3 Ideas and Reality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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3 Ideas and Reality


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Title: 3 Ideas and Reality

3Ideas and Reality
  • TAs office h.
  • none

  • Bibliographical Resources (reminder)
  • Descartes Meditations (with Critics and Replies)
    Discourse free at
  • http//www.earlymoderntexts.com/f_descarte.html
  • Leibnizs New Essays free at
  • http//www.earlymoderntexts.com/f_leibniz.html

  • By Now you should have read Descartes
  • For the next 2 meetings you should read the
    preface and ch. 1 of Leibnizs New Essays
  • It would also help if you can read Leibnizs
    Monadology (also on Leibnizs link)

  • Further bibliography on Descartes
  • Cottingham J. (1986). Descartes. Blackwell,
  • Further bibliography on/by Chomsky
  • Chomsky N. (2000). New Horizons in the Study of
    Language and Mind. Cambridge UP Cambridge
  • McGilvray J. (1999). Chomsky Language, Mind,
    and Politics. Polity Press Cambridge

  • The following can also be useful
  • Antony L. M. Hornstein N. (eds.) (2003).
    Chomsky and His Critics. Blackwell Oxford
  • Smith, N. (1999) Chomsky Ideas and Ideals.
    Cambridge UP Cambridge
  • Wilson C. (2003). Descartess Meditations An
    Introduction. Cambridge UP Cambridge

  • Sensory Grasp
  • Our perception of ordinary objects may be
    obscure and confuse (e.g. change in
    phenomenological properties).
  • But objects possess all the properties which we
    clearly and distinctly understand, i.e. the
    essential, eternal and immutable properties.

  • Essential properties of material objects
  • Are true of matter under each manifestation and
    all conceivable conditions they transcend the
    qualia they are senses-independent.
  • These properties can be cashed out extensionally
    and, as such can be characterized in mere
    geometrical terms. (See the mathematical model of

  • Res Extensa
  • It is the nature or essence of corporeal things
    (substantia corporealis).
  • It is a subject of predication, a bearer of
    attributes. Roughly it is something we can say
    something about.
  • (see the subject/predicate distinction which
    will be central in Leibnizs metaphysics).
  • It is independent and can stand on its own. It
    is independent of anything except God.

  • Ideas
  • (i) Formal Nature
  • (ii) Material Nature
  • (iii) Reflexivity/Self-Referentiality
  • Descartes distinguishes between the material
    reality of an idea (this is the intellectual
    act/operation of the thinking) and the formal
    reality of an idea (this is the representational
    power of the idea).
  • These are two aspects of the very same thing,
    the idea.

  • Idea can be taken materially, as an operation
    of the intellect, in which case it cannot be said
    to be more perfect than me. Alternatively it can
    be taken objectively, as the thing represented by
    that operation and this thing, even if it is not
    regarded as existing outside the intellect, can
    still, in virtue of its essence, be more perfect
    than myself. (Preface to Meditations CSM II 7)
  • The idea of God, even if it exists only in my
    intellect is more perfect than myself because of
    its essence.

  • an idea is reflexive (self-referential)
  • The holder of the idea is aware/conscious of
    this very idea in so long as s/he entertains it.
  • in nostro sentendi modo cogitatio includitur
    thought is included in our mode of sensation
    (Letter to More, 5 Feb. 1649 CSMK III 365).
  • This allows to block an infinite regress (cf.
    homunculus fallacy).

  • The awareness one has of the idea one entertains
    is not another idea (or meta-idea) that one
    entertains of the former.
  • The reflexive consciousness of the idea is
    contained into the idea itself.
  • Hence, because of this direct awareness, there
    isnt a regress of ideas of ideas.

The Threefold Aspect of Ideas
  • (i) Formal Nature (semantic property)
  • (ii) Material Nature (mental act)
  • (iii) Reflexivity/Self-Referentiality (direct
  • The material nature of an idea, i.e. its being a
    mental act, may help to explain their causal
  • Since an idea is an act occurring in ones mind,
    this act can trigger one to behave in a given way.

  • The formal nature of an idea should explain their
    semantics and contribute in determining the
    truth-value of a thought.
  • This explains the aboutness or intentionality of
    ideas, i.e. what an idea stands for / represents.

  • The reflexivity of ideas helps explaining their
    subjective character.
  • In so long as one is entertaining an idea one is
    aware of this very idea. And one cannot not be
    aware of it.
  • And (because of the reflexivity) one is aware of
    an idea without having to perceive it.
  • Immediate acquaintance of the idea.

  • Meta-Idea
  • The reflexive character of an idea does not
    prevent one to have an idea about a given idea (a
  • In that case one is aware of the meta-idea.
  • This is similar to the difference between
    thinking about red and thinking about red.

Introspection and Nativism
  • Methodology Introspection
  • The true understanding of reality requires the
    mind to turn on itself and make abstraction of
    all information gained from the senses.
  • Innate Ideas
  • The possession of an idea needs a cause. Thus
    adventitious ideas are causes by the senses,
    while an innate idea is causes by God.

