Title: Robotics in
1- Robotics in
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Military
- Medicine
- Personal Lives
- Miscellaneous
2What If?
- Should robots be humanoid?
- Should humans become robots?
- Should robots excrete byproducts?
- Should robots eat?
- Should telerobotic labor be regulated?
- Should robots carry weapons?
- Should machines be awarded patents?
- http//www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.01/view.html
3A Brief History of Robotics
- 350 B.CThe brilliant Greek mathematician,
Archytas ('ahr 'ky tuhs') of Tarentum builds a
mechanical bird dubbed "the Pigeon" that is
propelled by steam. It serves as one of histories
earliest studies of flight, not to mention
probably the first model airplane. 322
B.C.The Greek philosopher Aristotle
writes...If every tool, when ordered, or even
of its own accord, could do the work that befits
it... then there would be no need either of
apprentices for the master workers or of slaves
for the lords. ...hinting how nice it would be
to have a few robots around. - http//robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
- 200 B.C.The Greek inventor and physicist
Ctesibus ('ti sib ee uhs') of Alexandria designs
water clocks that have movable figures on them.
Water clocks are a big breakthrough for
timepieces. Up until then the Greeks used hour
glasses that had to be turned over after all the
sand ran through. Ctesibus' invention changed
this because it measured time as a result of the
force of water falling through it at a constant
rate. In general, the Greeks were fascinated with
automata of all kinds often using them in theater
productions and religious ceremonies. - 1495Leonardo DaVinci designs a mechanical device
that looks like an armored knight. The mechanisms
inside "Leonardo's robot" are designed to make
the knight move as if there was a real person
inside. Inventors in medieval times often built
machines like "Leonardo's robot" to amuse
royalty. - http//robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
4History Activities
- Individual or group
- Have students pick 10 dates and illustrate them
in a timeline graphic - oract out the timeline
- Play Jeopardy
- Pick one of the History dates and write a What
If. For exampleWhat if Leonardo DaVincis
robot caught on? Where would we be today? - What challenges would be faced if all classes
were run by robots?
5Robotics in Agriculture
- Robotics is one of the fastest growing
engineering fields of today. Millions of dollars
have been spent in the developments of robots to
be used in all sorts of field work. The use of
robots is more common today than ever before and
it is no longer exclusively used by the heavy
production industries. Robots are designed to
remove the human factor from labour intensive or
dangerous work. The computer is the brain of the
robot which receives data from various sources to
control the movement of the robot in order to
accomplish a task. - The idea of applying robotics technology in
agriculture is very new. The main area of
application of robots in agriculture is at the
harvesting stage. Fruit picking robot and sheep
shearing robot are designed to replace human
labour. The agricultural industry is behind
other industries in using robots because the sort
of jobs involved in agriculture are not straight
forward and many repetitive tasks are not exactly
the same every time.
6YouTube Videos for Robotics in Agriculture
- http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/robot-farm/jCHVr
ask.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/robotic-farmer-p
k.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/rice-planting-ro
k.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/motoman-robots-a
7PO7GQ?oundefinedldisver11domainask.com - http//www.ask.blinkx.com/watch-video/robotic-gard
domainask.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/autonomous-imagi
bMrLPg?oundefinedldisver11domainask - http//www.ask.blinkx.com/watch-video/robotic-crop
7Robotics in Industry
- Robots Rule?
- When the world's technology developed to the
point where we could create robots to do jobs
humans normally did, industrial workers were a
little fearful. After all, why keep a person who
requires health care, salaries and pension
employed when a robot can do his job without
tiring? But as the fears quelled, industry
realized that robots are extremely useful but
can't replace human beings. In fact, there are
some places where, if it wasn't for a robot, a
human being could actually be lost. This article
explores how robots are used in industry. - Read more How Are Robots Used in Industry?
eHow.com http//www.ehow.com/how-does_4572605_how-
8Robotics in Industry
- Robots used to be a regular source of
controversy, because of the threat of them
replacing human laborers. Now they are common
enough that this issue is rarely discussed.
Robots have found a niche in a wide range of
routine industrial tasks, in some cases dangerous
tasks that would be hazardous to humans. - Definition
- The International Organization of Standardization
(ISO) sets the standard for what constitutes a
robot. ISO defines an industrial robot as being
an "automatically controlled, reprogrammable,
multipurpose manipulator" that is "programmable
in three or more axes."
9Articulated Robots
- Articulated robots have two or more joints, a
design that is commonly found in robotic arms.
When most people imagine industrial robots, they
think of the articulated robotic arm.
10Gantry Robots
- Gantry robots are more formally called "Cartesian
coordinate robots." Instead of articulated,
rotating joints, these robots have linear axes
that are mounted at right angles. The design is
often used for precision drawing or milling
- SCARA can stand for either Selective Compliant
Articulated Robot Arm or Selective Compliant
Assembly Robot Arm. A relatively new concept in
robotics, the SCARA was developed in Japan in
1981. It uses a parallel axis to joint design
that makes it rigid along the Z axis. This design
allows the robot to fold up, extend, and then
fold up again.
12YouTube Videos for Industry
- http//www.ask.blinkx.com/watch-video/bbj-robotics
ver11domainask.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/will-robots-take
?oundefinedldisver11domainask.com - http//http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/robot-man
nequins-help-find-best-f - it/wepNgx-2ObMuDwPagYou6Q?oundefinedldisver11
domainask.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/robots-work/cw6p
ask.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/robotics-the-ind
13Robotics in Medicine
- Robots play a critical -- and growing -- role in
modern medicine, from training the next
generation of doctors, dentists, and nurses, to
comforting and protecting elderly patients in the
early stages of dementia. Using robots, medical
professionals can make smaller incisions for
shorter surgeries, reducing hospital stays and
improving patients' prognoses and saving costs.
As robots become even smaller and developers
continue to further integrate the devices with
artificial intelligence, the medical community
will continuously expand the ways in which it
uses this technology to save patients, improve
quality of life and prevent health problems. At
the other end of the spectrum, medical schools
are turning to robots that mimic live patients'
feelings of pain or discomfort to help the next
wave of doctors and dentists prepare to treat
real people. Of course, dummies and cadavers are
not new to medical students, but by giving
students access to sensitive patients, healthcare
educators hope to hone the bedside manners of
soon-to-be doctors and dentists.
14Da Vinci Si HD Surgical System
- Intuitive Surgical developed the da Vinci robotic
system to perform minimally invasive surgeries
through superior visualization, enhanced
dexterity, greater precision, and ergonomic
comfort. With incisions of only 1 or 2
centimeters, surgeons can perform even complex
procedures such as open-heart surgery, according
to Intuitive Surgical. The system reduces
hospital stays by half, reducing costs by about
one-third, because of less pain and speedier
recovery, according to the company. - http//www.informationweek.com/news/galleries/heal
thcare/patient/229100383?pgno2 - http//www.ask.blinkx.com/watch-video/how-it-works
15Videos for Robots in Medicine
- http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/highlights-from-
sk.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/medical-robotics
ainask.com - ltobject width"420" height"245" id"msnbc5041d4"
0" codebase"http//download.macromedia.com/pub/sh
param name"movie" value"http//www.msnbc.msn.com
/id/32 - http//www.ask.com/videos/watch-video/inside-the-r
8U5s5wog?oundefinedldisver11domainask.com - http//www.ask.com/videos/watch-video/birth-simula
16Military Robotics Robots in the Military
- The utilization of Robotics in military is well
shown by US Army. Osama and other terrorists were
tracked by these military robots. They are
robust, they are obedient, they are daring, they
dont have fear of death, and most important they
have proved themselves in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now, terrorists are terrified by drone attacks.
The utilization of robotics technology in
military led to a new field in robotics i.e.
Military Robotics.
17Military Robots continued
- Military robotics isnt about creating an army of
humanoids but utilization of robotics technology
for fighting terror and defending the nation.
Thus, military robots need not be humanoids or
they not necessarily need to carry weapons, they
are just those robots that can help the armed
forces. The opportunities offered by these
technologies are boundless. Apart from army
research centers there are many private firms
also which provide military robots for defense
forces like Foster Miller,21st Century Robotics,
EOD Performance, Northrop Grumman, General
Atomics etc. They have created many job
opportunities and are developing this sector. It
is expected that its market will extend up to
9.8 billion by 2016.
- The vision of robot army isnt a present day
concept. The introduction of military robots is
dated back from 1898 by the introduction of radio
boats by Nicola Tesla. It was visualized by many
visionaries in the last century. They were used
by Germans and Russians in Second World War.
Russians used Teletanks and Goliath were used by
Germans. The Teletanks were equipped with DT
machine guns, flamethrowers and smoke container
to provide a smokescreen. The use of Goliath
which is a mobile landmine in World War II by the
Third Reich's forces also marked as a turning
point in the history of military robots. And
today the development in this technology is well
demonstrated by military robots in Afghanistan
and Iraq. At present the most commonly used
military robot is the unmanned aerial vehicle IAI
Pioneer and RQ-1 Predator. - One threatening question must be arising, as in
every science fiction movie, it is shown that
robots have gone crazy and started hunting us,
will they go crazy in real world also? Actually,
at present it is almost impossible. The
developers have very well taken care of this
aspect. Most of the military robots are remotely
controlled by a human. And if someone has gone
crazy then there is a reset button which clear
there memory and they again come back to normal
state. But with the development in artificial
intelligence and military robots, there should be
greater attention to implicate their ability to
make autonomous decision.
