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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Presentation Package

Children and Adolescents in Sport and Exercise
Learning Objectives
  • Understand the differences between the terms
    growth, development, and maturation
  • Examine the processes by which bone, muscle, and
    fat mass increase in size with growth from birth
    to adulthood, how this relates to changes and
    rates of change in height and weight, and how
    these processes differ between boys and girls
  • Learn how the nervous system matures as children
    grow, and how this might influence the
    development of balance, agility, and coordination

Learning Objectives (continued)
  • Find out how strength increases with age and what
    factors influence these changes
  • Discover how children can safely improve their
  • Learn how training improves aerobic and anaerobic
    capacities in prepubescent children
  • To understand how these physiological changes
    with growth affect the motor ability and sports
    performance of the child and adolescent
  • Examine the differences between children and
    adults with respect to thermoregulation

  • Growth an increase in the size of the body
    and/or of its parts
  • Development the differentiation of cells along
    specialized lines of function (functional changes
    with growth)
  • Maturation the process of taking on an adult
    form and becoming fully functional (defined by
    the system)
  • Chronological age
  • Skeletal age
  • Stage of sexual maturation

Phases of Growth and Development
  • Infancy first year of life
  • Childhood age 1 to puberty
  • Puberty development of secondary sex
    characteristics sexual reproduction becomes
  • Adolescence puberty to completion of growth and

Changes With Age in the Rateof Increase in
Height (cm/yr)
Height and Weight
  • Key Points
  • Growth in height is very rapid during the first 2
    years of life, with a child reaching 50 of adult
    stature by age 2
  • The rate of growth is slower throughout childhood
    until a marked increase occurs near puberty
  • The peak rate of height growth occurs at age 12
    in girls and 14 in boys
  • Full height is typically achieved at age 16 in
    girls and 18 in boys
  • Growth in weight follows the same trend as
    height, with the peak rate of weight increase
    occurring at age 12.5 in girls and 14.5 in boys

Bone Growth
  • During growth, bone develops from cartilage
  • Fibrous membranes and cartilage transform into
    bone by ossification
  • Growth is completed when cartilage cells stop
    growing and growth plates are replaced by bone
    (by early 20s)
  • Requires a rich blood supply to deliver essential
  • Calcium is required to build and maintain bone
  • Weight-bearing exercise increases bone width and

Muscle Growth
  • In boys, skeletal muscle mass increases from 25
    of body weight at birth to 40-45 in young men
  • Muscle development rate peaks at puberty in boys
    corresponding with a 10-fold increase in
  • In girls, skeletal muscle mass increases from 25
    of body weight at birth to 30-35 in young women
  • Muscle development is slower in girls
  • Muscle development primarily results from
    hypertrophy of existing fibers
  • Muscle length increases with bone growth due to
    an increase in sarcomeres (added at the junction
    between the muscle and the tendon)

Growth and Fat Storage
  • Fat cells form and fat deposition starts in fetal
  • Fat is stored by increasing the size and number
    of fat cells
  • Fat storage depends on
  • Diet
  • Exercise habits
  • Heredity
  • At birth, 10-12 of total body weight is fat
  • At maturity, fat content averages 15 of total
    body weight in males and 25 in females

Changes in Skinfold Thicknessin Boys and Girls
  • Data from NHANES-I, National Center for Health

Changes in Percent Fat, Fat Mass,and Fat-Free
Mass for Females and MalesFrom Birth to 20 Years
of Age
  • Reprinted, by permission, from R.M. Malina, C.
    Bouchard, and O. Bar-Or, 2004, Growth,
    maturation, and physical activity, 2nd ed.
    (Champaign, IL Human Kinetics), 114.

Nervous System
  • As children grow, they develop better balance,
    agility, and coordination
  • Myelination of the nerve fibers must be completed
    for fast reactions and skilled movement
  • Myelination of the cerebral cortex occurs most
    rapidly in childhood but continues well beyond
  • The full development of reaction speed and motor
    skills depends on completion of the myelination

Tissue Growth and Development
  • Key Points
  • Muscle mass increases steadily along with weight
    gain from birth through adolescence
  • In boys, the rate of muscle mass increase peaks
    at puberty, when testosterone production
    increases dramatically. Girls do not experience
    this sharp increase in muscle mass
  • Muscle mass increases result primarily from fiber
    hypertrophy with little or no hyperplasia
  • Muscle mass peaks in girls between ages 18-20,
    and in boys between 18-25, although it can be
    further increased through diet and exercise

Tissue Growth and Development (continued)
  • Key Points
  • Fat cells increase in size and number throughout
  • The amount of fat accumulation depends on diet,
    exercise habits, and heredity
  • At maturity, the bodys fat content averages 15
    in men and 25 in women
  • Balance, agility, and coordination improve as
    childrens nervous systems develop
  • Myelination of nerve fibers must be completed
    before fast reactions and skilled movements are
    fully developed

  • Improves as muscle mass increases
  • Peak strength occurs age 20 in women
  • Peak strength occurs between ages 20-30 in men

Gains With Age in Leg Strengthof Young Boys
Followed LongitudinallyOver 12 Years
  • Data from H.H. Clarke, 1971, Physical and motor
    tests in the Medford boys' growth study
    (Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall).