  • True ideas are innate in us.
  • The first, basic and more important, idea is the
    idea of God.
  • Having achieved knowledge of God we can then
    proceed to the knowledge of external reality.
  • The latter is gained by the grasping of (innate)
    mathematical concepts.
  • The essence of reality (its being extended) can
    be expressed in geometrical terms.

  • I apply the term innate to the ideas or
    notions that are the form of those thoughts in
    order to distinguish them from others, which I
    call adventious or made up. This is the same
    sense as that in which we say that generosity is
    innate in certain families, or that certain
    diseases such as gout or stones are innate in
    others it is not so much that the babies of such
    families suffer from these diseases in their
    mothers womb, but simply that they are born with
    a faculty or tendency to contract them.
    (Comments on a Certain Broadsheet CSM I 303-4)

  • Nothing reaches our mind from the external
    objects through the sense organs except certain
    corporeal motions The idea of pain, colours,
    sounds and the like must be all the more innate
    if, on the occasion of certain corporeal motions,
    our mind is to be capable of representing them to
    itself, for there is no similarity between these
    ideas and the corporeal motions. Is it possible
    to imagine anything more absurd than that all the
    common notions within our mind arise from such
    motions and cannot exist without them? I would
    like our author to tell me what the corporeal
    motion is that is capable of forming some common
    notion to the effect that things which are equal
    to a third thing are equal to each other, or any
    other he cares to take. (Comments on a Certain
    Broadsheet CSM I 304)
  • In claiming that there is no similarity
    Descartes seems to suggest that ideas are like

Knowledge of ideas
  • Awareness of Ideas
  • A child (untrained mind) faces difficulties to
    grasp the innate true ideas because her mind is
    flooded with bodily stimulus preventing the
    inward look which ultimately allows the grasping
    of the true ideas.
  • In early childhood the mind is too closely tied
    to the body.
  • The body is seen as an obstruction to the mind.

  • Ideas are in the Mind
  • What does it mean to say that ideas are in the
  • An idea is in the form of a thought and one is
    aware of it by immediate perception. (see
    reflexivity, self-referentiality of ideas)
  • But at any given time one is only aware of a
    tiny fraction of the idea that is in ones mind.

  • Possession of Ideas
  • Should be understood in a dispositional, rather
    than actual, way.
  • To have an idea of X is to be disposed, by
    appropriate reflection, to recognize certain
    truths about X.

  • In using the word idea Descartes means both the
    concept and the propositions one has about the
  • Thus one having an innate idea of a triangle is
    one having the concept of a triangle and the
    proposition that the sum of its angles is 180

  • Having an idea entails having propositional
    knowledge (e.g. I have the idea of God, so I
    know that he is all powerful )
  • Cf knowing that vs. knowing how, see also
    epistemic vs. non-epistemic seeing. (savoir vs.
  • E.g. Knowing how to swim vs. Knowing that
    Ottawa is north of Toronto
  • Seeing a chameleon vs. Seeing that the
    chameleon is on the branch

Tree Kind of Ideas
  • 1. Innate
  • 2. Adventitious
  • They come from an external source.
  • 3. Fictional
  • They are made up or invented.

  • Since sense-perception is not a matter of a
    simple reception of the mind, all ideas must, in
    a sense, be innate.
  • The ideas of pain, colour, sounds, etc. must all
    be innate (sensations such as pain, colour, etc.
    are not in the objects).
  • Sensory ideas should not be conceived as coming
    from the external world they depends and should
    be explained in terms of the innate structure of
    the mind.

Ideas as Representations
  • Descartes gives up the (scholastic) view that the
    mind grasps images which are transmitted from the
  • When Descartes compared ideas to images may be
    to stress that ideas, like images, are
    representatives, i.e. to underlie the
    intentionality of our thoughts.

  • Ideas may be conceived along symbols, for there
    are many way of representing an object.
  • Representation need not be by images or
  • Cheese stands for cheese. In French we have
    fromage Yet cheese and fromage dont
    resemble cheese .
  • Symbols are arbitrary.

  • Ideas as symbols
  • Words, as you well know, bear no resemblance to
    the things they signify, and yet they make us
    think of these things, frequently even without
    our paying attention to the sounds of the words
    or to their syllables. Thus it may happen that we
    hear an utterance whose meaning we understand
    perfectly well, but afterward we cannot say in
    what language it was spoken. Now, if words, which
    signify nothing except by human convention,
    suffice to make us think of things to which they
    bear no resemblance, then why could nature not
    also have established some sign which would make
    us have the sensation of light, even if the sign
    contained nothing in itself which is similar to
    that sensation? (The World or Treatise on Light
    CSM I 81)

  • For Descartes clear and distinct ideas are
    conform and similar to their object.
  • Yet the similarity must not be compared or
    understood in terms of the similarity that may be
    involved in a representative picture.
  • If that were the case ideas would merely be a
    mental thing. (Ideas would have only their formal
    reality, i.e. their representational power).

