Title: Eco2Solar
1Solar Water Heating
01562 745265 paul_at_eco2solar.co.uk
- Eco2Solar
- Unit 8 John Samuel BuildingArthur Drive, Hoo
Farm Industrial Estate - Kidderminster
- Worcestershire. DY11 7RA
2Essential Accreditations
3What do we do?
Eco2Solar supply install solar heating systems
- Homes (Retro-fit)
- Housing developments
- Community Housing
- Health Centres
- Swimming pools
- Residential
- Commercial
- Hotels/catering
- Care Homes
- Sports facilities
- Public eg schools/pools
- Businesses..
- .. anywhere that needs hot water!
4Climate Change CO2 and temperature rise
Chief Meteorological Officer Met Office and
of course with global warming we can expect
morestorms Source Countryfile October 14th 2007
Source Met Office website
5Oil cradle to grave in 200 years
- After 570,000,000 years in the making
6Fuel Availability
- North Sea oil gas are running out and world oil
stocks are falling - 2005 90/10
- 2015 10/90
- Supplies controlled by unstable countries
- Russia stance January 2009
- LNG container piracy
- Ofgem storage problem
- Prices continue to rise.
7Fuel Prices
The time of cheap energy resources, cheap gas,
is surely coming to an end. Vladimir Putin,
Dec 2008
8What is the Government doing?
- UK Climate Change Act has committed us to
- 80 reduction by 2050
- 20 by 2020
- Dept of Energy Climate Change says there will
be a 10-fold increase in renewables by 2020 - Carrot
- Grants
- Low Carbon Buildings Programme
- Local authority e.g. Gloucs/S Gloucs/Stroud
- VAT at only 5
- Stick
- Energy Performance Certificates
- Planning forcing renewable energy for new build
- Code for Sustainable Homes
- Zero Carbon homes by 2016
9Planning Permission
- Solar hot water collectors become Permitted
Development from 6th April 2008.. - . i.e. no planning permission is required
- if the property is not a listed building or is
not in a conservation area - Â
- Low Carbon Buildings Programme
- www.lowcarbonbuildings.org
- Fast approval process
- Eco2Solar take away hassle
- 400 for solar heating
- Local authority grants up to 1000
- Other sources?
11Why Solar?
- Enough energy is absorbed by the earth every 30
minutes to power the entire planet for a year - UK - 60 as much solar radiation as equator
similar to Spain - Easiest to fit to new or existing buildings
12(No Transcript)
13Why Solar Heating?
- Heat responsible for 49 of energy consumed!
- (Source DECC October 2008)
- Easiest to fit/retro-fit
- Can be hidden from sight
- Provides up 70 domestic hot water
- Highly efficient (93)
- High CO2 displacement at up to 880 kwh per square
metre per annum - Minimal maintenance few moving parts
- 30 year life
14Where do I start?......
- Turn it off
- Insulateinsulate...insulate
- Tactical measures e.g. low energy lighting, TRVs
- Renewables
- Solar heating
- Solar PV
- Biomass
- Ground source heat pump
- Horses for courses
15How does it work?
16The Ecotube
17Indirect pressurised solar system with twin coil
solar cylinder
18Indirect solar heating system to swimming pool
using existing filtration plant
19Eco2solar Evacuated Tube Collectors
- 10 year guarantee
- High quality - made in Germany
- World class performance - up to 888 kWh per annum
(average 500kWh pa) - Versatility - the Ecotube can go flat on roofs
and walls, and the absorber plate angled on
installation - High transmittance glass virtually transparent to
solar energy - Super-efficient selective coating on the absorber
plate to maximise the solar energy absorbed - Minimal heat loss due to thermos effect
20Some Examplesof Eco2Solar Installations
21Windsor Castle
22Church Stretton, Shropshire
23Two panel system linking to wood burner at a
farmhouse near Malvern Hills, Worcestershire
24Cottage near Worcester working with combi-boiler
Brilliant! Our solar panel is doing everything
we expected of it and more! We have used no gas
for water heating in our house since May and have
recently had, for the first time ever, a
quarterly gas bill for 00.00. Mr Coppock, Oct
26Near Birmingham, West Midlands
27Trinity Methodist Kidderminster
29Combined Pool/Domestic Hot Water
30New Build
31Stourport, Worcestershire
Spot the solar panel!!
32Stroud, Gloucestershire
33Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
34Todmorden Medical Centre
35Todmorden Medical Centre
36Leicester High Cross
37Why do it?
- Add value to your home
- Guardian/Daily Mail 9
- thelondonpaper 6
- Save on fuel bills
- Up to 70 of hot water costs
- Protection from fuel cost increases
- Doubled in 3 years
- Price Shock
- Independence from the grid central fuel supply
- Sunday Times 30 shortfall by 2015
- Do your bit for the environment
- Up to 1 tonne CO2 per annum
- Â
38- Eco2Solar Ltd
- Unit 8 John Samuel Building
- Arthur Drive, Hoo Farm Industrial Estate
- Kidderminster
- Worcestershire. DY11 7RA
- 01562 745265
- paul_at_eco2solar.co.uk