Warm-Up - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Based on the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, how would Jonathan Edwards answer these questions? Use evidence and examples found in the sermon. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Warm-Up

  • This semester we are exploring two foundational
    questions explored in early American writing.
    What is an American? And How should American act?
  • Based on the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an
    Angry God, how would Jonathan Edwards answer
    these questions?
  • Use evidence and examples found in the sermon.

From The Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Olaudah Equiano
  • By Olaudah Equiano

During Todays Lesson
  • To fulfill CA Focus Standard 2.4 Make reasonable
    assertions about the authors arguments by using
    elements of the text to defend and clarify
  • You will learn about the effect of slavery on
    American society and its attempt to answer the
    questions What is an American? How should an
    American act?
  • Evidence of your learning will be shown through a
    dialectical journal and summary which identify
    the purpose and tone of Olaudah Equianos
    autobiographical narrative.

  • Sermons Deliver a religious message. Uses Bible
    as support for message.
  • Autobiographies Deliver a political and cultural
    message. Uses life event as support for message.
  • Political Documents Deliver a political message.
    Uses events and philosophy as support for

Slave Narratives Purpose
  • Document slave life primarily in the American
    South from the invaluable perspective of
    first-hand experience.
  • Reveal the struggles of people of color in the
    North, as fugitives from the South recorded the
    disparities between America's ideal of freedom
    and the reality of racism in the so-called "free
  • The most influential slave narratives were
    written to educate white readers about both the
    realities of slavery as an institution and
    persuade them to join the Abolitionist movement
    and see black people as individuals deserving of
    full human rights.

Before you watch preview video, set up circle
As you watch video, fill in circle map with
important information about Equianos background.
Olaudah Equiano
After you watch preview video, use circle map
info to write background paragraph.
Use the following paragraph frame _______can
be described as ______. He was born ________ and
spent most of his life________. While ________,
he became interested in ________. Additionally,
________________. His writing attempts to
______________ by _______________.
As you watch video, fill in circle map with
important information about Equianos background.
Olaudah Equiano
Tone the attitude a writer takes toward the
subject of a work
  • Objective (Informational) v. Subjective

Tone is dependent on diction (word choice) and
TONE TOOL Use this to help you identify
specific tone of a text. Step 1 Is it
neutral, positive, or negative? Step 2 Go
through the list and find appropriate and
specific word. Lets practice
Predict What is the tone?
  • Generally when the grown people in the
    neighborhood were gone far in the fields to
    labor, the children assembled together in some of
    the neighbors premises to play, and commonly some
    of us used to get up a tree to look for an
    assailant or kidnapper that might come upon us .
  • It was in vain that we besought them not to
    part us she was torn from me and immediately
    carried away, while I was left in a state of
    distraction not to be described.
  • The small relief which her presence gave me
    from pin was gone, and the wretchedness of my
    situation was redoubled by my anxiety after her
    fate and my apprehensions lest her sufferings
    should be greater than min, when I could not be
    with her to alleviate them.
  • Here I first saw and tasted coconuts, which I
    thought superior to any nuts I had ever tasted
    before and the trees which were loaded were also
    interspersed amongst the houses, which had
    commodious shades adjoining and were in the same
    manner as ours, the insides being neatly
    plastered and whitewashed.
  • One of the blacks therefore took it from him
    and gave it to me, and I took a little down my
    palate, which instead of reviving me, as they
    thought it would threw me into the greatest
    consternation at the strange feeling it produce,
    having never tasted such any liquor before.

Predict What is the tone?
  • This produced copious perspirations, so that the
    air soon became unfit for respiration from a
    variety of loathsome smells , and brought on a
    sickness among the slaves of which many died,
    thus falling victims to the improvident avarice,
    as I may call it, of their purchasers

(No Transcript)
  • Choose one of the prompts to provide evidence of
    todays learning
  • Todays lecture on ___________________
  • reminded/made me think that___________.
  • Today, I learned that _________________.
  • Although I understand ______, I dont get ____.
  • Something I am still confused about and dont

9.27 Warm Up
Yesterday we discussed the rhetorical
(persuasive) function of slave narratives. Use
your notes to write a paragraph that defines
slave narratives and explains the rhetorical
function of these narratives by completing the
following frame. Slave narratives could be
described as _____ _____________. These told the
story of ________ in order to ____________________
As you read
  • Compare the treatment Equiano receives during his
    enslavement in Africa with the treatment he
    receives on the slave ship.

After you read
  • EXPLAIN the purpose of the narrative and identify
    how Equiano uses sensory details to achieve his
    intended effect
  • Completing the Dialectical Journal.
  • Writing a summary of the text.

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