Service Provider Training Module - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Service Provider Training Module


Service Provider Training Module – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Michaelv55


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Service Provider Training Module

Service Provider Training Module
Training Agenda
  • Update the Schools and Departments with the new
    Agreements in place and where they can be found
    on our Website
  • Purchasing Role
  • What is a Service Provider
  • Services Agreement Process
  • Review the Existing/New Forms
  • What is an Independent Contractor
  • Highlight the Insurance Requirements for All
  • Review Commodity Codes
  • Guide Users through New and Improved Website

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Purchasing Role in the Process
  • Purchasing is the central point of contact for
    all Agreements where there are services being
    provided to the University
  • Purchasing is responsible for coordinating the
    necessary University resources (Office of the
    General Council, Risk Management, Medical
    Compliance, etc.) in order to bring agreements
    to conclusion
  • Departments having contract questions from
    suppliers should contact Purchasing for review
    and commentary
  • Purchasing coordinates between the University
    and the supplier during contract negotiations
  • Only those designated by the University Trustees
    are permitted to Sign Agreements on behalf of

We Have a Shared Responsibility in the Process
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Why do we have Purchasing Policies, Practices and
Employ Best Business Practices
Create Opportunity Spend Dollars Wisely
Change in the Way we do Business
Reduce Liability Reduce Reputational Risk
Meet Audit Requirements Meet IRS Regulations
Comply with Various Government Organizations
(e.g. FAR, OMB, etc)
Value for Money
Statutory Requirements
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation Basic
Rulebook for Government Contracts OMB The
Office of Management and Budget
What is a Service Provider at Columbia?
  • Professional Services to accomplish the
    objectives of the University when such Services
    are specialized, highly technical, and cannot be
    economically or satisfactorily performed by
    University employees as part of their normal
  • Current Service Provider Statistics
  • 1,000 Agreements reviewed each year for services
    ranging from Web Designer to Business Consultant
    to Architect
  • Value of Service Agreements ranges from couple
    hundred dollars to the millions of dollars
  • A Temporary or Casual Employee is NOT a Service
  • Hired for a special project or as a short-term
  • Paid for the exact hours worked and processed
    through the timesheet submission
  • Rates of pay and job duties are established by
    each department there are no fringe benefits
  • Usually limited to four consecutive months

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What is a Service Provider?
Service Provider
Web Designers
Strategic Consultants
Business Consultants
Graphic Designers
PR Marketing
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Service Agreements Process
Option Review
Sourcing Your Needs
Finalizing an Agreement
Defining Your Needs
Purchase Order
Developing Statement of Work, Time Lines, Quality Service requirements, etc. Contact the Purchasing Office for Advice and Review University Wide List (UwPA) Identifying Vendors Obtaining Bids Confirming Order Validating Vendor Negotiating Terms and Conditions Getting Necessary Signatures Ensuring Insurance Requirements are Met Resolving Intellectual Property Issues Creating a Requisition Obtaining approvals such as Prior approvals, DAF and Sole/Single Source Approval Reviewing with Purchasing including Compliance and Exceptions
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Purchasing Bid and Justification Policies
  • Requires one of the following
  • Written Bid(s)
  • Proposal(s)
  • Quote(s)

1 - 24,999 (non-UwPA)
  • Three Written Bids, Quotes or Proposals
  • Single/Sole Source form must be approved by
    Senior Level Officer in the department prior to
    submission to Purchasing at this dollar
  • Make sure your justification clearly defines WHY
    you chose to Sole/Single source and provide a
    clear cost reasonableness.

