Title: What Will We Address With You Today?
2What is a Collaborative Team?
- A group of diverse members who work together to
share their expertise to address issues, solve
problems or give recommendations that support the
groups mission and goals
3What Makes a Team Effective?
- Shared beliefs and goals
- Diverse membership
- Shared leadership
- Consensus decision making
- Use of collaborative skills
- Rules for sensitive issues
5Four Types of Team Members
- Thinkers Careful, precise, formal, private,
reserved, logical, inventive, reflective - Directors Take charge, control-oriented,
competitive, motivated to be number one, task
focused, achievers, strong willed - Socializers Optimistic, fast paced, emotional,
approval seeking, enthusiastic, impulsive,
expressive - Relaters Easy going, slow paced, diplomatic,
predictable, persistent, modest, accommodating,
6Four Ways People Operate
- Task Oriented (Thinkers and Directors)
- People Oriented (Relaters and Socializers)
- Fast Paced (Directors and Socializers)
- Slow Paced (Thinkers and Relators)
7How Can Your Team Support the Different Team
Member Types?
- Thinkers Accuracy and Precision
- Directors Power and Control
- Socializers Popularity and Prestige
- Relaters Sincerity and Appreciation
8Stages of Team Development
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
9Forming Stage
- Developing a sense of purpose and identity
- Trust level low
- Communication guarded
10Storming Stage
- Search for group values, procedures and norms
- Possible competing for group control and
leadership - Erratic interactions
- Communication may be angry, distorted,
11Norming Stage
- Develop a shared sense of values, expectations,
procedures and traditions - Openness in communication
- Issues shared more easily
12Performing Stage
- Strong sense of we and team cohesiveness
- Efficient in making decisions and resolving
conflict - Interactions patterns are group centered
13Skills Necessary for Collaborative Teaming
- Exchanging information
- Role release
- Teaching each other
- Communicating effectively
- Beware of perceptions
- Process for solving problems
- -Brainstorming solutions
- -Reaching consensus
- Resolving conflicts
14Exchanging Information Through Role Release
- As a team, look at the handout and quickly count
the total number of squares seen. - Write the number of squares you find on a piece
of paper and hold it up.
15Exchanging Information by Teaching One Another
- A volunteer will give directions (without using
eye contact or hand motions) to the group
regarding how to draw a picture. - The audience is not allowed to ask questions.
16Communicating Effectively Beware of Perceptions
- Pick a partner
- Each take 1 minute to share something your
partner would not know about you - Partner receiving information will
- Listen without interrupting
- Report to speaker what they heard/check for
17Process for Solving Problems
- Clearly define the issue (if large, break into
smaller issues) - Generate solutions
- Decide on a solution
- Evaluate effectiveness
- Revise the plan as needed
18Clearly Define the Issue
- State concerns/issues as problems to be solved by
asking - What?
- How?
- When?
- Where?
19Generate Solutions
- Brainstorming
- -No critical judgment allowed
- -Free-wheeling is welcome
- -Go for quantity, not quality
- -Use round robin strategy
- -Set short time period
- -Record words or phrases only
20Brainstorming Activity
- In your teams
- Think of places to go on a dream vacation
- Follow rules for brainstorming
- Have someone record ideas
- You have 60 seconds
- GO!!
21Consensus Decision Making
- Striving to reach a decision that best reflects
the thinking of ALL team members
22Types of decisions
- Win-Lose
- Lose-Lose
- Win-Win Consensus
23Solving Problems(Reaching Consensus)
- Before solving ask
- Are persons with responsibility and resources
committed to resolving the problems? - What might happen if nothing is done to resolve
it? - Does the problem warrant the effort and resources
needed to accomplish significant change? - Are adequate time and resources available to
resolve the problem?
24Guidelines for Making Decisions by Consensus
- Assume problems are solvable avoid win-lose
situations - Present your position clearly and logically,
listen to each team members reaction - Seek out differences of opinions
- Involve everyone in the decision process
- Look for the next most acceptable alternative
when the team reaches a stalemate - Support only solutions with which you are at
least somewhat able to agree - Ask, Is there anyone who cannot live with the
25Consensus Activity
- In teams
- Reach consensus on a dream vacation
26 Resolving Conflict
Reaching a higher level of understanding
27Handling Conflict
- How do you handle conflict?
28When conflict occurs
- Face it and negotiate
- Allow adequate time to discuss
- Commit to resolve
- Communicate viewpoint, focus on behaviors not
personality traits - Use personal statement (I, me, mine)
- Listen to others point of view
- Be open to new perspectives
- Reach agreement on definition of problem
- Request and negotiate change
29Reasons Teams Get Stuck
- Too many meetings
- Too much time in a meeting
- Too many issues
- Too many talkers
- Too few talkers
- Not making decisions
- Rehashing decisions
- Not remembering what was decided
- Ignoring interpersonal conflict
30Team Meeting Process
- Assign roles
- Set time limits
- Conduct Meeting
- Celebrate
- Review past meeting notes, carry incomplete tasks
over as issues - LIST issues
- Prioritize issues
- Brainstorm solutions
- Reach consensus on solutions
- Record who will do what by when
- Carry over issues not addressed
31Roles on Collaborative Teams
- Facilitator
- Agenda Keeper
- Time Keeper
- Recorder
- Encourager
- Observer
32How to Begin
-Assign roles -Assign times -Celebrate -Review
past notes, carry incomplete tasks over as
33During the Meeting
-List issues -Prioritize -Brainstorm solutions
for each issue -Reach consensus -Record (who,
what, when)
34Ending the Meeting
-List issues for carry over -List date, time and
location of next meeting -Assign member to
xerox/ distribute notes