Title: Confounding, Effect Modification, and Stratification
1Confounding, Effect Modification, and
2Adding a Third Dimension to the RxC picture
31. Confounding
- A confounding variable is associated with the
exposure and it affects the outcome, but it is
not an intermediate link in the chain of
causation between exposure and outcome.
4Confounding Example
5Confounding example
50 of cases are drinkers, but only 25 of
controls are drinkers. Therefore, it appears that
drinking is strongly associated with lung cancer.
6Confounding example
Among smokers, 45/7560 of lung cancer cases
drink and 15/2560 of controls drink.
Among non-smokers 5/2520 of lung cancer cases
drink and 35/17520 of controls drink.
7Confusion over postmenopausal hormones
Heart attacks (MI)
Postmenopausal HRT
8Mixture May Rival Estrogen in Preventing Heart
Disease August 15, 1996, Thursday
- Widely prescribed hormone pills that combine
estrogen and progestin appear to be just as
effective as estrogen alone in preventing heart
disease in women after menopause, a study has
concluded. - Many women take hormones to reduce the risk of
heart disease and broken bones. - More than 30 studies have found that estrogen
after menopause is good for the heart.
9Example Nurses Health Study
10Nurses Health Study
11No apparent Confounding
12RCT Womens Health Initiative (2002)
13Controlling for confounders in medical studies
- 1. Confounders can be controlled for in the
design phase of a study (randomization or
restriction or matching). - 2. Confounders can be controlled for in the
analysis phase of a study (stratification or
multivariate regression).
14Analytical identification of confounders through
15Mantel-Haenszel ProcedureNon-regression
technique used to identify confounders and to
control for confounding in the statistical
analysis phase rather than the design phase of a
16Stratification Series of 2x2 tables
- Idea Take a 2x2 table and break it into a series
of smaller 2x2 tables (one table at each of J
levels of the confounder yields J tables). - Example in testing for an association between
lung cancer and alcohol drinking (yes/no),
separate smokers and non-smokers.
17StratificationSeries of 2xK tables
- Idea Take a 2xK table and break it into a series
of smaller 2xK tables (one table at each of J
levels of the confounder yields J tables). - Example In evaluating the association between
lung cancer and being either a teetotaler, light
drinker, moderate drinker, or heavy drinker (2x4
table), separate into smokers and non-smokers
(two 2x4 tables).
18Road Map
- Test for Conditional Independence
(Mantel-Haenszel, or Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel,
Test). - Null hypothesis when conditioned on the
confounder, exposure and disease are independent.
Mathematically, (for dichotomous confounder) - P(ED/C) P(E/C)P(D/C) and
P(ED/C)P(E/C)P(D/C) - Example once you condition on smoking, alcohol
and lung cancer are independent M-H test comes
out NS. - 2. Test for homogeneity. Breslow-Day.
- Null hypothesis the relationship (or lack of
relationship) between exposure and disease is the
same in each stratum (homogeneity). - Example B-D test would come out significant if
alcohol aggravated the risk of cigarettes on lung
cancer but did not increase lung cancer risk in
non-smokers. Homogeneity does NOT require
independence!! - 3. If homogenous, for series of 2x2 tables, you
can take a weighted average of ORs or RRs
(which should be similar in each stratum !) from
the strata to get an overall OR or RR that has
been controlled for confounding by C.
19Controlling for confounding by stratification
- Example Gender Bias at Berkeley?
- (From Sex Bias in Graduate Admissions Data from
Berkeley, Science 187 398-403 1975.)
Crude RR (1276/1835)/(1486/2681) 1.25 (1.20
20Program A
- Stratum 1 only those who applied to program A
Stratum-specific RR .46 (.30-.70)
21Program B
- Stratum 2 only those who applied to program B
Stratum-specific RR 0.86 (.48-1.54)
22Program C
- Stratum 3 only those who applied to program C
Stratum-specific RR 1.05 (.94-1.16)
23Program D
- Stratum 4 only those who applied to program D
Stratum-specific RR 1.02 (.92-1.12)
24Program E
- Stratum 5 only those who applied to program E
Stratum-specific RR 0.96 (.87-1.05)
25Program F
- Stratum 6 only those who applied to program F
Stratum-specific RR 1.01 (.97-1.05)
- Crude RR 1.25 (1.20 1.32)
- Stratum specific RRs
- .46 (.30-.70)
- 0.86 (.48-1.54)
- 1.05 (.94-1.16)
- 1.02 (.92-1.12)
- 0.96 (.87-1.05)
- 1.01 (.97-1.05)
- Maentel-Haenszel Summary RR .97
- Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test is NS. Gender and
denial of admissions are conditionally
independent given program. - The apparent association (RR1.25) was due to
27 Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test of Conditional
- The (Cochran)-Mantel-Haenszel statistic tests the
null hypothesis that exposure and disease are
independent when conditioned on the confounder.
28CMH test of conditional independence
Strata k
29CMH test of conditional independence
Strata k
30E.g., for Berkeley
Result is NS
- Crude RR 1.25 (1.20 1.32)
- Stratum specific RRs
- .46 (.30-.70)
- 0.86 (.48-1.54)
- 1.05 (.94-1.16)
- 1.02 (.92-1.12)
- 0.96 (.87-1.05)
- 1.01 (.97-1.05)
- Breslow-Day test rejects (p.0023) because of the
protective effect for women in program A. We
will still combine thembut that may obscure a
potentially interesting pro-female bias in
program A!
32The Mantel-Haenszel Summary Risk Ratio
33The Mantel-Haenszel Summary Risk Ratio
34The Mantel-Haenszel Summary Risk Ratio
35E.g., for Berkeley
Use computer to get confidence limits
36The Mantel-Haenszel Summary Odds Ratio
Source Agresti. Introduction to Categorical Data
Analysis. 2007. Chapter 3.
38In SAS
proc freq datasecondhand weight number
specifies the size of each 2x2 cell tables
countryNoSpouseNotCase/ cmh run
39CMH test of conditional independence p.0196
Significant CMH test means that there does appear
to be an association between spousal smoking and
cancer, after controlling for country.
40Breslow-Day test of homogeneity NS
Controlling for Country
Breslow-Day Test for
Homogeneity of the Odds Ratios
Chi-Square 0.2381
DF Pr gt ChiSq
0.8878 Total Sample Size 1262
NS means theres no evidence that ORs differ
across strata (OK to combine them into summary OR)
41MH OR and confidence limits
Summary Statistics for Spouse by
Case Controlling for
Country Estimates of the Common Relative
Risk (Row1/Row2) Type of Study
Method Value
Case-Control Mantel-Haenszel
1.3854 (Odds Ratio) Logit
1.3839 Cohort
Mantel-Haenszel 1.2779 (Col1
Risk) Logit 1.2760
Cohort Mantel-Haenszel 0.9225
(Col2 Risk) Logit
0.9223 Type of Study Method
95 Confidence Limits ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ
ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Case-Control
Mantel-Haenszel 1.0536 1.8217
(Odds Ratio) Logit 1.0521
Source Agresti. Introduction to Categorical Data
Analysis. 2007. Chapter 3.
43The Mantel-Haenszel Summary Odds Ratio
44Summary OR
Not Surprising!
45MH OR assumptions
- OR or RR doesnt vary across strata.
(Homogeneity!) - If exposure/disease association does vary for
different subgroups, then the summary OR or RR is
not appropriate
46advantages and limitations
- advantages
- Mantel-Haenszel summary statistic is easy to
interpret and calculate - Gives you a hands-on feel for the data
- disadvantages
- Requires categorical confounders or continuous
confounders that have been divided into intervals
- Cumbersome if more than a single confounder
- To control for ? 1 and/or continuous
confounders, a multivariate technique (such as
logistic regression) is preferable.
472. Effect Modification
- Effect modification occurs when the effect of an
exposure is different among different subgroups.
48Years of Life Lost Due to Obesity (JAMA. Jan 8
- Data from US Life Tables and the National Health
and Nutrition Examination Surveys (I, II, III).
49(No Transcript)
50(No Transcript)
- Race and gender modify the effect of obesity on
52Among white women, stage of breast cancer at
detection is associated with education.
However, no clear pattern among black women.
53Colon cancer and obesity in pre- and
post-menopausal women