25,000 or Higher (non-UwPA)
0 and higher UwPA (University wide Purchase
  • Requires
  • Written quote or proposal and
  • Executed Scope of Work

Note UwPA University Wide Purchase Agreement
Why are Agreements Important to Columbia
Limitation of Liability
Use of Columbia Confidential Information
To secure against loss or damage and provide
compensation Protects CU and Supplier
Reduces Responsibility to determine
accountability of the Services performed Protects
CU and Supplier
Protects all information for University and
Acceptance of Deliverables/Work Product
Ownership of Work Product
Use of Columbia University Name
Ensures we get what we are paying for and sets
Defines exclusive right to results and the by
products of an engagement
Protects the Reputation of Columbia University
Protects the University
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A Purchase Order or Agreement for my Service?
Go to the Purchasing Website to review Service
Provider Grid
  • Binding Contract between the University and the
  • Requires SOW
  • Required upon request Certificate of Insurance

Purchase Order Only
  • Binding Contract between the University and the
  • Requires SOW
  • Agreement requires submission Certificate of

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Why a PO versus PO Service Agreement?
  • Risks varies from a Service Agreement because of
    the type of services being rendered (SA)
  • Service Agreements have flexibility to negotiate
    terms/conditions (SA)
  • Insurance Requirements (PO, SA)
  • Validate authorization, charges the appropriate
    accounts and gives the approval for the purchase
    (PO, SA)
  • It is the ONLY mechanism to encumber the funds
  • It helps keep track of these type of agreement
    relationships (PO)
  • It is the best way to administer centrally on a
    systemic basis (PO)

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The Process to Submit an Order for a Service
  • All orders (Purchase Requisitions) are processed
    through the Financial Front End (FFE) system and
    require a DAF to Provide Approval for the Order
  • Once you submit your transaction, a Central
    Purchase Order Requisition will be provided to
    you electronically.
  • Refer to the Requisition Checklist for ALL the
    Supporting Documentation Needed for a NEW
  • Pink Existing Suppliers in Purchasing System
    even though worked with supplier previously.
  • Blue Depending on the Threshold
  • Green Access Patient Health Information
  • Once a PO is generated, you will be able to pay
    the Service Provider

Requisition Checklist
Approved Requisition DAF Authorization Valid Certificate of Insurance (COI) for Service Agreements Only Signed Agreement by Supplier does not apply to PO only Commodities Scope (Statement) of Work (SOW) RFP Summary Sheet Sole/Single Source Justification (Greater than 25K) Independent Contractor Verification Worksheet (does not apply to LLC or Incorporated Suppliers) aka Consultant Worksheet Resume/Company Brochure Vendor Questionnaire (refer them to Purchasing Website - For Vendors If Applicable, Business Associates Addendum signed by CU Medical Center Compliance Officer
Accuracy is Key, so Make Sure ALL Documents are
Submitted to Purchasing for Timely Turn Around
for a PO
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Forms/ Supporting Documents
Document What is Included What to do
Scope of Work (SOW) Clearly outline what you are buying, when, how and where prior to the start of service delivery key to a successful engagement with your supplier Scope of Services Requested Detailed Description of Services Objective If applicable, key Deliverables (Phases) Resources to complete the Scope What is the final product/service? Payment Terms Signatures Go to the Purchasing website for access to the standard SOW template. This must be used for Service Providers that are only required to use a Purchase Order and Service Agreement.
Vendor Questionnaire Provides data regarding the vendor that has been input and verified by Purchasing. This on-line form is to be completed by all vendors that have not been used previously through the Purchasing system or are making updates to their information. Provide your vendor with the site address or contact Purchasing so that we are able to contact the vendor for updates. http//
Client List Provides a list of the vendors current and past clients. Customer listing provided by vendor. This enables us to verify that Columbia is not the only customer for a vendor. This enables us to ensure that the vendor meets the IRS definition of independent contractor. Contact Purchasing for assistance.
Resume Provides extensive experience in their field Work Experience, Dates, Clients Contact Purchasing for assistance.
Brochure Provides information regarding the services available to any customer. Available via print or website Service offering Locations Key Principals Customer List Contact your vendor for access to their promotional brochure or web site.
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Forms What is an Independent Contractor (aka
Consultant Worksheet) Based on IRS Standards?
  • A business firm or an individual that contracts
    with the University to provide services for which
    the University controls or directs at most the
    result of the service, not the means and methods
    of accomplishing the result.
  • Independent Contractor Certification
  • According the IRS, should the Service Provider be
    treated as an employee or an Independent
    Contractor? (Payroll Tax Withholding)
  • New York State withholds Workers Compensation and
    Unemployment Tax Withholding
  • Before the performance of services commence,
    departments contracting for services must assess
    the relationship with the individual providing
    services to ensure that individuals hired or
    contracted to perform services are properly
    classified as an employee or an independent
  • The three main categories for determining whether
    a relationship should be categorized as an
    employee or independent contractor are
  • Behavior Control
  • Financial Control
  • The Individuals Relationship with the University

