Title: The Phases of the Moon
1The Phases of the Moon
- Different Faces in the Night
Mrs. GianelosGrade 8 Space ScienceLesson 2.2
2Revolution Moon orbits the Earth every 271/3
daysThe moon rises in the east and sets in the
westThe moon rises and sets 50 minutes later
each dayRotation Moon turns on its axis every
27 daysSame side of Moon always faces Earth
Four Basic Shapes
4Like the earth, half of the moon is always lit by
the sun.
- Also like the Earth, half of the moon is
completely dark. - The moon does not really change, it travels
around the Earth. - The different shapes that we see are different
views of the same side of the moon. - Sometimes we cannot see the new moon at all!
5New Moon
- When the moon is in between the sun and the
Earth, we cannot see the moon. This part of the
moon is in the shade. - This is called a new moon.
6Full Moon
- When the Earth is in between the moon and the
sun, we see the whole part of the moon which is
lit up by the sun. - This is called a full moon.
7Quarter Moon
- When the moon is above or below the Earth, we can
only see half of the lit area of the moon. - This is called a quarter moon.
8Crescent Moon
- When the moon is in between the new moon and the
half moon, we are only able to see a little
sliver of the lighted side of the moon. - This is called a crescent moon.
9Waxing and Waning
- New moon
- Waxing Crescent moon
- First Quarter moon
- Waxing Gibbous moon
- Full moon
- Waning Gibbous moon
- Third Quarter moon
- Waning Crescent moon
- New moon
10- As the moon grows larger, towards becoming a full
moon, it is called a waxing moon. - Right side of moon is lit
11- As the moon grows smaller, away from being a full
moon, it is called a waning moon. - Left side of Moon is lit
13The Lunar Challenge!
14Name this phase!
Full Moon
15Name these features.
Name these features.
16Does this image show us the near side or far side
of the moon?
Far Side
How can you tell?
17Name this phase!
First Quarter
18Name this phase!
Waxing Crescent
19Does this image show the near side or the far
side of the moon?
Near Side
20 Name this phase!
Waning Gibbous
21Name this phase!
Third Quarter
22From what direction does the moon rise?
The East
23Name this phase!
Waxing Gibbous
24Name this phase!
Waning Crescent
25Name this phase!
Look closely!
Waxing Gibbous
26Name this phase!
Full Moon
27Name this phase!
New Moon
28Does the moon rise or set in the west?
It sets in the west.
29Name this phase!
Waning Gibbous
30Name this phase!
Waning Crescent
31Name this phase!
Waning Gibbous
32The Phase of the Moon Lets Experiment with
Lunar Lollipops!!!
The phase of the Moon depends on the relative
position between the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon