Title: Switzerland Point Middle School Home of the Raiders!
1Switzerland Point Middle SchoolHome of the
Principal Lisa Kunze Assistant
Principal Allyson Breger Curriculum
Coordinator Melissa Lime Counselor, 6th 7th
A-J Barbara Seaton Counselor, 7th K-Z 8th
Tanya Moseley
3Middle School in General
- The State of Florida requires the
- following for promotion each year
- Pass Language Arts
- Pass Math
- Pass Science
- Pass Social Studies (World History)
- Additional requirements
- Intensive Reading if FCAT Reading is Level 1 or 2
- Intensive Math if FCAT Math is Level 1 or 2
4 Schedule
- Swiss Point students take 7 courses on
- an alternating day schedule.
- Silver Day 3 classes
- Black Day 3 different classes
- Skinny at the beginning of the day 1st period
- Block classes are 90 minutes in length, Skinny
is 48 minutes. - Wednesday 1pm dismissal
5Core Courses (Required)
- Language Arts standard or advanced
- Math 1 standard or advanced
- Comprehensive Science 1 standard or advanced
- Social Studies (World History) standard or
advanced - Indicates courses that parents and students
can choose to take as standard or advanced based
on 2014 FCAT Reading scores and grades from 5th
grade. - Our recommendation is..
- If 2014 FCAT Reading Level is a 3, only take 1
advanced course - If 2014 FCAT Reading Level is a 4, only take 2
advanced courses - If 2014 FCAT Reading Level is a 5, then you can
choose to take all 3 - advanced courses
- Students are PLACED in math based on their 2014
FCAT Math level. - If 2014 FCAT Math is Level 1 or 2 students will
be placed in Math 1 standard blocked with
Intensive Math, so they have math every day for
90 minutes. - If 2014 FCAT Math is Level 3 students will be
placed in Math 1 standard. - If 2014 FCAT Math is Level 4 or 5 students will
be placed in Math 1 Advanced.
7Math Progression
6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Math 1 Math 2 Pre-Alg Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Trig/ An. Geo
6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Math 1 Adv Math 2 Adv Pre-Alg Algebra 1 Honors Geometry Honors Algebra 2 Honors Pre- Calculus
Math 1 Adv Math 2 Adv Algebra 1 Honors Geometry Honors Algebra 2 Honors Pre- Calculus AP Calc AB
6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Math 1 Adv Algebra 1 Honors Geometry Honors Algebra 2 Honors Pre Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC OR AP Stats
8Non-core Courses
- 3 non-core courses are taken each year.
- In 6th grade, students take..
- Physical Education (year-long)
- Exploratory Wheel (year-long) (Computer
Skills Reading Plus) - There is only choice in the 3rd non-core course.
- Band OR Chorus OR MS Beginning Spanish
- OR Teen Leadership (Critical Thinking)
- 135 fair share fee along with instrument
purchase or rental fee required. -
9Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
ServicesStudents with an IEP
- To help students who are mainstreamed and will
earn a - regular diploma in high school, we will offer the
following - Reading support with ESE Co-Teacher in World
History and Intensive Reading for all level 1 2
students. - Math support with ESE Co-Teacher in Math 1
blocked w/Intensive Math - Math support facilitation with ESE
- teacher in Math 1 for level 3 students.
- Reading support facilitation with ESE
- teacher in World for level 3 students.
- Consultation
10Intensive Reading Intensive Math
- Students scoring Level 1 or 2 on 2014 FCAT
Reading MUST take Intensive Reading. - Students scoring Level 1 or 2 on 2014 FCAT Math
MUST take Intensive Math. - If 1 intensive course is required, student takes
intensive course in lieu of choice non-core. - If two intensive courses are required, student
takes intensive courses in lieu of choice
non-core and PE. - All students will take Exploratory Wheel
11Gifted Services
- EP written at end of 5th grade and is good
through middle school. - Gifted students take all 3 advanced classes
Language Arts, Science Social Studies (unless
noted on Option Verification form). - Teachers have gifted endorsement or are obtaining
the endorsement. - Students are placed together in 2 blended
- Senate Bill 736 states that in 2014-2015 Florida
will. - Be standards-based
- Every course will have an exam at the end (EOC)
that will measure how much the student has
learned. The score will count towards the
students grade and will count towards 50 of the
teachers evaluation - Students will take the ??? in Reading and Math
starting in 2014-2015. - FCAT 2.0 will exist only for Science in 8th
13What does Standards-based mean?
- Teachers are teaching the content-area academic
standards outlined by the FL Standards or NGSSS.
- Teachers have broken the standards into learning
goals or objectives that state what the student
must be able to know or do to demonstrate
knowledge of the standard. - Students and teachers know exactly what standards
a student has met and what still needs to be
learned. - Grades correlate to what a student truly knows.
143 Tiers of EOCs
- 1st Tier - State EOCs Algebra, Geometry,
Biology, United States History Civics (Midde
School) - High School EOCs must be passed to earn
credit - Must pass to earn high school credit.