Changes in Strength With Developmental Status in
Boys and Girls
  • Reprinted, by permission, from K. Froberg and O.
    Lammert, 1996, Development of muscle strength
    during childhood. In The child and adolescent
    athlete (London Blackwell Publishing Company),

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Function
  • Resting and Submaximal Exercise
  • Resting blood pressure is lower in children
    (proportional to body size), but progressively
    increases during the late teen years
  • Blood flow to active muscles per unit volume of
    muscle is greater
  • Stroke volume is lower in children (smaller
  • Heart rate responses for a given absolute
    submaximal work rate is higher (to compensate for
    reduced SV)
  • Cardiac output is somewhat lower for a given
    absolute work rate
  • (a-v)O2 differences are increased to compensate
    for a lower cardiac output

Submaximal (a) Heart Rate, (b) Stroke Volume, (c)
Cardiac Output and (d) (a-v)O2 Difference in a
12-Year-Old Boy and Fully Mature Man
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Function
  • Maximal Exercise
  • Maximal heart rate is higher
  • Lower maximal cardiac output
  • Oxygen delivery limits performance
  • Lung Function
  • All lung volumes increase until growth is
  • VEmax increases with age until physical maturity

Physiological Responsesto Acute Exercise
  • Key Points
  • Strength improves and muscle mass increases with
  • Gains in strength with growth also depend on
    neural maturation
  • Blood pressure is directly related to body size
  • Blood pressure is lower both at rest and during
    exercise in children vs. adults
  • During both submaximal and maximal exercise, a
    childs smaller heart and blood volume result in
    a lower stroke volume vs. adults
  • A childs heart rate is higher than an adults
    for the same rate of work or VO2

Physiological Responsesto Acute Exercise
  • Key Points
  • A child's cardiac output is less than an adults
  • During submaximal exercise there is an increase
    in (a-v)O2 difference to ensure adequate oxygen
  • At maximal work rates, oxygen delivery limits
  • Lung volumes increase until physical maturity,
    primarily because of increasing body size
  • Until physical maturity, maximal ventilatory
    capacity and maximal expiratory ventilation
    increase in direct proportion to the increase in
    body size

Metabolic Function in Children
  • Aerobic Capacity
  • In boys, VO2max peaks between ages 17-21
  • In girls, VO2max peaks between ages 12-15
  • Little difference between children and adults if
    normalized for differences in body size
  • Running Economy
  • Economy is lower in children and improves with
    growth (increased stride frequency)

Changes in Maximal Oxygen Uptake With Age
Metabolic Function in Children
  • Anaerobic Capacity
  • Ability to perform anaerobic activities is
  • Resting concentrations of ATP and PCr are similar
    to adults
  • Children have lower glycolytic capacities
  • Lower lactate concentrations in the blood and
    muscle at maximal and supramaximal rates of work
  • Children have lower RERs during maximal exercise
    bouts, suggesting less lactate production
  • Anaerobic mean and peak power outputs are lower
    in children, even when scaled for body mass

Optimal Peak Power Output (Anaerobic Power)
Adjusted for Body Mass in Preteenagers,
Teenagers, and Adults
  • Data from A.M.C. Santos et al., 2002, "Age- and
    sex-related differences in optimal peak power,"
    Pediatric Exercise Science 14 202-212.

Development of Aerobic and Anaerobic
Characteristics in Boys and GirlsAges 9 to 16
  • Adapted, by permission, from O. Bar-Or, 1983,
    Pediatric sports medicine for the practitioner
    From physiologic principles to clinical
    applications (New York Springer-Verlag).

Physiological Adaptationsto Training Body
  • With both resistance and aerobic training, boys
    and girls will
  • ? Weight and fat mass
  • ? Fat-free mass (attenuated compared with
    adolescents and adults)
  • ? Bone growth (bone mineral density)

Physiological Adaptationsto Training Strength
  • With resistance training, boys and girls will
  • ? Muscle strength (dependent on volume and
    intensity of training)
  • Strength gains are accomplished without much
    change in muscle size, indicating increased motor
    unit activation (neural adaptations)

Physiological Adaptationsto Training Aerobic
  • Following aerobic training, children have
  • Small ? in aerobic capacity in prepubescent
  • Larger ? in aerobic capacity in adolescents
  • Differences appear to depend on heart growth

Physiological Adaptationsto Training Anaerobic
  • Following anaerobic training, children have
  • ? Resting concentrations of PCr, ATP, and
  • ? Phosphofructokinase activity
  • ? Maximal blood lactate concentrations

Physiological Adaptations to Training
  • Key Points
  • Body composition changes with training in
    children and adolescents are similar to those
    seen in adults
  • The risk of injury from resistance training in
    young athletes is relatively low
  • Strength gains are achieved from resistance
    training in children primarily from neurological
    adaptations with little change in muscle size
  • Aerobic training in preadolescents does not alter
    VO2max as much as would be expected from the
    training stimulus (heart size)

Physiological Adaptations to Training (continued)
  • Key Points
  • Endurance performance improves with aerobic
    training in preadolescents
  • A childs anaerobic capacity increases with
    anaerobic training
  • In general, growth and maturation rates and
    processes are probably not altered significantly
    by training

Motor Ability and Sport Performance
  • Performance generally increases with age
  • Development of neuromuscular and endocrine
  • Increased activity

Changes in Motor Abilities From the Ages of 6-17
Data from the Presidents Council on Physical
Fitness and Sports, 1985.
Changes in Motor Abilities From the Ages of 6-17
Years (continued)
Data from the Presidents Council on Physical
Fitness and Sports, 1985.
U.S. National Record Performances for Boys and
Thermal Stress and Children
  • Children rely more on convection and radiation,
    which are enhanced through greater peripheral
  • Evaporative heat loss is lower because of reduced
    sweat rates
  • Children have greater ratios of surface area to
  • Acclimatization to heat is slower in boys than in
    adult men (no data available for girls)
  • Conductive heat loss is greater in the cold,
    increasing risk for hypothermia
  • Exercising in extreme temperatures should be
    minimized (limited data available)
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