According to Beebe and Masterson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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According to Beebe and Masterson


According to Beebe and Masterson a team should have ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: According to Beebe and Masterson

(No Transcript)
  • Group Introduction
  • Our Cause
  • Meeting a Community Need
  • Goals and Mission Statement
  • Communication Methods
  • Final Project
  • Summary

Students Supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor
Research isStudent Names
Our Causeto raise money and awareness for
helping to improve the odds for so many children!
Run of Hope Seattle for the Pediatric Brain Tumor
Research Fund
  • Run of Hope Seattle is a 5k run / 3k walk event
    that takes place on September 25, 2011 in Seward
    Park. Its purpose is to raise money for
    scientific research of pediatric brain tumors and
    potential treatments. Run of Hope delivers 95 of
    all proceeds to the
  • Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund.

Group Goals and Mission Statement
  • In order to develop a group project with a
    successful outcome, we devised a list of
    achievable goals and developed a strong mission

  • Reach out to the community via electronic media
    to raise awareness for pediatric brain tumor
  • Meet biweekly and email/correspond weekly
  • Contact 80 companies to obtain corporate
  • Reach 30 Facebook friends

According to Beebe and Masterson a team should
have a clear and elevating goal (Communicating in
Small Groups, Principles and Practices pg 106).
  • Define Goals gt Create a Mission Statement

Beebe Mastersons SMARTS Test (Communicating
in Small Groups, Principles and Practices pg 106)
  • S Specific Goal (what do you wish to
  • M Measurable Achievement (can you gauge
  • A Attainable (is the goal realistic?)
  • R Relevant (does the goal meet needs?)
  • T Time Bound (can it be completed in the
    allotted time?)
  • S Stretch the Team (does it challenge you?)

Our Mission Statement
  • Students Supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor
    Research is comprised of concerned individuals
    that have come together with the goal of raising
    community awareness and obtaining corporate
    sponsorship for Run of Hope, which raises funds
    for pediatric brain tumor research.

  • Practices of Dialogue
  • Like the inner-workings of a clock, the four main
    practices outlined in William Isaacs Dialogue
    need to be used together in order to create a
    flowing dialogue.
  • When you express them together, you experience
    balance, resilience, strength, life. When one or
    more are absent, conversations are less whole,
    less effective they feel dead (80).
  • Keeping these principals in mind, our group was
    able to be effective by 1) listening not only to
    ach other, but to ourselves as well, 2)
    respecting each other and honoring each others
    boundaries, 3) suspending our opinions and being
    open to others, and 4) speaking up and accepting
    each others voice.

Group Meetings
  • Students Supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor
    Research group members utilized many virtual
    spaces to conduct meetings when we were unable to
    meet face to face.
  • We emailed one another frequently to conduct
    group conversations, assign tasks, and check
  • We also used the free internet calling service
    Skype for live teleconference meetings, which we
    scheduled in advance and took turns facilitating
    according to the guidelines in
  • Facilitation at a Glance!

Our Pocket (sized) Protector
  • Students Supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor
    Research group members relied on Chapter 7,
    Meeting Management, to organize our electronic
    and teleconference meetings. The section titled
    Facilitating Teleconferences, beginning on page
    130, was vitally important to our meeting
    process, as was the portion covering creation and
    sharing of meeting agendas.
  • We found that without predetermined meeting
    agendas, our teleconferences were virtually (pun
    intended) impossible and readily adapted to using
    the Pocket Guide to help bring order and
    efficiency to our meetings.

Communication within the Group about the Project
  • In order to share ideas and information, Students
    Supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor Research group
    members used a web site called
  • It allowed us to post and share meeting field
    notes, distribute research findings, edit ongoing
    projects, and collaborate effectively in a
    collective workspace.
  • All members could access works in progress and
    easily contribute to the project.

Our Final Project Comes Together
  • Through our groups communication, cooperation,
    and collaboration, the pieces of our project came
    together to meet our end goals. Not only were we
    able to raise community awareness through
    Facebook and Twitter, we were also able to reach
    out to 80 companies asking for corporate