- All other State EOCs count 30 of the final
course grade. - 2nd Tier - District EOCs created for all other
courses using a test bank provided by the State. - 3rd Tier District Consortium developed EOCs for
courses with smaller numbers (mostly electives.)
15Cognitive Complexity
- Low-complexity items rely heavily on recall and
recognition. - Moderate-complexity items require more flexible
thinking and may require informal reasoning or
problem solving. - High-complexity items are written to elicit
analysis and abstract reasoning.
16Percentage of Points by Cognitive Complexity
- FCAT 2.0 Reading
- FCAT 2.0 Math
- FCAT 2.0 Science
Grades Low Moderate High
6th 7th 15-25 50-70 15-25
8th 10-20 50-70 20-30
Grades Low Moderate High
6-8th 10-20 60-80 10-20
Alg Geo 10-20 60-80 10-20
Grades Low Moderate High
8th 15-25 40-60 25-35
17Example of Low Cognitively Complex Question
- You are investigating whether robins prefer one
type of bird seed over any other type. Your
independent variable is the type of bird seed
used. What should be your dependent variable? - The amount of bird seed in your feeder.
- The number of birds visiting your feeder.
- The number of robins visiting your feeder.
- The cost of the different types of bird seed.
- The SI unit of time is the ________.
- a. Second b. Minute c. Hour d. Day
18Example of Moderate Complexity Question
- Bill wants to find which laundry detergent is the
best at getting food stains out of clothes. He
sets up an experiment to test 2 detergents. He
spills spaghetti sauce on 2 identical shirts,
making sure that the stain on each shirt is the
same size. He uses the same temperature and
amount of water in the washing machine. The only
thing he changes is the kind of detergent. He
uses Brand X on one shirt Brand Y on the other. - Is this a fair test?
- Yes, he tested all the variables at once in each
test. - Yes, he changed only one variable in each test.
- No, he tested all the variables at once in each
test. - No, he changed only one variable in each test.
19Example of High Complexity Question
- Mr. Brinks physical science class has been
challenged to find the density of a rock. The
class divides into 4 teams but the teams share
the same rock so their data can be compared.
They know they need to first find the mass and
the volume of the rock. Then they can calculate
density. The teams each record their results in
a table. - Analyze the data from Mr. Brinks science class
in a complete paragraph.
20Students entering 9th gr 2013-2014
Standard Diploma
4 credits in English
4 credits in Math Must have Algebra Geometry
3 credits in Science Must have Biology
3 credits in Soc Studies World, US, Gov Econ
1 credit in Fine Performing Arts, Speech Debate or Practical Arts
1 credit in HOPE
8 elective credits
1 online course
Scholar Diploma
In addition to Standard Diploma
Pass the ELA Grade 11 statewide assessment once implemented
Earn 1 credit in Alg 2 and pass State EOC
Earn 1 credit in statistics
Pass the Biology EOC
Earn 1 credit in Chemistry or Physics
Earn 1 credit in a course equally as rigorous to chemistry or physics
Pass the State US History EOC
Earn 2 credits in the same World Language
Earn at least 1 credit in Advanced Placement, IB, AICE or Dual Enrollment
HOPEHealth Opportunities through Physical
21REQUIRED Vaccination
- To enter 6th grade starting in 2014-2015 students
MUST have proof of 2 Varicella Disease
vaccinations (chicken pox) or document that they
have had Varicella Disease. - Documentation MUST be on a FL 680 Form
Certificate of Immunization. - The certificate must be signed, dated stamped.
- Students will NOT be allowed to attend classes in
August until we receive an updated FL 680 Form.
22Vaccinations continued
- Check with your childs current school to
determine if vaccination requirement is already
met. - If the school states this requirement is already
documented in the computer under immunizations,
then your child is good to go for 6th grade. - If the school states this requirement is not
documented, then contact your childs physician
for an appointment. - The elementary school can enter the documentation
once received, so your child is good to go for
6th grade. - Always keep a copy of your childs shot records
for your personal files.
23Dress Code
- Swiss Point students follow the District Dress
Code on pages 12 13 of the District Code of
Conduct. - Shorts, skirts dresses must be no shorter than
4 above the knee even if tights are worn. - No holes in jeans 4 above the knee
- No low cut shirts
- No Spandex or yoga pants
- No sleeveless shirts or dresses
24Backpacks Phones
- Large backpacks can be carried to and from
school, but MUST be stored in their locker during
the day. - ONLY drawstring bags can be carried to classes.
- Phones MUST be turned off and put away during the
day. They may not be used until off campus.
256th grade camp
- 2 day camp - 60
- Flyer out in April to sign-up
- Wednesday Thursday, July 30th 31st
- 730am to 2pm
26Raider Rap
- Please log onto the Swiss Point MS website and
sign up to receive the weekly electronic Raider
Rap. - http//www-raider.stjohns.k12.fl.us/