Title: Presentation Template Designs
1Spanish Red Cross and the development and
implementation of Telecare projects focused on
dependent people necessities
Martí Martínez- Spanish Red Cross Julián
Andújar- Tecsos Fundation WP2 Conference
2What is the role of the Red Cross in the
application of new technologies?
At the Red Cross we have spent a number of years
establishing partnerships with technology
providers (mobile telephone companies, software
companies, etc...), universities,
administrations, etc... Which has enabled us to
test and approve prototypes and support devices
for dependent people within our programmes and,
equally importantly, bring these technological
solutions to those sectors of the population that
are, traditionally, the last recipients of these
kinds of innovation that is to say, turning
societys most vulnerable into the primary
beneficiaries of technological advances.
3What is the role of the Red Cross in the
application of new technologies?
It is a win-win situation where the providers
also benefit from contact with an institution
such as the Spanish Red Cross that provides them
with knowledge about the real needs and feelings
of people affected by dependencies, as well as
those of people in their own environment.
4The needs of dependent people and their social
and care environment.
It is important for the Red Cross to support the
idea that the technological solutions should
answer to the needs of dependent people as much
as the carers, both considered highly vulnerable,
due to the high living and humanitary cost that
harms the carers.
There are different profiles of dependent people
with different needs. On the other hand, people
who are not in a situation of dependence can
benefit from the technological resources to
prevent it.
Evaluating needs helps the design proposal to
meet its aims, but it also facilitates the
humanisation of the devices and understanding on
the part of the designers and providers of
factors as important as privacy, usability, etc
5The needs of dependent people.
As Basic Needs, in which the application of
technology can positively intervene, we can point
to improvements in quality of life, security
inside and outside the home (thanks to mobile
communications and tele-localisation systems) and
risk prevention.
We should also talk about the need for Design for
All devices and technological solutions are
required to provide access to the information and
knowledge, for example available services. These
should be tools based on simplicity and
usability, which offer the user peace of mind
and eliminate anxiety about their use.
Another aspect to highlight here is the
elimination of sensorial, physical and even
technological barriers.
Among emotional needs, we can include
comprehension, humane treatment, the need to feel
heard, confidence in their carers and social
participation, as we have seen, one of the
factors that eliminates the risk of social
6The experience of the Red Cross in new technology
projects for risk prevention and support for
people in situations of dependence.
From the Red Cross we aim to offer security,
confidence, support and peace of mind to the
most vulnerable groups through the use of new
With the Home Telecare Service, using specific
communications and computing equipment, the
Spanish Red Cross offers users the security of
being able to contact a team of professionals
immediately in case of anguish or loneliness,
falls, health needs or any domestic accident.
The professional team is capable of referral or
of offering solutions in emergencies, through
their own intervention or by mobilising the
appropriate existing community resources,
depending on the case.
The system functions 24 hours a day, all year
round. The security that it offers avoids many
applications for admission into residential homes
and allows the user to continue to live in his or
her habitual environment.
7The experience of the Red Cross in new technology
projects for risk prevention and support for
people in situations of dependence.
However, it is important to point out that,
despite being well established with years of
experience, we can still see how in practice we
face many situations of resistance to this
telecare service that substantially reduce the
effectiveness of the service. One example is
resistance to wearing the pendant, be that for
aesthetic reasons, because it is not deemed
necessary, or because it is annoying. Others do
not use the service because I dont want to be
any bother, or refusal to use it because it is
not viewed as a preventive service, so there is
resistance to the idea that they might need it
(for example, many people consider themselves too
young to require the service)
We still face challenges with this service, as it
excludes some collectives, for example, the
completely deaf, or people with physical
disabilities that present them with difficulties
pushing the pendant with their hand.