Title: Linear Systems Iterative Solutions
1Linear Systems Iterative Solutions
2Sparse Linear Systems
- Computational Science deals with the simulation
of natural phenomenon, such as weather, blood
flow, impact collision, earthquake response, etc. - To simulate these issues such as heat transfer,
electromagnetic radiation, fluid flow and shock
wave propagation need to be taken into account. - Combining initial conditions with general laws of
physics (conservation of energy and mass), a
model of these may involve a Partial Differential
Equation (PDE).
3Example PDEs
- The Wave equation
- 1D ? 2? /? t2 -c2 ? 2? /? x2
- 3D ? 2? /? t2 -c2 ? 2?
- Note ? 2? ? 2? /? x2 ? 2? /? y2 ? 2? /? z2
- ?(x,y,z,t) is some continuous function of space
and time (e.g., temperature).
4Example PDEs
- No changes over time (steady state)
- Laplaces Equation
- This can be solved for very simple geometric
configurations and initial conditions. - In general, we need to use the computer to solve
5Example PDEs
? middle
? right
? 2 ? (? Left ? Right ? Up ? Down 4 ?
Middle ) / h2 0
6Finite Differences
- Fundamentally we are taking derivatives
- Grid spacing or step size of h.
- Finite-Difference method uses a regular grid.
7Finite Differences
- A very simple problem
- Find the electrostatic potential inside a box
whose sides are at a given potential - Set up a n by n grid on which the potential is
defined and satisfies Laplaces Equation
8Linear System
93D Simulations
10Gaussian Elimination
- What happens to these banded matrices when
Gaussian Elimination is applied? - Matrix only has about 7n3 non-zero elements.
- Matrix size N2, where Nn3 or n6 elements
- Gaussian Elimination on these suffers from fill.
- The forward elimination phase will produce n2
non-zero elements per row, or n5 non-zero
11Memory Costs
- Example n300
- Memory cost
- 189,000,000 189106 elements
- Floats gt 756MB
- Doubles gt 1.4GB
- Full matrix would be 7.291014!
- Gaussian Elimination
- Floats gt 1.91013MB
- With n300, simulating weather for the state of
Ohio would have samples gt 1km apart. - Remember, this is h in central differences.
12Solutions for Sparse Matrices
- Need to keep memory (and computation) low.
- These types of problems motivate the Iterative
Solutions for Linear Systems. - Iterate until convergence.
13Jacobi Iteration
- One of the easiest splitting of the matrix A is
AD-M, where D is the diagonal elements of A. - Axb
- Dx-Mxb
- Dx Mxb
- x(k)D-1Mx(k-1)D-1b
- Trivial to compute D-1.
14Jacobi Iteration
- Another way to understand this is to treat each
equation separately - Given the ith equation, solve for xi.
- Assume you know the other variables.
- Use the current guess for the other variables.
15Jacobi iteration
16Jacobi Iteration
- Cute, but will it work?
- Algorithms, even mathematical ones, need a
mathematical framework or analysis. - Lets first look at a simple example.
17Jacobi Iteration - Example
- Example system
- Initial guess
- Algorithm
18Jacobi Iteration - Example
1st iteration 2nd iteration
19Jacobi Iteration - Example
- x(3) 0.427734375
- y(3) 1.177734375
- z(3) 2.876953125
- x(4) -0.351
- y(4) 0.620
- z(4) 1.814
Actual Solution x 0 y 1 z 2
20Jacobi Iteration
- Questions
- How many iterations do we need?
- What is our stopping criteria?
- Is it faster than applying Gaussian Elimination?
- Are there round-off errors or other precision and
robustness issues?
21Jacobi Method - Implementation
- while( !converged )
- for (int i0 iltN i) // For each equation
- double sum bi
- for (int j0 jltN j) // Compute new xi
- if( i ltgt j )
- sum -A(i,j)x(j)
- tempi sum / Ai,i
- // Test for convergence
- x temp
Complexity Each Iteration O(N2) Total O(MN2)
22Jacobi Method - Complexity
- while( !converged )
- for (int i0 iltN i) // For each equation
- double sum bi
- foreach (double element in nonZeroElementsi)
- // Compute new xi
- if( i ltgt j )
- sum -A(i,j)x(j)
- tempi sum / Ai,i
- // Test for convergence
- x temp
Complexity Each Iteration O(pN) Total
O(MpN) p non-zero elements
For our 2D Laplacian Equation, p4 Nn2 with
n300 gt N90,000
23Jacobi Iteration
- Cute, but does it work for all matrices?
- Does it work for all initial guesses?
- Algorithms, even mathematical ones, need a
mathematical framework or analysis. - We still do not have this.
24Gauss-Seidel Iteration
- Split the matrix A into three parts ADLU,
where D is the diagonal elements of A, L is the
lower triangular part of A and U is the upper
part. - Axb
- DxLxUxb
- (DL)x b-Ux
25Gauss-Seidel Iteration
- Another way to understand this is to again treat
each equation separately - Given the ith equation, solve for xi.
- Assume you know the other variables.
- Use the most current guess for the other
26Gauss-Seidel Iteration
- Looking at it more simply
This iteration
Last iteration
27Gauss-Seidel Iteration
- Questions
- How many iterations do we need?
- What is our stopping criteria?
- Is it faster than applying Gaussian Elimination?
- Are there round-off errors or other precision and
robustness issues?
28Gauss-Seidel - Implementation
- while( !converged )
- for (int i0 iltN i) // For each equation
- double sum bi
- foreach (double element in nonZeroElementsi)
- if( i ltgt j )
- sum -A(i,j)x(j)
- xi sum / Ai,i
- // Test for convergence
- temp x
Complexity Each Iteration O(pN) Total
O(MpN) p non-zero elements
Differences from Jacobi
- Jacobi Iteration can be shown to converge from
any initial guess if A is strictly diagonally
dominant. - Diagonally dominant
- Strictly Diagonally dominant
- Gauss-Seidel can be shown to converge is A is
symmetric positive definite.
31Convergence - Jacobi
- Consider the convergence graphically for a 2D
Equation 1
Equation 2
Initial guess
32Convergence - Jacobi
- What if we swap the order of the equations?
Equation 2
Equation 1
- Not diagonally dominant
- Same set of equations!
Initial guess
33Diagonally Dominant
- What does diagonally dominant mean for a 2D
system? - 10xy12 gt high-slope (more vertical)
- x10y21 gt low-slope (more horizontal)
- Identity matrix (or any diagonal matrix) would
have the intersection of a vertical and a
horizontal line. The b vector controls the
location of the lines.
34Convergence Gauss-Seidel
Equation 1
Equation 2
Initial guess
35Convergence - SOR
- Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR) just adds an
extrapolation step. - w 1.3 impliesgo an extra30
Equation 1
Equation 2
Initial guess
This would Extrapolation at the very end (mix of
Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel.
36Convergence - SOR
Equation 1
Equation 2
Initial guess
Extrapolation in bold