Title: Modern US History Jeopardy Review
1Modern US History Jeopardy Review
- Unit 4 The 20s and the 30s
2Jeopardy Rules
- Three groups compete against each other
- Complete the team handout for the order in
answering questions - Groups cannot help their members
- ANSWER in the form of a QUESTION
- The group with the most points when the game is
stopped or finished wins - If your group is talking or arguing game ends
3Politics and Business Social and Culture The New Deal Great Depression Key Terms Final Jeopardy
100 100 100 100 100
200 200 200 200 200
300 300 300 300 300
400 400 400 400 400
500 500 500 500 500
5These were the payments of money that Germany had
to give to Britain and France because it was
responsible for starting World War I
6What were reparations?
7This was a system where businesses provided
medical care and retirement pensions and enabled
employees to buy stock and share profits
8What is welfare capitalism?
9This is when an economy slumps or slows down for
a short period of time
10What is a recession?
11This was what President Roosevelt tried to do
when the Supreme Court ruled many of his New Deal
Programs unconstitutional
12What is court-packing?
13This is the term for replacing worker with
machines to do the same jobs in a factory
14What is automation?
15The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution did this
16What is prohibit the sale of alcohol in the US?
17This legislation made the Emergency Quota Act a
permanent law in the US
18What was the National Origins Act?
19Daily Double!How much will you wager?
20This was the name of President Roosevelts
program to bring the U.S. out of the depression
21What was the New Deal?
22This New Deal agency created electricity from the
Great State of Tennessees main river
23What is the Tennessee Valley Authority?
24President Hoover declared this one-year break in
Germanys reparation payments in 1931 to save the
German Republic from collapse and protect US
investments in Germany
25What was a moratorium?
26This cause of the depression involved farmers
growing too many things
27What was overproduction?
28This government policy of protecting local
farmers and producers by taxing imports also
helped cause the depression because it slowed
trading between countries
29What is a tariff?
30This depression era government corporation
guaranteed that peoples savings in banks would be
paid if the bank failed
31What was the FDIC?
32This risky practice of a small cash down payment
to buy stock led to the collapse of the stock
market on Black Tuesday
33What was buying stock on margin?
34This is when banks took the land from farmers
when farmers could not make loan payments
35What is foreclosure?
36This act provided unemployment benefits and
retirement pensions when passed in 1935
37What was the Social Security Act?
38This act employed young men on public works
projects such as the Hoover Dam
39What was the CCC or Civilian Conservation Corps?
40This act regulated the securities and stock
41What was the SEC or Securities and Exchange
42Daily Double!
43This administration made outright grants and
gifts to states and cities to distribute to
locals in need
44What was FERA or the Federal Emergency Relief
45This act paid farmers to limit production
46What was the AAA or Agricultural Adjustment Act?
47Women that dressed like those seen here were
called this
48What were flappers?
49Daily Double!How much will you wager?
50This was an explosion and rebirth of new black
intellectuals and artists such as Langston Hughes
and Paul Roberson that occurred during the 1920s
51What was the Harlem Renaissance?
52This was a general criticism with life in the
1920s by Americans
53What was postwar disillusionment?
54In this famous event conservative creationists
put the idea of evolution on trial
55What was the Scopes Trial?
56This was the general trend in educational
enrollment in high schools and universities
during the 1920s
57What was increasing?
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62Final Jeopardy!Topic Foreign Policy
63This was designed to enlist world opinion against
aggressor nations such as Japan who had invaded
China this nonrecogination policy did not do what
it was supposed to do against Japan
64What was the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine?