that come close
    to the Earth, are collectively known as
    Near-Earth Objects (NEOs)
  • Needless to say, they are of great interest to us
  • Some of these NEOs have collided with the Earth
    in the past, and some others are likely to do so
    in the future
  • In 1994, a 1-km object passed closer than the
  • By the end of 2002, more than 640 NEOs larger
    than 1 km in diameter had been discovered
  • Astronomers have estimated that there are
    probably 500 or so NEOs larger than 1 km in
    diameter that have not yet been found

  • NEOs generally have unstable orbits
  • Each NEO will meet one of 2 fates
  • collide with one of the terrestrial planets and
    be destroyed
  • be ejected gravitationally from the inner solar
    system after a near-encounter with a planet
  • The probability for impact is once every 100
    million years
  • Hence the likelihood is very remote than any one
    of the known NEOs will end up crashing into the
    Earth in the foreseeable future
  • The larger of these impacts will likely generate
    environmental catastrophes for our planet
  • This is a good reason for further investigation
    of NEOs

An NEO Observation
  • A 5-km-long NEO called Toutatis
  • approached to within 3 million km of the Earth in
  • which is less than 3 times the distance to the
  • Radar images indicate that it is a double object
  • consisting of 2 irregular lumps, with diameters
    of 3 km and 2 km, squashed
  • Animation

Radar images
Rendezvous with Eros
  • Eros is an Earth-approaching S-type asteroid
  • potato-shaped, 34 km long, and 11 km wide
  • heavily cratered, suggesting that the surface is
  • Movies of Eros captured by the
    NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft,
    which orbited and then landed
    on it in 2000

  • They have been observed since
  • Typical comets appear as rather
    faint, diffuse spots of light
  • smaller than the Moon and many
    times less brilliant
  • They are small chunks of icy
    material that develop atmospheres
    as they get closer to
    the Sun
  • As a comet gets very close to the Sun, the
    comet may develop a faint, nebulous tail
    extending far from the main body of the comet
  • Their appearance is seemingly unpredictable
  • Comets typically remain visible for periods from
    a few days to a few months

Comet Orbits
  • The scientific study of comets dates back to
    Newton who first recognized that their orbits
    were very elongated ellipses
  • Edmund Halley (a contemporary of Newton) in 1705
    calculated/published 24 cometary orbits
  • He noted that the orbits of bright comets seen in
    1531, 1607, and 1682 were quite
    similar and could belong to the
    same comet returning to the
    perihelion every 76 years
  • He predicted a return in 1758
  • When the comet did appear in 1758,
    it was given the name Comet Halley

Comet Halley
  • It has been observed
    and recorded on every
    passage near the Sun at intervals from 74
    to 79 years since 239 B.C.
  • The period variations are caused by the jovian
  • In 1910 the Earth was brushed by the comets
    tail, causing much needless public concern
  • Its last appearance in our skies was in 1986
  • met by several spacecraft
  • It is predicted to return in 2061
  • Its nucleus is approximately
    16 x 8 x 8 km3

Comet Census
  • Records exist for 1000 comets
  • Comets are discovered at an average rate of 5 to
    10 per year
  • Most of them are visible only on photographs made
    with large telescopes
  • Every few years, a comet may appear that is
    bright enough to be seen with the naked eye
  • Recent flybys
  • Comet Hyakutake, with a very long tail, was
    visible for about a month in March 1996
  • Comet Hale-Bopp appeared in 1997

Comet Components (1)
  • Nucleus relatively solid and
    stable, composed mostly of
    ice and gas,
    with a small amount of
    dust and other solids
  • Coma a dense cloud of water,
    carbon dioxide, and other neutral
    gases sublimed off of
    the nucleus
  • Hydrogen cloud a huge (millions
    of km in diameter), but very
    envelope of neutral H gas
  • Dust tail up to 10-million km long, composed of
    smoke-sized dust particles driven off the nucleus
    by escaping gases
  • This is the most prominent part of a comet to the
    unaided eye
  • Ion tail as much as several-hundred-million km
    long, composed of plasma and laced with rays and
    streamers caused by interactions with the solar

Comet Components (2)
ion tail
dust tail
Nucleus and Coma of Comet
  • The nucleus is composed of ancient ice, dust, and
    gaseous core material
  • The nucleus has low gravity
  • It cannot keep dust and gas from escaping
  • The coma is the bright head of the comet, as seen
    from the Earth
  • The coma is a temporary atmosphere of gas and
    dust around the nucleus
  • The coma is 100,000's of kilometers across

Halley's nucleus
Halley's coma
Nucleus of Comet Wild 2
The images were captured by NASA's Stardust
Comets Ion Tail
  • The Sun spews out charged particles
  • This solar wind occurs along the solar
    magnetic-field lines, extending radially outward
    from the Sun
  • Ultraviolet (UV) sunlight ionizes gases in the
  • These ions (charged particles) are pushed by
    solar-wind particles along field lines to form a
    tail millions of km long
  • The blue ion tail acts like a "solar" wind-sock
  • The tail always points directly away from the Sun
    because the ions move at very high speed
  • When the comet is moving
    away from the Sun, the

    comets ion tail will be
    almost in
    front of it!
  • The blue color is mostly
    from the light emitted by

    carbon-monoxide ions, but
    other types of ions also
    contribute to the

Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • Comets originate from very great distances
  • The aphelia of new comets are typically 50,000
  • This clustering of aphelia was first noted by
    Dutch astronomer Jan Oort in 1950
  • He then proposed an idea for the origin of those
    comets, which is still accepted by most
    astronomers today
  • Oorts model of comet origin
  • The Suns sphere of influence extends only a
    little beyond 50,000 AU, or about 1 LY
  • Objects in orbit about the Sun at this distance
    can be easily perturbed by the gravity of passing
  • The comets are some of the perturbed objects,
    which take on orbits that bring them much closer
    to the Sun
  • The reservoir of ancient icy objects from which
    such comets are presumably derived is called the
    Oort comet cloud

(No Transcript)
Oort Comet Cloud
  • Astronomers estimate that there may be about a
    trillion (1012) comets in the Oort cloud
  • In addition, 10 times this number of comets could
    be orbiting the Sun between the planets and the
    Oort cloud
  • Such cometary objects remain undiscovered
    probably because they are too faint to be seen
    directly and because their stable orbits do not
    bring them closer to the Sun
  • The total number of comets within the sphere of
    influence of our Sun could therefore be on the
    order of ten trillion (1013)!
  • Their total mass would be similar to that of 1000
  • Cometary material could thus be the most
    important constituent of the solar system after
    the Sun itself

Kuiper Belt
  • Another possible source of comets lies just
    beyond the orbit of Neptune
  • The existence of this region was first suggested
    by Gerard Kuiper in 1951
  • The first object from this region, now called the
    Kuiper belt, was discovered in 1992
  • The object is 200 km across
  • Since then, several hundred more Kuiper-belt
    objects (KBOs) have been found
  • It appears that these KBOs are heavily influenced
    by the gravity of Neptune
  • Many of the known KBOs have orbits like that of
  • Some astronomers have, therefore, suggested that
    Pluto can be considered the largest member of the
    Kuiper belt
  • For this reason, KBOs are sometimes called

Fate of Comets
  • Most comets probably spend nearly all their
    existence in the Oort cloud or Kuiper belt
  • at a temperature near absolute zero
  • But once a comet enters the inner solar system,
    its life likely changes dramatically!
  • If it survives the initial passage near the Sun,
    it will return towards the cold aphelion
  • and may follow a fairly stable orbit for a
  • It may impact the Sun, or be completely vaporized
    as it flies by the Sun
  • It may interact with one or more planets with 3
    possible fates
  • destroyed after impacting a planet
  • speeded up and ejected, leaving the solar system
  • perturbed into an orbit of shorter period
  • Each time it approaches the Sun, a comet loses
    part of its material
  • It may end its life catastrophically by breaking

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
  • Some comets die very spectacularly
  • When comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 passed close to
    Jupiter in July 1992, the comet broke into about
    20 pieces
  • perhaps due Jupiters tidal forces
  • Fragments of the comets then orbited Jupiter
    until July 1994 when they
    crashed into Jupiter,
    experiencing violent
  • Animation
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