Arks of the Covenant - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Arks of the Covenant


Arks of the Covenant – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: arks | covenant | flood | noah


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Arks of the Covenant

Arks of the Covenant

The understanding of a child
Im being called to do what?! Kathy Rowley
Elder EyringEducation Week Devotional
  • What you do in the classes you attend, and even
    what you do in this
    devotional, can build your foundation more
    solidly on truth. Just try
    two things listen for the whisperings of the
    Spirit and then commit to obey.
  • You've noticed in this meeting that from time to
    time your mind wandered away from what I was
    saying. God will take advantage of that wandering
    if you let Him.
  • When the Spirit is invited into a meeting by
    those in it, truth is communicated beyond what is
    said aloud.
  • Write down impressions or thoughts that you feel
    came from Godand think carefully about whether
    the truth you received requires action. It is by
    obedience to commandments that we qualify for
    further revelation of truth and light. In this
    hour you may have committed to act on something
    you felt was true.
  • I fear that more people make promises to God
    than keep them, so you will please Him when you
    are the exception and you keep your promise to

Moses 829-30
  • 19 And the Lord ordained Noah after his own
    order, and commanded him that he should go forth
    and declare his Gospel unto the children of men,
    even as it was given unto Enoch.
  • 20 And it came to pass that Noah called upon the
    children of men that they should repent but they
    hearkened not unto his words
  • 29 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it
    was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its way
    upon the earth.
  • 30 And God said unto Noah The end of all flesh
    is come before me, for the earth is filled with
    violence, and behold I will destroy all flesh
    from off the earth

Elder Jeffrey Holland
  • the world around you is an increasingly hostile
    and sinful place. Occasionally that splashes onto
    us, and perhaps, in the case of a few of you,
    that may be nearly drowning you.
  • To anyone struggling under the burden of sin, we
    say again with Prophet Joseph that God has a
    forgiving disposition
  • Question how does that forgiving disposition
    fit with the story of Noah and the flood?

Moses 727-28
  • 27 And Enoch beheld angels descending out of
    heaven, bearing testimony of the Father and Son
    and the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were
    caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion.
  • 28 And it came to pass that the God of heaven
    looked upon the residue of the people, and he
    wept and Enoch bore record of it, saying How is
    it that the heavens weep, and shed forth their
    tears as the rain upon the mountains?
  • 32 The Lord said unto Enoch Behold these thy
    brethren they are the workmanship of mine own
    hands, and I gave unto them their knowledge, in
    the day I created them and in the Garden of
    Eden, gave I unto man his agency
  • 33 And unto thy brethren have I said, and also
    given commandment, that they should love one
    another, and that they should choose me, their
    Father but behold, they are without affection,
    and they hate their own blood

How does the Lord parent?
  • Lords Parenting Style is covenant based
  • Everything we do is received by covenant
  • Obedience Blessings
  • Disobedience Consequences
  • Love means holding you to the covenants you
  • Question How does this contrast with the
    worlds view of discipline?

Noahs Ark
Hugh Nibley They lead us directly to the most
puzzling problem of all-that of the illumination
of the ark, for while the window is called a
zohar (more properly ), i.e., shiner or
illuminator, in the Hebrew versions For the
Rabbis do not settle for the zohar-the lighter of
the Ark-as being simply a window for some of
them it was rather a miraculous light-giving
stone. Rabbi Levi said it was a precious
stone. He quotes R. Phineas as saying that
"during the whole twelve months that Noah was in
the Ark he did not require the light of the sun
by day or the moon by night, but he had a
polished gem which he hung up when it was dim he
knew that it was day, and when it shone he knew
it was night." (A Book of Mormon Treasury
Selections from the Pages of the Improvement Era
Salt Lake City Bookcraft, 1959, 140.)
Tower of Babel
Noahs World
Righteous gathered in
Covenants made between God and Man
Light provided by a Tsohar (or zohar)
Destination atop a sacred mountain
  • What other Arks are there?

Elder Russell M. Nelson
  • Even though our Creator endowed us with this
    incredible power to heal, He consigned a
    counterbalancing gift to our bodies. It is the
    blessing of aging, with visible reminders that we
    are mortal beings destined one day to leave this
    frail existence.
  • Our bodies change every day. As we
    grow older, our broad chests and
    narrow waists have a tendency to
    trade places. We get wrinkles, lose
    color in our haireven the
    hair itselfto remind us
    that we are mortal
    children of God, with a
    manufacturers guarantee that
    we shall not be stranded upon the
    earth forever.

Harold B. Lee
  • Again I feel refreshed in the blessings
    which always follow difficulties. I've
    pondered on these experiences and wonder why
    I felt pressed to share them only with
    you. I trust you will know. We all long to
    counsel with a wise man and take comfort in the
  • And then she said something that thrilled me,
    "God bless you, President Lee, that your voice
    may be heard above the chaos of these days."
  • That is my plea to you today. With chaos in the
    world, unless the voice of those who preside
    today can be heard above the voices of chaos in
    these days, where are you going to look? Where
    are you going to go?
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