  • We would thus reject the materiality of ideas
    (the fact that they are an intellectual act/an
    operation of our thinking activity) and the view
    that they are self-referential.
  • A picture is neither an act, nor
  • (cf. the (i) Formal Nature,(ii) Material Nature,
    and (iii) Reflexivity/Self-Referentiality aspect
    of ideas).

Port Royal Logic and Grammar
  • The view that ideas are not images is also
    defended by Arnauld Nicole in their Port Royal
  • Whenever we speak of ideas, then, we are not
    referring to images painted in the fantasy, but
    to anything in the mind when we can trustfully
    say that we are conceiving something, however we
    conceive it. (Arnauld Nicole 1662 26)

Similarity Relation
  • Similarity Relation The Ontological Thesis of
    the Double Existence
  • The (intentional) notion of similarity involved
    must be understood against the Scholastic
  • Descartes explains the similarity relation of
    ideas in terms of their objective reality and
    this is tantamount of the medieval notion of esse

Scholastic Tradition
  • Within the medieval/scholastic tradition
    similarity is not understood along a pictorial
    resemblance, but as a kind of identity.
  • Within the scholastic tradition we find the
    thesis of the double existence.
  • A specific form can exist in two distinct ways
    (cf. St Thomas) either materially (de re) as a
    form of a material thing or immaterially, as a
    form informing the intellect.

  • The specis in mentis is similar to the external
  • Every time one entertains a clear and distinct
    idea there is an identity relation between the
    form informing the intellect and the form
    informing the external reality.
  • I.e. the very same form informs both the mind
    and reality.

  • The idea of a double existence (the esse
    objectivum) goes hand in hand with the Causal
    Adequacy Principle.
  • I.e. the self-evident principle that there must
    be as much reality in the efficient and total
    cause that there is in the effect of that cause
    (ex nihilo nihil fit).

Reification of ideas
  • The Reification of Ideas Ideas qua Mental
  • Ideas are objects of our knowledge and they are
    known before the knowledge of external objects
  • Cf. We had ideas during the doubt, thus before
    knowing that the external world exists.

  • The knowledge of ideas must precede the knowledge
    of the external objects.
  • For it is only via that knowledge that we can
    prove the existence of the external world and,
    thus, defeat scepticism.

  • Tension between the view of ideas as (mental)
    objects and the view of ideas as mental acts
  • I.e. a tension between their material nature and
    their formal nature.
  • Ideas conceived as acts do not enter as
    intermediary between the mental activity and the
    objects they stand for, while ideas conceived as
    objects are intermediary between the mind and the
    world one grasp and object by grasping the
    idea that stands for that object.
  • In that case an idea is an epistemic tertium
    quid between the mind and the external reality.

Innate vs. Adventitious Ideas
  • Even if all ideas are somewhat innate the
    distinction between innate and adventitious ideas
    subsists insofar as we must distinguish between
    those (innate) abstract ideas which the mind
    grasp independently of the stimuli and the ideas
    arising because triggered by external stimuli
    (e.g. perception).
  • Cf. the idea of God vs. the idea one has of the
    pen one is perceiving.

Mind/World relation
  • In giving up the naïve (scholastic) view that the
    mind (via the ideas) relates to the external
    world because our ideas copy the objects they
    stand fori.e. that the intentional relationship
    is one of similarityDescartes creates a gap
    between the mind and the world.
  • How does ones idea of X stand for X if the
    former is not an image of the latter?
  • God, the creator, guarantees that our mind
    reflects accurately the structure of reality. The
    aboutness/intentionality is guaranteed by Good.

  • An idea is the thing which is thought of in so
    far as it has objective being in the intellect
    which is never outside the intellect, and in this
    sense objective being simply means being in the
    intellect in the way in which objects are
    normally there But if the question is what the
    idea of the sun is, and we answer that it is the
    thing which is thought of, insofar as it has
    objective being in the intellect, no one will
    take this to be the sun itself objective being
    in the intellect will not here mean the
    determination of an act of the intellect by means
    of an object, but will signify the objects
    being in the intellect in the way in which its
    objects are normally there. By this I mean that
    the idea of the sun is the sun itself existing in
    the intellectnot of course formally existing, as
    it does in the heavens, but objectively existing,
    i.e. in the way in which objects normally are in
    the intellect. Now this mode of being is of
    course much less perfect than that possessed by
    things which exist outside the intellect but, as
    I did explain, it has not therefore simply
    nothing. (First Set of Replies CSM II 74-5)

  • Aboutness
  • Ideas are about object because they are
    similar to them. But similarity is not
    understood along a pictorial resemblance. It is a
    kind of identity.
  • This comes from the scholastic thesis of the
    double existence.
  • The aboutness/intentionality of our ideas is
    granted by God via the objective reality, i.e.
    double existence.
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