Types of Advocacy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Types of Advocacy


Types of Advocacy John Lord May 31, 2004 Brock University What is Advocacy? Varying expectations of purpose & function To plead the cause of another ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Types of Advocacy

Types of Advocacy
  • John Lord
  • May 31, 2004
  • Brock University

What is Advocacy?
  • Varying expectations of purpose function
  • To plead the cause of another
  • - traditional definition, legalistic

What is Advocacy? (cont)
  • Definition must also include
  • - depth of feeling commitment in advancing a
  • - more than what is routinely done going
    beyond the call of duty
  • Advocacy often stresses vision, voice, choice
  • - what vision is often a key issue
  • - whose voice is critical to identify

Why Advocacy is Necessary?
  • Rights concerned with law social structures
    (e.g. ODA)
  • Participation concerned with move to inclusion,
    citizenship, involvement in recovery (e.g.
    Individualized funding)
  • Power concerned with shifting power to families
    individuals distributing valued resources
    more equitably

Pat Deegan, Mental Health Advocate
  • It is not our job to pass judgement on who will
    and will not recover from mental illness and the
    spirit breaking effects of poverty, stigma,
    dehumanization, degradation and learned
    helplessness. Rather, our job is to participate
    in a conspiracy of hopeFirst, we must be
    committed to changing the environments that
    people are being asked to grow in. We must
    recognize that real change can be quite
    uncomfortable and sometimes I worry we will
    content ourselves with superficial change.

Dilemmas Advocates Must Face Consciously
  • Differentiating between ends and means
  • There is power in purpose and advocates need to
    remember why they are advocating
  • Easy to get lost in technical aspects of advocacy
  • Clear values makes it possible to compromise on
  • In dual diagnosis, it takes time dialogue to
    find common ground related to values and purpose

Dilemmas Advocates Must Face Consciously (cont)
  • Conflict of interest
  • Occurs when two interests collide most powerful
    interest usually wins
  • Consumers and families not well served when
    service providers are also primary advocate

Dilemmas Advocates Must Face Consciously (cont)
  • Challenging authority
  • Reality that advocacy at some point involves
    challenging authority
  • Causes anxiety leads to avoidance of conflict
  • Deference to authority quite common
  • Not all are suited to step up for cause

The Potential of Advocacy to Imagine Better
  • Getting the analysis right
  • asking the right questions
  • Grievances criticisms tend to drive advocacy
  • Grievances cannot define vision values are key
  • Key questions enable groups to focus advocacy on
    right understanding

The Potential of Advocacy to Imagine Better
  • Being educated about better
  • Both a personal collective process we imagine
    better possibilities explore these
    possibilities with others
  • Imagining better is about dreaming values

The Potential of Advocacy to Imagine Better
  • The complexity of imagining
  • in dual diagnosis
  • where to begin? is often a challenge
  • how to address link two systems?
  • Success has occurred where champions of change
    understand the strengths limitations of both
    systems, the value of involving individuals
  • Complexity can be daunting for advocates

Forms of Advocacy Their Strengths and Limitations
  • Self- Advocacy
  • Individual Advocacy
  • Agency Advocacy
  • Collective Systemic Advocacy

Forms of Advocacy Their Strengths and Limitations
  • Self- Advocacy
  • Process whereby individuals advocate for own
    needs, interests or grievances
  • Strength lies in conviction of the person
  • Difficult for authorities to ignore personal
  • Self-advocacy training creates awareness of
    oppression and rights
  • Limitation lies in its limited impact on social

Forms of Advocacy Their Strengths and Limitations
  • Individual Advocacy
  • Process whereby professional or volunteer works
    11 with represents the interests of
    vulnerable person
  • Strength lies in its voluntary relationship,
    compassion, and commitment to the other
  • Advocate must truly listen represent the
    persons cause as if it were ones own
  • Most effective when individual advocacy links to
    broader issues
  • Limitation is that few human service workers have
    the independence or courage to be advocates
    Joyces story

Forms of Advocacy Their Strengths and Limitations
  • Agency Advocacy
  • Agencies often assume they do advocacy
  • Strength lies in the resources available to
    mobilize action
  • Few success stories of agency advocacy
  • Successes involve agencies where some staff do
    not provide direct services
  • Its limitations are fourfold bureaucracy,
    mandates, conflict of interest, professionalism
  • Professionalism - clients the least powerful

Forms of Advocacy Their Strengths and Limitations
  • Collective Systemic Advocacy
  • Involvement by a group to promote defend the
    rights of those it represents
  • Strength lies in its collective, broad support
  • Many potential strategies lobbying, legal
    action, litigation (e.g. two autism families)
  • Limitation related to difficulty of escalating
  • Key is relationship building appropriate

Limitations and Shortcomings of Advocacy
  • Advocates are imperfect and
  • mess it up as we all do
  • Tendency to be single issue focused dual
    diagnosis issues get ignored
  • Failing to include the vulnerable person
  • Few advocates have knowledge of both systems
  • Few people in human services are really

Limitations and Shortcomings of Advocacy
  • Other strategies can be
  • just as powerful
  • Sometimes advocacy for system change not the
    right direction (e.g. Support Clusters)
  • Building community demonstration projects very
    powerful in creating learning impact

Keeping Advocacy Grounded in Hopes and
  • Need for vision and practical solutions
  • Advocacy cannot just be critical
  • Vision and values need to outline possibilities
  • Practical solutions help others see possibilities
  • Cross-system resource teams in British Columbia
    came out of this kind of advocacy

Keeping Advocacy Grounded in Hopes and
  • Social movements maintain
  • energy and commitment
  • Advocacy for inclusion, citizenship,
    individualized support grounded in social
  • Important to connect with social movement groups
    (CMHA, Community Living Ontario, People First,
    Canadian Association for Independent Living
    Centres, Council of Canadians with Disabilities)

Keeping Advocacy Grounded in Hopes and
  • It is about NOT separating the
  • personal the political
  • Advocacy is ultimately about what we stand for
    our compassion, principles, belief in the worth
    of every human being
  • Self-help and social action cannot be
    arbitrarily separated. At some point helping
    ourselves includes joining together as a group to
    fight the injustices that devalue us and keep us
    in the position of second class citizen. (Deegan)

Keeping Advocacy Grounded in Hopes and
  • Personal and political advocacy is about the
    little things and the big things
  • It is about inspiring ourselves and others with
    our hopes for a more humane world
  • It is about having the wisdom to know when to be
    quiet, when to make noise, and how to build
    relationships for change
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