Title: Threatened Eiders of North America
1Threatened Eiders of North America
2Eiders of North America(4 species)
- Common Eider
- King Eider
- Spectacled Eider (Threatened)
- Stellers Eider (Threatened)
3Eider Characteristics
- Large diving ducks (some can dive to depths of
180 feet) - Feed mainly on mollusks and invertebrates. Some
diets can consist of some plant matter (rarely
exceeds 5). - Found in extreme northern habitats. (Some spend
the winter in openings of the sea ice.)
- Typically line nest w/ down feathers
- Usually nest near rocky areas above water.
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Chordata
- Class Aves
- Order Anseriformes
- Suborder Anseres
- Family Anatidae
- Subfamily Anatinae
- Tribe Mergini
6Common EiderSomateria mollissima
- Largest duck in North America (Length 17,
Wingspan 41) - Feed primarily on mollusks
- Population 1-1.5 million
7Common Eider Range
8King EiderSomateria spectabilis
- Large Duck (Length 16, Wingspan 37)
- Feeds primarily on mollusks
- Population lt1 million
9King Eider Range
10Spectacled EiderSomateria fischeri
- Threatened Species
- Large Duck (Length 15, Wingspan 36)
- Diet varies according to time of year.
- Population lt100,000
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12Spectacled Eider Identification
- Identification Tip
- Bill feathered to nostril
- Adult male
- Pale green head with large
- white patch around eye
- Yellow bill
- Black underparts
- White upperparts
- Adult female
- Dark brown plumage with fine
- black barring
- Pale brown patch around eye
- Similar species
- The male is very distinctive. The female may be
mistaken for another eider female, but the eye
patch and extensive feather on the bill sets it
13Spectacled Eider Diet
- Breeding/Growth Season
- Insects and Vegetation
- Rest of Season
- Mollusks and Vegetation
14Threatened Listing
- Effective Date June 9, 1993
- Populations had declined by 94-98 within the
principle breeding range. - Alaskas population declined 14 the following
year (1994).
15Stellers EiderPolysticta stelleri
- Threatened Species
- Smallest of Eiders (Length 12, Wingspan 29)
- Feeds mainly on crustaceans (amphipods, isopods,
and barnacles) - Population 150,000 200,000
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17Stellers Eider Identification
- Identification Tips
- Gray unfeathered bill
- Squarish head
- Long tail
- Adult male alternate
- White head and flanks
- Black on throat and back
- Black around eye
- Greenish patch on lores and rear of head
- Black spot on breast
- Black and white scapulars
- Brownish belly
- Adult female
- Dark brown plumage
- Pale eyering
- Square head
- Similar species
- Male is distinct. The female could be
missidentified as another eider. The female
Stellers has and unfeathered bill, squarer head,
longer tail, and is smaller in size.
18Stellers Eider Diet
- Throughout Year
- Mainly on various crustaceans (amphipods,
isopods, barnacles)
19Threatened Listing
- Effective Date 1997
- Alaskan breeding populations has nearly
disappeared. - Estimates range from hundreds to low thousands.
- Problem not well understood.
20Cause for Listing(Stellers and Spectacled)
- Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of
Habitat or Range - Over utilization for Commercial, Recreational,
Scientific, or Educational Purposes - Disease or Predation
- Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
- Other Natural or Manmade Factors
21Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of
- Destruction of habitat is low.
- Many areas unaltered and uninhabited
- Alaskan North Slope
- Altered by oil and gas development
- Only small portion of breeding range
- Marine habitat still poorly understood
- Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Elevated
concentrations of many trace elements, noticeably
cadmium, selenium, and copper, but these were
below levels associated with toxicological risk
to marine birds.
222. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational,
Scietific, or Educational Purposes
- Were traditionally harvested during migration
- Alaskan and Siberian natives
- Take eggs and birds for food
- Skin and feathers used for clothing.
- Bones used for household purposes
- Feathers were used in fans for tourists
- Spring harvest supplied traditional source of
meat to coastal communities. - Illegal harvest for taxidermy trade
- Magnitude unknown
233. Disease and Predation
- Increases in fox and common raven populations.
- Never proven to have affected populations.
- Gull (glaucous-winged) populations increased due
to fish processing wastes. - Prey on chicks
- Parasites (acanthocephalans)
- Lowering reproduction/survival.
- Not affected in good habitat.
244. Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
- Harvest was regulated under authority of the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703-711). - Hunting has been closed since 1991
- Historically hunted in Russia
- Estimates for harvest is high
- No records of harvest was recorded in Russia
- Hunting was not regulated strictly despite the
M.B.T. (Prohibited hunting between March 10 and
September 1) - This was due to the fact that many residents
historically and traditionally took eiders for
255. Natural or Manmade Factors
- Oil Spills
- Oil Fields
- Low nesting numbers in active fields
- Pollution
- From offshore oil development and fishery vessels
- Fishing Nets
- Lead shot
- Very few cases
- Severe weather
- Natural die off
26Conservation Measures Taken
- Recognition
- Recovery Actions
- Requirements for Federal Protection
- Prohibition against certain practices
- Encourages and results in conservation actions by
Federal, State, and local governments and private
agencies, groups and individuals.
282. Recovery Actions
- Act provides for possible land acquisition and
cooperation with the states and requires that
recovery actions be carried out for all listed
species. - Land isnt always secured!
- The spectacled eider is one of the many migratory
species that depend on the globally unique
habitat at Teshekpuk Lake inside the National
Petroleum Reserve-Alaska along Alaska's western
Arctic coast. The area is also critical to
Pacific black brant, yellow-billed loons, tundra
swans, king eiders, and northern pintails. But
the Bush administration wants to lease the lands
along Teshekpuk Lake to the oil and gas industry.
293. Requirements for Federal Protection
- Prohibits taking and harm of the listed species.
- Provided habitat protection rather than just
species protection that was covered in the M.B.A.
304. Prohibition against certain practices
- Scientific studies
- Permit system
- Zoological exhibition, educational purposes
- Permit system
- No threatened species on exhibit
Como Zoo, MN
- Balance
- Keystone species
- Specific niche
32Ten Most Wanted
- Spectacled Eider
- Rosss Gull
- Ivory Gull
- White morph Gyrfalcon
- Snowy Owl
- Albatross
- White-tailed Tropicbird
- Atlantic Puffin
- Trogon
- Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Most Wanted