Title: Leaderesource Purpose Statement
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2Leaderesource Purpose Statement
Sunday School is a ministry strategy that exists
to assist the church in accomplishing its
God-given mission of making disciples.
Leaderesource is designed to help you as a church
leader in developing a disciple-making culture in
your church through the Sunday School ministry.
3Teaching Student Sunday School
 This one-hour teaching experience for Student
Sunday School Leadership will help you identify
specific ways to engage students in discovering
for themselves the life-changing truths of the
4The Five Building Blocks for
Teaching Student Sunday School
5Prepare Spiritually - Personal Bible Study and
Prayer by the teacher and leaders allow spiritual
transformation to begin Students will want to
know if you really believe and practice what you
are teaching.
6- Prepare the Ministry Environment
- How will I make the experience beneficial for
everyone who comes? - Consider the needs of your students
- Consider the various learning styles of your
Auditory Visual
7- Prepare the Ministry Environment
- Make a session related contact earlier in the
week - Postcard
- Email
- Facebook/MySpace
- Text Message
- Phone Call
- Visit
- Use a variety of ways to contact students
8- Prepare the classroom
- Create a focal wall with the title of the unit,
individual sessions - Create a Prayer Board for gathering prayer
requests - Clear the room of all unrelated equipment and
materials - Set up the chairs so there can be interaction as
appropriate during the study - Gather all necessary art/teaching supplies prior
to the study - Gather the Bible Study Resources you will use
during the study.
9Focal Wall
10Prayer Requests
Reach Needs Connect Needs Physical Needs
Collect Prayer Requests As Students
Arrive!Enlist someone to pray at the close of
Bible Study!
11 - Begin as the first student enters the room with
learning - Take activities from the curriculum guide and
adapt for your students - Help move the student toward the Biblical Truth
- Seeks to capture the attention of student as
introduces the topic to be studied - Forms a bridge toward the investigation of the
text to be studied - Prepares students to jump into Gods Word
- Raises Curiosity
- Introduce controversy or conflict
12Chairs in two groups!
13 - Consider how students learn best recall the
learning styles of students - Learning is experiencing through discovery
- A teachers task is to set up experiences so that
the learner can discover for himself/herself
the life-changing truths of the Bible - Never tell a student something he or she can
discover for themselves - Students Tell Back and Demonstrate what they have
14- Guided Discovery Process/Methods Process
- Read
- Students Read The Bible
- Research
- Bible Study tools
- Discover/Discuss
- 3-4 questions to facilitate discovery
- Create
- An interactive activity to complete to share
discovery - Incorporates various methods/inclusive of
learning styles - Use a variety of suggested methods dont be
repetitive - Present
15The Discovery Process
Place card in Bible with passage marked
16- Research
- Expose Students to Bible Study Tools
- Student Book
- Commentaries
- Bible Dictionary
- Concordance
- Maps
- Topical Bible
- Bible Handbook
- Study Bibles Various Translations
- Online Resources
17Bible Study Tools
18Approaches to Bible Study
Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences
Learning is discovery. Teaching is
facilitating discovery!
19 Learning and retention increase as direct
involvement increases. The only Bad Method is
the one you use every week.
20- Connect the truth to the lives of students as
they go into their world - General How the truth applies to the lives of
all students - Specific How the truth applies to my life today
- How will the truths of today lesson impact my
- Emotions
- Habits
- Behavior
- Service to other
- Thinking
- Relationships
- Friends (church, school, teams, clubs0
- Family
- Community
21- Continuation as students seek to live out their
faith in their day to day lives - Teachers Key Build Relationships
- Meals, Events with Students,
- Have conversations with students about their
spiritual lives - Parents Communicate with Parents about what you
are teaching - Email
- Web-page
- Text messaging
- Connection Points
22 - Total Period Teaching plan to begin when the
first student enters the room even if hes 10
minutes early! - Arrange Room For Involvement free of tables
distractions do not use rows of chairs - Enlist Enough Workers never teach alone
- Use all three basic learning styles in every
lesson - Use a variety of ways to create teams for
assignments - Ask questions about the lesson to keep the group
activity moving
Guiding Student Behavior
23 - When they are working in teams ask adults to
wander around the room asking questions that
keep them working - Make Announcements at the end of the lesson
preferably have them in print students forget
the details! - Prayer Requests have a board on the wall for
students to write requests rather than going
around the room sharing requests then have a
student enlisted to pray for the request a the
end of the lesson spend time praying rather
than talking about the prayer requests.
Guiding Student Behavior
24Written Announcements Distribute at the end of
the study! Pass Out To Parents As Well!
25 Do your best to present yourself to God as one
approved, a workman who does not need to be
ashamed and who correctly handles the word of
truth. 2 Timothy 215 (NIV)
26 Bible Study RESOURCES
27A Ministry Of
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