Obtaining Corporate Sponsorship
  • May 30, 2011
  • Dean Edith M. Wollin
  • North Seattle Community College
  • 9600 College Way North
  • Seattle, WA 98103
  • Dear Dean Edith M. Wollin
  • Recently a small group of North Seattle Community
    College students joined forces to form Students
    Supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor Research. Our
    focus is to raise community awareness and obtain
    sponsorships for the Run of Hope Seattle an
    event created by the Pediatric Brain Tumor
    Research Fund and Four Seasons Seattle.
  • Brain tumors are the deadliest form of childhood
    cancer. Each year 3,750 children 10 each day
    are diagnosed with a pediatric brain tumor in the
    United States 76 percent of these children are
    under the age of 15. Research that focuses
    specifically on pediatric brain tumors is crucial
    to saving these young childrens lives, and we
    are lucky to have an organization right here in
    our own backyard working hard toward that goal.
  • The Run of Hope Seattle is a one-day event where
    family, friends, and community come together to
    raise funds and awareness in the battle against
    brain tumors. Since its inception in 2009, the
    Run of Hope Seattle has raised more than half a
    million dollars 95 of which went straight to
    the Seattle Childrens Hospital and The Pediatric
    Brain Tumor Research Fund to fight against brain
  • Our group is happy to be supporting the Run of
    Hope by reaching out to local businesses and
    asking for their assistance. As a highly
    regarded member of our community, we would like
    to ask for your support in the 2011 Run of Hope
    Seattle. In return for your generosity of 500
    or more, The Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund
    and Seattle Childrens Hospital will display your
    company logo on the Run of Hope Seattle website,
    recognizing you for your charitable contribution
    to such a great cause.
  • If you are interested in being a sponsor or just
    contributing a small donation to this amazing
    cause, please donate through Firstgiving at the
    email address link below. We will work with you
    to get your company information so to ensure your
    company is properly recognized for its
  • Our team decided to draft a letter that explained
    our mission and requested contributions to an
    event that raises funding for pediatric brain
    tumor research.
  • Working with the organizers of the event, we were
    able to offer logo or company name placement on
    the event advertising and fundraising materials
    as incentive for potential donors, as a way for
    them to connect their business name to a worthy
    cause within the community.

  • 24 Hour Fitness in Northgate
  • AM Imports in Bellevue
  • Amber Restaurant Belltown
  • Amore Infused Belltown
  • Archestone Belltown
  • Be Luminous Yoga South Lake Union
  • Bean City Coffee Co
  • Bellevue Kawasaki 
  • Bill Pierre Chevrolet in Lake City
  • Bill Pierre Ford in Lake City
  • BMW Seattle
  • Café Ladro (Bothell)
  • Café Ladro (Seattle)
  • Capital Grille (Seattle)
  • Capital Hill Flower and Garden
  • CB Richard Ellis
  • Chocolopolis in Queen Anne
  • Clark Kjos Architects
  • Culinary Essentials in Bellevue

Laurelhurst Family Medicine Lexus of Bellevue
Margaret OLeary U-Village Mercedes-Benz of
Bellevue Midnight Blossom in Seattle Mithun
Co. Mortenson Construction Nordstrom Northgate,
Bellevue, Downtown North Seattle Community
College Northwest Eye Surgeons NW Family Care
Center Olympic Medical Center One Sky Wellness
Associates Patrick's Fly Shop of Seattle Purple
Restaurant Group Rainin Ribs BBQ Smokehouse
Retina Consultants of Seattle Rosaline Hampton
Salon in Bellevue Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in
Bellevue Seattle Healing Arts Seattle Seaplanes
Sellen Construction Shiku Sushi in Seattle
Spartas Pizza Spaghetti House The Ballinger
Clinic The Polyclinic (4 locations) The Sports
Medicine Clinic Tumor Institute Radiation
Oncololgy Group Turner Construction Upton
Family Medicine UW Medicine Radiation Oncology
(2 locations) ViaVita Cafe and Wine Bar in
Bellevue Washington Motorcycle Road Racing
Association Whats Next Media Seattle Wild
Ginger (Seattle) Zimmer Gunsul Frasca
  • Each group member was assigned to research twenty
    generous local businesses and health care
    providers to whom they submitted donation request

First Giving Donations Page
New corporate sponsors are directed to donate at
Students Supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor
Researchs First Giving web page.
Raising Community Awareness With Social Media
  • Facebook Page
  • Our Facebook page was used to post updates,
    articles, and links to information about
    pediatric brain tumor research and Run of Hope
    Seattle. Our goal was to encourage participation
    in the event, increase donations, and spread the
    word about ongoing treatment research.

Raising Community Awareness With Social Media
  • Twitter Feed
  • We created a Twitter feed to remind our
    followers to register for and donate to Run of
    Hope Seattle. In addition, it shares Tweets from
    the organizers of Run of Hope and Seattle
    Childrens Hospital.

Project Summary
  • Achieved goals by meeting and communicating
  • Overcame obstacles by relying on both teamwork
    and individual strengths
  • Learned how to communicate in group setting while
    overcoming apprehensions about working in groups
  • Helped raise awareness within the community for
    childhood brain tumor research

The End
  • Works Cited
  • Beebe, Steven A., and John T. Masterson.
    Communicating in Small Groups Principles and
    Practices. Boston, MA Pearson/Allyn and Bacon,
    2006. Print.
  • Isaacs, William. Dialogue and The Art of Thinking
    Together. New York, NY Doubleday, a division of
    Random House, Inc., 1999. Print.
  • Bens, Ingrid, Dan Picard, and Carol Tornatore.
    Facilitation at a Glance! a Pocket Guide of
    Tools and Techniques for Effective Meeting
    Facilitation. Salem, NH Goal QPC, 2008. Print.
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