Title: Tangent Lines, Normal Lines, and Rectilinear Motion
1Tangent Lines, Normal Lines, and Rectilinear
- Conner Moon
- Evan Haight
- 2nd period
- Mrs. Autrey
2Tangent Lines
- The definition of a tangent line is a line which
intersects a curve at a point where the slope of
both the curve and the line are equal. In other
words, it is a line that touches a curve at one
point without crossing over.
3Three Things Needed to Find the equation of a
tangent line
- Derivative
- Derivative at the point
- Y-value at the point
- The first step of finding the equation of a
tangent line is to take the derivative of the
original equation.
5Derivative at the point
- The second step is to find the derivative at the
point. For this example we will give the point
After finding the derivative at the point, your
answer will be the slope of the tangent line.
7Y-value at the point
- Now go back to the original equation and plug in
your x-value given earlier, x2, to find the
8Now, Slope Intercept Formula
- After finding the slope of the tangent line, and
your y-value, we plug in the those points to find
the equation of the tangent line, shown below.
9Example 1
Here we will find the equation of the tangent
line at the point x-2.
10Walk Through
12Try Me!!!!
- Find the equation of the line tangent at the
point x-1 -
13How did you do?
14Normal Line
- The definition of as normal line is a line that
is perpendicular to the tangent line at the point
of tangency. In other words it is a line that
intersects the tangent line with a slope that is
the negative reciprocal of the slope of said
tangent line.
15Things Needed to Find Equation of Normal Line
- Original Equation of the Tangent line
- Slope of Tangent line
- Negative Reciprocal
16Negative Reciprocal
- Ok this sounds a lot harder than it actually is.
So if the slope of the tangent line is y4, then
the slope of the normal line, the negative
reciprocal of the slope of the tangent line, is
17Example 1
- Here we will find the equation of the normal line
at the point x-2
18Walk Through
This is the part where we take the negative
reciprocal of the tangent line, sooo, the slope
of this normal line is 1/8.
20Example 2
- Here we will find the equation of the normal line
at the point y-1
21Try Me!!!!
22How did you do?
23Rectilinear Motion
- In this case when we talk about rectilinear
motion lets think of it as the motion of a
particle, and the motion of this particle is
illustrated by a given expression. Using this
expression and derivatives we will be able to
calculate the position, velocity, and
acceleration of said particle.
24Stages of Rectilinear Motion
- X(t)position
- V(t) / X(t)velocity
- A(t) / X(t)acceleration
25Explanation of a Sign Line
- Staying with the particle idea, a sign line will
visually show us the positive or negative value
of a group of numbers, using this information we
can determine if the particle is moving left or
right, has a positive or negative velocity, or if
the acceleration of the particle is positive or
26Example 1
- Find when the particle, expressed by the equation
, is moving to the
- As the sign line shows the particle is moving
right from .
29Try Me!!!!
- Find when the particle, expressed by the equation
, is moving to the
30How did you do??
31Now you know how to do tangent and normal lines
and rectilinear motion.