Title: Example:the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
1 The Cryptography of the IPSec and IKE Protocols
Hugo Krawczyk Technion IBM Research
2Outline of the Talk
- Short introduction to IPSec (very high level)
- Some crypto aspects of IPSec
- Introduction to IKE functionality
(IKE Internet Key Exchange) - The cryptography of IKE
- Rationale and development of SIGMA
- the cryptographic core of the main authenticated
Diffie-Hellman exchange of IKE (v1 and v2)
3IPSec IP Security RFC2401-12
- Transport security at the IP (Internet Protocol)
layer - Goal secure traffic between any two IP systems
- Any device with an IP address hosts, gateways,
mobile devices, IP-enabled microwaves, - Security services for IP packets
- encryption and authentication
- SA (Security Association) creation management
- Application independent security for the
Internet infrastructure
4Network Layers
5Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
Source www.vpn-technology.com
6IPSec Processing Basics
- Two IP devices A and B want to communicate
securely under the protection of IPSec - First a Security Association (SA) between A and B
is established - SA a set of parameters, algs, shared keys
agreed between A and B, and locally stored by
each party - Then, A and B secure the IP traffic by applying
ENC and MAC on each IP packet they exchange - Omitted many details, system issues,
implementation, complexities, controversies, etc
7IPSec Encapsulation Mechanisms
Plain IP packet
8ESP Format RFC 2403
IP Header
Replay Prevention Sequence Number
Initial Vector
Encrypted (padded) Payload
Pad Length
MAC Value
9IPSecs Crypto Algorithms
- Negotiable
- Default (for interoperability and common use)
- Encryption 3DES (moving to AES)
- Integrity HMAC (SHA1, MD5)
- Some crypto highlights
- HMAC developed for use in IPSec
- the prepend key story MACK(M)MD5(K M)
- encrypt-then-authenticate (the right order)
Bellovin96, K01, CK01
10IKE Internet Key Exchange
- Creates SAs for use by IPSec
- Negotiates security parameters for the SA
- type of key exchange, credentials, crypto
algorithms, crypto strength, traffic to
protect, etc - Key Exchange share keys between parties
- Manages SAs create, refresh, maintain, delete
- IKEv1 (1998) ISAKMP for mgmt, IKE for KE
- IKEv2 (2003) IKE specifies it all
11IKE Internet Key Exchange
- When A wants to talk to B under protection of
IPSec, and they do not have an established SA - A invokes IKE to signal B its request for an SA
- IKE is run between A and B result is a shared SA
(services to be applied and fresh shared keys) - Negotiated parameters stored locally at A and B
(SAD) - SPI (sec. parameters index) pointer to SA
included in the IPSec header of each packet - Architectural separation IKE writes to SAD,
IPSec reads from SAD (full picture more involved
IKE Signaling KEY EXCHANGE Session Mgmt
Kernel (OS)
(ENC,MAC) Inbound-Outbound
13The Cryptography of IKE
- We omit discussion of broad mgmt functions focus
on the cryptography of IKE key exchange - Driving cryptographic requirements
- Authenticated key exchange public and symmetric
keys - Perfect forward secrecy (PFS) exposure of long
term keys does not compromise security of past
sessions - Diffie-Hellman (optional for fast re-key
functionality) - Identity protection hiding parties identities
from passive and/or active attackers - Logical identities (e.g. certs) vs. IP/physical
14IKEv1 RFC2409
- Several authenticated DH protocols supported.
Differ in mode of authentication - Long-term pre-shared (symmetric) key
- Public-key encryption
- Digital Signature
- Re-key (with optional DH)
- With and without identity protection
- Modes designed to share as many elements as
possible (e.g., authd info, nonces, key
- Many cryptographic elements taken from SKEME
K95 and OAKLEY Orman98 - Uniform set of authentication modes
- Key derivation
- Authentication based on public-key encryption
- But SKEME did not provide signature-based authn
- Signature mode specifically developed for IKE
(the SIGMA protocol) - Replacement for Photuris signature-based DH
which used an (insecure) variant of the STS
16IKEv2 (RFC to appear)
- Simplification of SA management spec
- Simplification of Key Exchange
- Got rid of many of the authentication options
e.g., the PK Encryption and aggressive modes - Single signature mode kept SIGMA design
- Added password-based authentication
- Asymmetric setting HK99
- Streamlined key derivation spec
- Added optional Denial-of-Service defense Karn
17SIGMA IKEs Signature Mode (v1v2)
- The focus for the rest of this talk
- A paper containing the detailed rationale for
SIGMA design contributed to the proceedings - Intended to a broad audience of crypto designers
and security engineers - A formal analysis presented last year
Canetti-K02 - SIGMA stands for SIGn-and-MAc the main
authentication elements in the protocol
- The name SIGMA is relatively recent (used in
. IKEv2 revision to differentiate from other
proposals) - Design goes back to 1995
18SIGMA Basic Requirements
- Diffie-Hellman (PFS)
- Signature-based authentication
- Optional identity protection
19Identity Protection
- Passive vs. active attacker
- Best possible both ids protected against
passive attacks but only one against active
attacks - Whose identity should get active defense?
- Initiator roaming user (e.g. hide location)
- Responder avoid probing attacks (who are you?)
- Presents some design challenges conflict between
anonymity and authentication - SIGMA principle id protection as an added value
(KE must be secure also w/o the id protection
part) -
20How did we get to SIGMA?
- By learning from the good and bad aspects of
previous protocols - Here is the story
- We start with core security issues and then add
identity protection
21Diffie-Hellman Exchange DH76
- both parties compute the secret key Kgxy
- assumes authenticated channels (DDH assumption)
- open to m-i-t-m in a realistic unauthenticated
22Basic Authenticated DH (BADH)
- Each party signs its own DH value to prevent
m-i-t-m attack (and the peers DH value as a
freshness guarantee against replay ) - A Shared Kgxy with B (K?B) B Shared
Kgxy with A (K?A) - Looks fine, but
- (there must be a reason we call it BADH)
23Identity-Misbinding AttackDVW92 (a.k.a.
Unknown Key-Share attack)
A, gx
E, gx
B, gy, SIGB(gx,gy)
B, gy, SIGB(gx,gy)
- Any damage? Wrong identity binding!
- A Shared Kgxy with B (K?B) B
Shared Kgxy with E (K?E) - E doesnt know Kgxy but B considers
anything sent by A as coming from E
24A Shared Kgxy with B (K?B) B
Shared Kgxy with E (K?E)
- B Bank A,E customers
- A B deposit 1000 in my accountK
- B deposits the money in K s account, i.e. Es!
- BCentral Command AF-16 E small unmanned
plane - B E destroy yourselfK
- E passes command to A A destroys itself
- Identity Misbinding Attack the differential
cryptanalysis of key-exchange protocols
25A Possible Solution (ISO-9796)
A, gx
B, gy, SIGB(gx,gy,A)
Thwarts the identity-misbinding attack by
including the identity of the peer under
the signature
26The ISO defense
A, gx
E, gx
- A aha! B is talking to E not to me!
- Note that E cannot produce SIGB(gx,gy,A)
- The ISO protocol thus avoids the misbinding
attack but is it secure??
27The ISO Protocol is
- ? Secure CK01
- ? Unsuited for identity protection
- B needs to know As identity before he can
authenticate to A same for A - ? Protection against active attackers is not
possible - Another privacy concern leaving a signed proof
of communication (signing the peers identity) - Letting each party sign its own identity rather
than the peers solves the privacy issues but
makes the protocol insecure (the
identity-misbinding attack again)
28Another Solution STS DVW92
- Idea each peer proves knowledge of Kgxy
(prevents the Id-M attack since in BADH E doesnt
know gxy) - As a Proof of Knowledge the STS protocol uses
encryption under Kgxy
29STS Pros and Cons
- ? Pro STS can protect identities
- Peers id not needed for your own authentication
- Can extend encryption to cover identities (or
gy, B, SIGB(gx,gy)K
A, SIGA(gy,gx )K
30STS Pros and Cons
- ? Con encryption is not the right function to
. prove knowledge of a key - E.g. if Eve can register As public-key under
her name she can mount the I-M attack (w/o even
knowing gxy!)
gy, B, SIGB(gx,gy)K
A, SIGA(gy,gx )K
31Identity-Misbinding on STS
- Assumes Eve registers As PK as her own PK
- Many certification settings check for identity of
registrant but not for possession (PoP) of
private key (in particular, in common IPSec
settings) - The attack is trivial if certs not encrypted and
trivial too if encrypted with a stream cipher - First issue is debatable but enough to show that
proof of knowledge of gxy via encryption is not
enough. Moreover
32STS with MAC (instead of encryption) DVW
- MACK better suited to provide Proof of Knowledge
of K - Yet same attack as w/ encryption is possible!
- Can be mounted even if priv-key PoP is
required!!! BM99 Even if id put under sig
(on-line registration attack)
gy, B, SIGB(gx,gy), MACK(SIGB)
A, SIGA(gy,gx ), MACK(SIGA)
33What is going on?
- The point is that proof of knowledge of Kgxy
is not the issue - What is required is
- binding the key K with the peer identities
- Which brings us to the SIGMA design
- SIGn and MAc-your-own-identity!!
- And what about Photuris?
- Yet another STS variant Sign Kgxy as proof of
knowledge also insecure (see the SIGMA paper)
34SIGMA Basic Version
gy, B, SIGB (gx,gy)
, MACKm(B)
A, SIGA(gy,gx)
, MACKm(A)
Km and session key derived from gxy via a
prg/prf SIG and MAC complementary roles
(mitm and binding, resp) Does not require
knowing the peers id for own .
authentication ? Great for id protection
35SIGMA-Iactive protection of Initiators id
gy, B, SIGB (gx,gy), MACKm(B) Ke
A, SIGA(gy,gx), MACKm (A) Ke
Ke and Km derived from gxy via pseudorandom
function Responder (B) identifies first
? Initiators (A) id protected
36SIGMA-Ractive protection of Responders id
A, SIGA (gy,gx), MACKm (A) Ke
B, SIGB (gx,gy), MACKm(B) Ke
Note Km, Km and Ke, Ke (against reflection
37IKEv1 Variant MAC under SIG
- Equivalent security (just save MAC space)
A, SIGA (MACKm (A, gy,gx))
? this is IKEs aggressive mode (no id
protectn) Note MAC(SIG(id,)) is not
secure!! (STS-MAC)
38IKE Main Mode
A, SIGA (MACKm (A, gy,gx)) Ke
B, SIGB (MACKm (B, gx,gy)) Ke
IKE v2 a slight variant only MAC(id) under SIG
39SIGMA Summary
- SIGMA suitable for most applications requiring a
Diffie-Hellman key exchange - Simple and efficient (minimizes msgs and
computn) - No over-design (nor under-design)
- With or without ID Protection
- Provides best possible protection (I or R
protected against active attacks depending on
application) - The intelligent passport application
- Standardized core key-exchange protocol for both
IKEv1 and IKEv2 - Recently proposed for smart-card authentication
40But is SIGMA Secure?!
- Secure! (rigorous analysis) Canetti-K Crypto02
- Formal proof each element is essential
- e.g., SIG(MAC(id,)) vs. (SIG(id,),
MAC(SIG(id,))) - Guarantees secure channels
- Secure composition with arbitrary applications
(UC) - From theory to practice
- Specification, implementation, DETAILS
(see full fledge appendix
in paper -- web version) - DoS defenses selective (IKEv2), integral (JFK-R)
- ID Protn Encryption secure against active
attackers (CCA) - Certificates,
Care with variants!!
41If we only had more time
- Many aspects of IKEs crypto not covered
- Pre-shared key authentication
- Password-based protocol IKEv2 (asym. model
HK99) - Key derivation from DH over non-DDH groups, and
the use of Public PRFs as Universal Hashing - Analysis work in progress
- Many aspects of SIGMA design and properties not
covered (see proceedings url for full version) - Biggest missing piece in this presentation
formalizing KE and analysis
42Final Remark
- The KE area has matured to the point in which
there is no reason to use unproven protocols - Addressing practicality does not require (or
justify) giving up on rigorous analysis - Proofs not an absolute guarantee (relative to the
security model), but the best available assurance - It is easy to design simple and secure
key-exchange protocols, but it is easier to get
them wrong
43Final Remark
- A new Proposal Just Fast Keying (JFK) Available
at http//www.research.att.com/smb/papers/jfk-cc
44And one truly last word