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IRS Litmus Test for Independent Contractor vs.
Behavioral Control
Financial Control
Type of Relationship
Financial controls are evidenced by facts that
determine whether the employer has a right to
direct or control the financial/business aspects
of the individual's business activities,
including (1) the extent to which the individual
is reimbursed for business expenses, (2) the
extent of the individual's investment in the
business and whether a profit or loss is
realized, (3) the extent to which the individual
offers similar services to the relevant market,
and (4) how the employer pays the individual,
such as hourly, salary, or a flat fee.
The relationship between the individual
performing services and the employer is evidenced
by examining how the employer and the individual
perceive their relationship, including (1)
whether a written contract exists explaining the
employer's and individual's intent, (2) the
provision of, or lack of employee benefits, (3)
the permanency of the relationship, (4) the right
to terminate the relationship, and (5) the extent
to which services are performed that are a part
of the employer's regular business activities..
Behavioral controls are evidenced by facts that
determine whether the employer has a right to
direct and control how the individual performs
the tasks for which the individual is hired,
including the type of instructions the employer
gives the individual and how the individual
obtains training for providing such
- An employee must comply with instructions about
when, where, and how to work. Even if no
instructions are given, the CONTROL factor is
present if the employer has the right to give
instructions. - An employee can quit his/her job
at any time without incurring liability. An
Independent Contractor usually agrees to complete
a specific job and is responsible for its
satisfactory completion, or is legally obligated
to make good for failure to complete it.
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Insurance Requirements Commercial vs.
Professional Liability
Commercial General Liability
  • Designed to pay for economic damages caused by
    negligent acts, errors or omissions for which
    youre legally liable.
  • Protects you if, in your professional capacity,
    you do or fail to do something that causes
    financial loss to a third party.
  • Covers professionals as Doctors, Lawyers,
    Executive Search, Accountants, Data Analysis,
    PR/Marketing, Web Designers
  • Provides coverage for your business if an
    individual or another business claims your
    company or your employee was negligent and
    responsible for bodily injuries, property damage,
    financial loss, personal injury or advertising
  • Contractual Liability
  • Breach (Confidentiality, SOW)
  • Pays for Defense Costs

Examples A visitor could slip, a competitor
could sue for false advertising, a client could
sue for damage to their property value while in
your care, a former client could sue for libel or
Examples Failure to perform services as
requested or design, misrepresentation, failure
to make recommendations, breach of client
confidentiality, unintentional dissemination of
false or misleading info.
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Insurance Requirements Umbrella Policy
Umbrella Insurance
Commercial General Liability
  • Is an option that can be utilized by Service
    Providers in the event their primary Commercial
    General Liability and Automobile are not
    sufficient to meet University requirements.
  • An example if the Service Provider has 500K in
    CGL and AL and the CU requires 1MM, Service
    Provider can purchase an additional 500K
    Umbrella Policy that would cover both.