19Military Websites
- http//science.howstuffworks.com/military-robot4.h
tm - http//search.yahoo.com/r/_yltA0oGdS0sPu5PS1AA4lp
tary-robot5.htm - http//search.yahoo.com/r/_yltA0oGdS0sPu5PS1AA4Fp
tary-robot2.htm - http//search.yahoo.com/r/_yltA0oGdS0sPu5PS1AA4lp
20Videos for Military Robotics
- http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/robotic-truck-pr
undefinedldisver11domainask.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/p-w-singer-milit
er11domainask.com - http//ask.com/videos/watch-video/attack-of-the-dr
ver11domainask.com - http//http//www.ask.blinkx.com/watch-video/when-
er11domainask.com - http//www.ask.blinkx.com/watch-video/wired-for-wa
21From Science Fiction to Reality Personal Robots
Emerge to Improve Quality of Life at Work, Home
and School
- Its 6 a.m., and the Clarks awake to fresh coffee
served to them by Millie, one of the familys
personal robots. As they get ready for work,
Millie makes the bed, and their robotic dog
Mickey gently reminds Mr. Clark to take his
medicine. - Once at work, Mrs. Clark, a hospital nurse,
assigns a personal robot to deliver blood samples
to the lab while she talks with a patient.
Meanwhile, Mr. Clark catches the morning news
while his autonomous car navigates the traffic
into the city. - At days end, the family returns to a spotlessly
clean home courtesy of Millies untiring work.
The Clark children do math homework with tutoring
from Margie, another robot. After a dinner the
Clarks prepared based on a menu suggested by
Millie, the family enjoys the rest of the evening
free from chores. They sleep soundly knowing that
Mickey is always alert to any trouble. - This scenario is not a page from a lost
Jetsonsscript. Its likely to be a normal day
in the life of a family in as few as 20 years
from now, according to robotics experts at the
Georgia Institute of Technology. - http//gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/personal-robots-e
22Personal Robots
- How to build socially engaging robots and
interactive technologies that provide people with
long-term social and emotional support to help
people live healthier lives, connect with others,
and learn better. - Robots are an intriguing technology that can
straddle both the physical and social world of
people. Inspired by animal and human behavior,
our goal is to build capable robotic creatures
with a "living" presence, and to gain a better
understanding of how humans will interact with
this new kind of technology. People will
physically interact with them, communicate with
them, understand them, and teach them, all in
familiar human terms. Ultimately, such robots
will possess the social savvy, physical
adeptness, and everyday common sense to partake
in people's daily lives in useful and rewarding
23AIDA Affective Intelligent Driving Agent
- Humans are fundamentally social animals. Why not
design cars to leverage this natural propensity
for social interaction and understanding? We are
working with Audi and the SENSEable City Lab to
redefine the relationship between car, driver,
and passengers. We are currently developing a new
type of in-car system that acts as a partner or
friend, providing important information, and
intelligently responding to the mood and behavior
of the driver.
- Imagine opening your eyes and being awake for
only a half an hour at a time. This is the life
that robots traditionally live. This is due to a
number of factors such as battery life and wear
on prototype joints. Roboticists have typically
muddled though this challenge by crafting
handmade models of the world or performing
machine learning with synthetic dataand
sometimes real-world data. While robotics
researchers have traditionally used large
distributed systems to do perception, planning,
and learning, cloud-based robotics aims to link
all of a robot's experiences. This movement aims
to build large-scale machine learning algorithms
that use experience from large groups of people,
whether sourced from a large number of tabletop
robots or a large number of experiences with
virtual agents. Large-scale robotics aims to
change embodied AI as it changed non-embodied AI.
25Storytelling in the Preschool of Future
- Using the Preschool of the Future environment,
children can create stories that come to life in
the real world. We are developing interfaces that
enable children to author stories in the physical
environmentstories where robots are the
characters and children are not only the
observers, but also the choreographers and actors
in the stories. To do this, children author
stories and robot behaviors using a simple
digital painting interface. By combining the
physical affordances of painting with digital
media and robotic characters, stories can come to
life in the real world. Programming in this
environment becomes a group activity when
multiple children use these tangible interfaces
to program advanced robot behaviors. - http//www.media.mit.edu/research/groups/personal-
26Websites for Personal Robots
- http//search.yahoo.com/r/_yltA0oG7mDrR.5Pjg0AoYB
/03/29/the-rise-of-personal-robots/ - http//www.gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/newsrelease/p
ersonal_robotics.htm - http//news.yahoo.com/personal-robots-boost-25-mil
lion-investment-fund-160137547.html - http//www.about-robots.com/
27Website for Miscellaneous Robotics
- www.scribd.com/doc/39036979/Emerging-Trends-in-Rob
28Movies featuring Robots
- http//movies.about.com/od/toppicks/tp/best-robot-