Title: I Spy a Number
1I Spy a Number
- M3N1. Students will further develop their
understanding of whole numbers and decimals and
ways of representing them. - Identify place values from tenths through ten
2I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
Is it 43?
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
No! One of the digits is either a 4 or a 3, but
its in the wrong place.
3I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
Is it 64?
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
64 0 0
No! This lets us know that theres neither a 6
nor a 4 in the number.
4I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
Now I know that the correct digit is a 3.
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
64 0 0
5I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
The 3 must be in the tens place.
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
64 0 0
6I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
I also know that theres no 6 or 4.
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
64 0 0
7I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
Is it 35?
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
64 0 0
35 1 1
No! This lets us know that the number is between
30 and 39, but not 35.
8I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
Is it 37?
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
64 0 0
35 1 1
37 1 1
No! This lets us know that the number is between
30 and 39.
9I Spy a Number
I spy a number thats between 10 and 99.
Is it 39?
Guess Digits Correct Places Correct
43 1 0
64 0 0
35 1 1
37 1 1
39 2 2