The Purpose of Insurance is to Mitigate and
Manage Risk to the University which Will Not be
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Sample ACORD Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • A Certificate of Insurance is an articulation of
    a firms coverage.
  • Purchasing will need an updated COI for each
    Requisition even though the supplier is
    performing multiple projects for the University
  • The COI is renewed on an annual basis
  • Per Service Provider Agreement, Section Titled
    Insurance, 1(a), Products and completed
    operations insurance shall be maintained for 3
    years following termination of this Agreement.
  • The last two sections must read

PO Suppliers will not be Required to Provide a
COI however, this will not Release them of the
Obligation to carry the Appropriate Coverage
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Process Flow Purchase Order and Standard
A clearly defined Statement (Scope) of Work is
needed for both.
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Process Flow Custom
A clearly defined Statement (Scope) of Work is
needed for both.
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What is a Change Order?
Four Types of Change Orders
Change Orders
Change Order 1
Change Order 2
  1. Agreements will not be extended beyond 3 years
    regardless if services remain the same.
  2. Make Sure you provide detailed supporting
  3. Ensure Certificate of Insurance is up-to-date

Extension to the Period of Performance
Increase in Dollar Value, same Scope
Change Order 4
Change Order 3
Change in Language of the Executed Agreement
Extension to Period and Increase
NOT Change Order
  • Example
  • Valid CO Executive Search Firm Change Order
    where the Salary is Higher than Expected or the
    Search takes longer.
  • Invalid CO If it is a New search, a New
    Requisition will need to be processed with New
    Support Documentation.

Changes in SOW beyond Original Scope
Process Flow Change Order and Financial
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University-wide Purchasing Agreements
(UwPA)/Master Agreements
  • What are UwPAs?
  • Negotiated or bid contracts with select vendors
  • Best value
  • No need for additional bids
  • For a complete listing of all UwPAs, visit
  • http//
  • What are Master Agreements?
  • These are agreements where the contract terms
    conditions have been negotiated and on file with
  • This does not preclude the competitive bidding
    process and is required for these agreements, but
    if awarded only a standard University Scope of
    Work document is required as supporting
    documentation to the request.

Always BEST to Refer to the UwPAs when Possible
for Savings!
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Changes For 2009 Service Providers Transaction
Greater Collaboration
Improved Communications
Refined Processes
  • Purchasing will work with Schools and Departments
    to ensure the proper documentations are completed
    to ensure a timely PO issued for purchases
  • Require Requisitions to be submitted PRIOR to
    work starting
  • PO specific Service Providers
  • Continue to Evaluate Alternative Processes
  • Purchasing will be offering training to
    individuals to ensure support documents are
    precise and to expectation to avoid any
    bottlenecks in the process

Go to the Service Provider Website which Provides
Necessary Documents and Insight
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Purchasing Will Support You With A Range Of
Project Management Activities
From the Purchasing Office Service Agreement
Team, you can expect
Weekly Requisition Status
Management Plan of Overall Process for Sourcing a
Check-Ins with the Transactions
Support for Onboarding and Training
Update WebPur with Notes
Ad-Hoc Transaction Support
Update on Open Questions
Were All In This Together!
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How do I Submit Documentation to Purchasing?
  • Through one of 3 methods
  • BEST Email documents to Purchasing using the
    Fax Server
  • Email to
  • Indicate ONLY the Purchase Requisition Number
    (RAXXXX) in the Subject Line of the email (Add
    sample email)
  • Attach all supporting documents
  • GOOD Fax documents to Purchasing Using the Fax
  • Fax number 212-854-2699
  • Fax coversheet http//
  • LEAST Inter-campus Mail or Dropping it off at
    the Purchasing Office

Please Make Sure to Include Requisition Number on
Fax Sheet and Make Copies
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Update Your Contact Lists for Service Agreements!
  • Name Email Phone Number
  • Carlos Arias
  • Fatima Suarez
  • Joe OBrien

Service Provider Team
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Need Information?
  • Available Resources to Assist You
  • Purchasing Website http//
  • Complete Listing of UwPAs
  • News Updates
  • Library of Standard University Forms
  • Link to Accounts Payable Procedures
  • Link to WebPur
  • Link to Risk Management Website
  • Purchasing Policies and Guidelines

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