Title: CN-177/5 Regulatory Infrastructure Existing in Armenia
1CN-177/5Regulatory Infrastructure Existing
in Armenia
- International Conference on Effective Nuclear
Regulatory Systems Further Enhancing the Global
Nuclear Safety and Security Regime
14-18 December 2009Cape Town, South Africa
Ashot Martirosyan Armenian Nuclear Regulatory
2(No Transcript)
3Armenian NPP
- 1976 start-up of Unit ? 1
- 1980 start-up of Unit ?2
- Shut down in 1989 following earthquake in 1988
- Unit ?1 - February 1989
- Unit ?2 - March 1989
- April 1993 - Government of Armenia adopted decree
on Armenian NPP Unit ?2 Restart - Restart of unit ?2 - November 1995
- Government decree ?573 as of 16 November 1993
on establishment of regulatory authority for
nuclear and radiation safety (ANRA) and approval
of its statute and structure (amended under
Government Decree ? 70 as of 19.02.2000,
Government Decree ? 2183-N as of 26 December
2002, Government Decree as of 01 December 2005) - 1993-1995 assessment of safety related
documents, inspections of activities on
preparation of ANPP restart - Since 1996 ANRA performs regulation in the full
scope authorization, regulatory review and
assessment, inspection and enforcement,
establishment of safety regulations and guides - In accordance with the President ordinance ?
912-N as of 27 June, 2002, the ANRA was
reorganized into an Inspectorate within the
Ministry for Nature Protection of RA - Under the Ordinance of President of Armenia
adopted on 21 May 2008 ANRA was reorganized into
the State Committee under the Government of
Armenia for Nuclear Safety Regulation
5ANRA Position within Government of RA(since
6Organizational Chart of ANRA
7ANRAs task
- State regulation at atomic energy utilization
(safety of nuclear facilities, the safe use of
ionizing radiation sources, the safe management
of radioactive waste, and the safe transport of
radioactive and nuclear materials) aimed to
ensure the safety of population and
personnel, environmental safety and to defend
safety interests of the Republic of Armenia. -
- ANRA regulates the nuclear and radiation safety
of Armenian NPP, dry spent nuclear fuel storage
facility, ionizing radiation sources, RADON
radioactive wastes storage facility, and of other
facilities where practices with nuclear materials
are implemented. -
8Nuclear Legislation of RA
- International Treaties Ratified by Armenia
- Law of RA on Safe Utilization of Atomic Energy
for Peaceful Purposes (01.03.1999) as
supplemented on 18.04.2000, 09.11.2004,
15.12.2005, 22.02.2007, 19.05.2008 and 19.03.2009 - Law of RA on Licensing as amended on 05.03.2004,
19.03.2009 - Criminal Code of the RA as amended on 18.04.2003
- Code on Administrative Offences
- Law of RA on Legal Acts
- Law of RA on Civil Service
- Law of RA on Population Protection in Emergencies
- Law of RA on Inspection
- Law of RA on Energy
- Selected Nuclear and Radiation Safety Norms,
Rules, Regulations of RA, RF, USA
9ANRAs Responsibilities
- The ANRAs responsibilities are established
in the Law on - Safe Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful
Purposes and its - Statute.
- ANRAs responsibilities include
- organization of development, development drafts
of safety rules and regulations, legal acts
related to the atomic energy utilization field
and submission of the aforementioned to the
Government of the RA in the established order, - licensing of practices and individuals
implementing these practices and holding
positions important to safety in the atomic
energy utilization field, - suspension or termination of license in
accordance with the requirements of the
international treaties and the legislation of the
RA when non-compliance by a licensee with license
terms and conditions is detected, - safety assessment, organization and conduct of
expertise of practices, installations and
equipment in the atomic energy utilization field,
10ANRAs Responsibilities (cont.)
- organization and conduct of researches for safety
improvement purposes in the atomic energy
utilization field, - control on compliance with requirements of the
legislation of the atomic energy utilization
field and issued licenses by legal entities and
physical persons, - Inspections in the atomic energy utilization
field, - control on preparedness of licensees to possible
emergency situations, - during emergencies assessment of situation and
on the basis of prognosis on its possible changes
submission of proposals on implementation of
necessary protective actions to the state
authority of the RA empowered with the
responsibility for emergency situation related
issues, - jointly with the authority empowered with
responsibilities for foreign affairs control
fulfillment of the RA of commitments undertaken
under the international treaties of the RA in the
atomic energy utilization field,
11ANRAs Responsibilities (cont.)
- control on safeguards implementation,
- registration of nuclear materials, ionizing
radiation sources and radioactive waste, - cooperation with other international
organizations and regulatory authorities of other
countries by exchanging information on
safety-related issues, - coordination the IAEA national and regional
technical cooperation projects, - according to the Convention on early notification
in case emergencies making early international
notification on an emergency and act as a contact
point on notification in the event of emergency, - monitoring and controlling exposure to
environmental radiation, - adopting ministerial acts, and
- other responsibilities as established in the RA
12ANPP Unit 3
- Armenia plans to construct new NPP unit.
- Armenian government commission has announced
Worley Parsons, as the winner of the tender for
management organization. - 29 May 2009 the Government of the RA in its
decision approved the contract NoTDB-09/22 on
Management services related to implementation of
new NPP unit(s) construction program. - Law of the RA on construction of new NPP
- ANPP unit 3
- Location the same site as the ANPP
- Power generation capacity 1000Mwt
13Uranium Mining
- Uranium mining related issues are settled in a
number of legal acts, for instance the Law of the
RA on Fields (or deposits) and relevant
government decrees. - RA Government Decree ? 234-N as of 06 March 2008
on Establishment of Closed Joint Stock Company
to conduct geological investigations of uranium
mines on the territory of Armenia to clarify the
existing volume of uranium (according to the
preliminary information the volume makes
30000-60000 tons).
14Radiation Sources
- In accordance with the RA Government Decree ?
452 as of 24.05.2001 ANRA is responsible for
regulation of safety of ionizing radiation
sources and protection against ionizing radiation
in the Republic of Armenia to ANRA.
15Inventory of radiation sources
- Administrative (records) search (ANRA obtained
records from the Ministry of Health) - ANRA has physically inspected all of the
organizations in Armenia last known to possess
radiation sources. This activity allowed to
verify information on the sources disposition. - The inspections identified approximately 1200
radiation sources of which about 2/3 were in
active use and the remainder were sent for long
term storage at RADON facility.
16National Registry of Radiation Sources
- Developed RASOD software (part of ANRA
information system) - Populated RASOD with information obtained during
sources inventory - RASOD is Capable of storing information on the
radiation sources, tracking disposition of the
radiation sources and generators over their
lifetime, maintaining an accurate inventory,
recording any changes, and providing a
recoverable history of all transactions. - Serves as information resource for licensing
17ANRA Regional Offices
- To provide for effective control over radiation
sources ANRA has established two regional offices
located in Goris and Vandazor. - The initial and main activity foreseen is to
provide control on a local level over operations
with radiation sources by means of inspections
and enforcement of safe utilization of radiation
sources consistent with conditions stipulated in
the license. - The office will contribute to frequent
interaction with the licensees and is expected to
foster ongoing communication between the
regulatory body and users as stipulated in the
Code of Conduct. - The offices have their own staff that reports to
headquarters in Yerevan.
18Licensing of Radiation Sources
- The Law of the RA on Licensing recognizes ANRA
as the licensing authority in the atomic energy
utilization field and establishes practices
subject to ANRA licensing. - ANRA has developed the licensing procedures for
each type of practice subject to licensing,
including procedures with requirements for
licensing of radiation sources and radiation
generators. - Before the licensing process started ANRA has
conducted several workshops to familiarize users
of radioactive sources with these new safety and
security requirements.
19Licensing of Radiation Sources (contd)
- ANRA has developed Licensing Procedures on
- export and import to Armenia of ionizing
generators, radioactive materials and equipment
containing radioactive materials. - use of ionizing generators, radioactive materials
and equipment containing radioactive materials. - transport of radioactive materials and equipment
containing radioactive materials. - storage of radioactive materials and equipment
containing radioactive materials. - manufacture, installation and calibration of
radioactive materials, devices containing
radioactive materials, or radiation generators. - ANRA started licensing in 2005.
20Dynamics of ANRA staffing
- Till 1991 Site Inspection - 6 site inspectors
- 1991-92 - 2 site-inspectors
21HR Development
- Recruitment
- Training programs are developed based on job
descriptions - Training materials are compiled using existing
materials - Initial training
- Theoretical training
- On-the-job training
- Training with support of IAEA, EC or US NRC
- Fellowships and workshops in frame of projects
with IAEA, EC, US NRC - Training on specific safety analysis tools
- Transfer of codes and know-how
- Development and verification of models
- Other fields.
22ANRA TSONuclear and Radiation Safety Center
- On the basis of the ANRA Nuclear Safety Analysis
Section in 2001 with the IAEA and US NRC support
there was established the Nuclear and Radiation
Safety Center (ANRA TSO). - Main mission of NRSC is to provide technical
support to ANRA.
23ANRA TSONuclear and Radiation Safety Center
- NRSC use the most up-to-date methods and
approaches, the best available tools and - Verified techniques thus increasing the quality
of works performed and services provided - in the following areas
- Safety analyses and assessment,
- Thermal hydraulic analysis
- Core and nuclear fuel safety analyses
- Seismic safety and structure analysis
- Radiometric measurements and radiation protection
- Review, revision, updating, drafting of
regulations and guides, - Emergency preparedness (development of emergency
procedures), - Regulation and control of ionizing radiation
sources (development and update of databases,
radiation protection assessment and
measurements), - Radiometry (individual and environmental
monitoring, etc), - IT support,
- Personnel training.
24Local Counterparts
- Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of RA
- Ministry of Health of RA
- Ministry of Economy of RA
- Ministry for Nature Protection of RA
- National Security Service
- Police of RA
- Armenian Rescue Service of Ministry for Emergency
SituationsOther ministries and entities - Armenian NPP
- RADON Municipal Waste Storage Facility
- Other ministries and entities
25International CooperationIAEA
- The ANRA acts as the national coordinator
of the IAEA national - and regional projects on nuclear and
radiation safety, nuclear - applications, physical protection, radioactive
waste management, safe - transport.
- Ongoing national projects are
- ARM/0/006 Developing and Implementing an
Integrated Human Resource Management Improvement
System in the Armenian Nuclear Power Sector - ARM/6/009 Rehabilitating and Developing Nuclear
Medicine - ARM/9/020 Strengthening Nuclear and Radiation
Infrastructure in Armenia - ARM/9/021 Raising Levels of Operational Safety at
the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (Phase II) - ARM/9/022 Monitoring the Current Condition of the
Armenian Nuclear Power Plants Vital System,
Structures and Components (SSC) and Assessing its
Residual Lifetime - Participation in RER projects
- Armenia participates in 39 IAEA regional projects
which contribute to - improvement of experts qualification,
strengthening technical capabilities of - different organizations and facilities
26International CooperationIAEA (cont.)
- IAEA assisted the ANRA in development of safety
regulations and rules, - strengthening regulatory control and safety
assessment capabilities, - improvement inspection practices, strengthening
emergency - preparedness and response capabilities,
establishment of NRSC and so - on.
- The IRRT Mission from April 27 to 10 May 2002
reviewed the following - areas of ANRA activity Legislative and
governmental responsibilities Authority, - Responsibilities and functions of the regulatory
body Organization of the - regulatory body Authorization process Review
and assessment Inspection - and enforcement Development of regulations and
guides Emergency - preparedness. The IRRT report included
recommendations (17), suggestions - (20) and good practices (7)
- The IRRT follow-up Mission from August 29 to
September 9 2004 - reviewed the implementation of recommendations of
previous mission and - described the achieved results in the report
recommendations 14, - suggestions- 12 and good practices -1
- Cooperation with US NRC started in 1995.
Cooperative Arrangement - between NRC and ANRA was signed on September,
1997. - Under the mentioned arrangement the ANRA has
received Technical and - expert assistance from the US NRC
- Computer programs and training in safety
analyses, - Establishment of ANRAs TSO and ANRAs two
regional offices, - Registration of radiation sources in
Armenia/development of a National Register, - Support for licensing of radioactive sources
(procedures, guidance, training), - Support for drafting of legal documents,
- Support for drafting regulatory documents (safety
and licensing of radiation sources,
decommissioning regulatory infrastructure, waste
storage and disposal), - Physical infrastructure support (transportation,
radiological equipment, basic office
infrastructure), - And other.
- In March 2007 Cooperative Arrangement was
extended for 5 years.
- ANRA cooperates with EU under TACIS project
since1998. The - cooperation is aimed at strengthening and
enhancing the - effectiveness of the nuclear regime in Armenia.
- In frame of TACIS project ANRA received
assistance in the following - areas
- Regulation of nuclear and radiation safety,
- Safety analysis and expert reviews,
- Personnel training and retraining.
- ANRA also participates in meetings of WWER
Regulators Forum - The objective of the meeting is to provide an
opportunity for senior staff of regulators in the
countries operating WWER reactors to exchange
information on various regulatory issues and
share recent experience. The forum members are
Observers from IRSN, GRS and IAEA are also
invited to attend the meeting.
- ANRA nd NRSC on-going projects
- AR/RA/04 Support to the Nuclear Safety
Authority of ARMENIA (Follow-up of AR/RA/03) - AR/TS/06 Enhancement of the safety assessment
capabilities of the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory
Authority (ANRA) for licensing of Medzamor 2
safety improvements and of decommissioning
activities (follow up of project AR/TS/04 and
30ANRA Issues, Needs and Priorities
- Issues
- ANRA staffing with qualified specialists and
inspectors - recruitment of experienced specialists and
training of young specialists - Needs
- Training for new recruited inspectors and
specialists, - Support to ANRA and NRSC (TSO) in expertise,
assessment, review of ANPP safety and security.
31ANRA Issues, Needs and Priorities(cont.)
- Priorities
- Complete Legal Pyramid
- Development and improvement of legislation
including, regulations on nuclear and radiation
safety and state nuclear regulatory framework - Licensing of ANPP
- Expertise and Review of ANPP SAR, PSA, PSHA,
Seismic PSA - Modification Licensing
- Development of regulatory requirements to ANPP
decommissioning - Periodical review and assessment of ANPP
technical, operational, seismic safety and
security upgrades - Licensing of ANPP - 3