Title: SAP ?????? ??? ????
1SAP ?????? ???????
- ????(Purchasing)
- ????(Inventory Management)
- ????(Invoicing)
- ??????
- ?????(Vendor Master)
- ??????(Info Record)
- ????
- ???(Purchasing Requisition, PR)
- ?(?)??(Request for quotation, RFQ)
- ???(Purchase order, PO)
4Master Data in the Procurement Process
5Vendor Master Data                             Â
- ?????(MK01)
- Path Logistics ? Material Management ?
Purchasing ? Master Data ? Vendor ? Purchasing ?
7?? ????
Vendor 97xx
Purch. Organization 1000
Accounting Group 0001
Title Company
Name PU Supplier xx
Search Term ½ PUVENDOR
Street/House NO Chung-Chi Rd., 200
Postal Code/City 32000/Berlin
Country DE
Language GERMAN
Order Currency EUR
Terms of Payment 0001
Partner Function VN
- ????????(ME11)
- Path Logistics ? Material Management ?
Purchasing ? Master Data ? Info. Record ? Create
10?? ????
Vendor 97xx
Material PU-RM-Sxx
Purch. Organization 1000
Plant 1000
Info Category ?Standard
Reminder1 10
Reminder2 20
Reminder3 30
Ctry of origin DE
Order Unit PC
Equal to 1 pc lt-gt 1 pc
Plnd dely time 2 day
Purch. Group 001
Standard Qty 1
11?? ???? ????
GR Based IV ?? ??
Net price 45 EUR/1 PC 45 EUR/1 PC
Qty. conversion 1 PC lt-gt 1 PC 1 PC lt-gt 1 PC
Valid on 01.01.2008 01.01.2008
Valid to 31.12.2008 31.12.2008
Cnty PB00 FRA1
Rate 45 1.2
Unit EUR
Per 1
12Procurement Cycle                              Â
13Basics of Procurement Purchase Order
- ?PR
- Path Logistics ? MM ? Purchasing ? PR ? Create
(ME51N) - PR no.
?? ????
Material PU-RM-Sxx
Quantity 100
15Purchase Order                                 Â
16(No Transcript)
- ?PO(?PR?PO)
- ??????Path Logistics ? MM ? Inventory?
Environment ? Stock ? Stock/Requirement Lists
?? ????
Material PU-RM-Sxx
MRP area 1000
Plant 1000
- ? ? Purchase Order ?,???PO view
- ?? Document Overview, ???PR?,? Adopt ?.
- ??PR????PO
?? ????
Vendor 97xx
Purchasing Org. 1000
19Goods Receipt                                  Â
20Movement Type Examples                         Â
21Goods Movement - Transaction
- ??????Path Logistics ? MM ? Inventory
Management? Environment ? Stock ? Stock Overview
(MMBE) - Path Logistics ? MM ? Inventory Management?
Goods Movement (MIGO) - ?????????.
?? ????
Purchasing Order PO no.
Delivery note 0304
Movement type 101
23Invoice Receipt                                Â
24Information in an Invoice                      Â
25Invoice Verification with Reference to PO
26Invoice Entry Transaction MIRO
27Enter Invoice Against Purchase Order
28Invoice Receipt                                Â
29Information in an Invoice                      Â
30Invoice Verification with Reference to PO
31Invoice Entry Transaction MIRO
32Enter Invoice Against Purchase Order
- Logistics ? MM ? Logistics Invoice Veri. ?
Document Entry ? Enter Invoice