1Reverberation Measurements of the Inner Radius
of the Dust Torus in Nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxies
- Masahiro Suganuma
- ( National Astronomical Observatory of Japan )
with MAGNUM (Multicolor Active Galactic NUclei
Monitoring) group
Y. Yoshii, T. Minezaki, H. Tomita, T. Aoki,
S. Koshida (University of Tokyo) Y. Kobayashi
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) K.
Enya (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) B. A.
Peterson (Australian National University)
- Introduction
- What determine the inner radius of the dust torus
? - Where is the inner border of the dust torus
located being compared with other regions of AGNs
? - Principles of dust reverberation method
- Monitoring observations and results
- Simultaneous photometric monitoring in Opt. / NIR
- Clear lag time detections between V-band var. and
K-band var. -
- Discussion
3Main Focus
Urry Padovani (1995)
1. What determine the inner radius?
Sublimation temperature of grains (graphite)
const. -gt The radius should to be proportional to
2. Where is the border located being compared
with other regions?
Unified scheme of AGNs expect it to be outside of
Thermal dust reverberation can resolve the inner
border of dust torus by means of differences of
flux variations between optical and near-infrared.
4Thermal dust reverberation of AGNs.
5Monitoring Observation of AGNs
2-m optical / infrared robotic telescope (since
Aug. 2000)
Maui Island
Top of Mt. Haleakala (3050m)
6First Result
NGC 4151 Vnuc15.4mag 1242 km/s (3KCMB)
Minezaki et al. (2004) ApJL, 600, 35
7Succeeding results
DSS R-band image
8NGC 4051 Vnuc15.2mag 924 km/s (3KCMB)
DSS Bj-band image
9NGC 3227 Vnuc14.4mag 1480 km/s (3KCMB)
DSS Bj-band image
10NGC 7469 Vnuc14.5mag 4521 km/s (3KCMB)
DSS R-band image
11Lag time vs. Optical Luminosity
After this work
Minezaki et al. (2004) and references therein
12Lag time vs. Optical Luminosity with BLR lags
Broad Emission Line
F9 Clavel et al. (89)
Rodriguez-Pascual et al. (97)
Peterson et al. (04) N3783 Reichert et al.
(94) N7469 Wanders et al. (97)
Kriss et al. (00) Collier et al.
(98) N5548 Peterson et al. (02)
Krolik et al. (1991) Peterson
Wandel. (99) Dietrich et al. (93)
Korista et al. (95) N4151 Clavel
et al. (90) Maoz et al. (91)
Kaspi et al. (96)
- Broad-emission line lags for objects that also
have infrared lags - Including Hi Lo ionization lines)
N3227 Winge et al. (95) Onken et
al. (03) Shemmer et al. (04)
13Supported Picture of Central sub-parsec of
Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Within inner border of dust torus
Dust torus
Lag time measurements between flux variation of
V-band and K-band for nearby Seyfert 1 galaxies
with MAGNUM telescope cleared that
- There is tight correlation between optical
luminosity and near-infrared lag with t
L0.5opt . -
- Near-infrared lags are located on near the
upper border of broad-emission line lags on L-
t plane.
In other words, it could be say that
- Inner radius of the dust torus is determined as
being proportional to square root of its central
luminosity. -
- Inner border of the dust torus is located near
outer border of broad-emission line region (BLR).
( Suganuma et al. 2006, ApJ 639, 46 )
15(No Transcript)
- ??????? LUV/4pr2 4ltQ?gtsT4
- ????????(????1500K)
- ? ????????
???? (UV/????? ? ??????) ???????????c
? ???????????????? ???????
20The optical and NIR monitoring observation since
Jan. 2001
83 target objects of Seyfert 1 galaxies and
radio-quiet quasars
2DF10322-0233, 2DF1138-0131, 2DF12203-0119,
2DF12254-0101, 2DF124740025, 2DF13451-0231,
2DF14382-0116, 2QZ10130028, 3C120, Akn120,
EDR171745932, EDR171835313, IRAS034500055,
IRASF212560219, KUV082174235, L107-351,
LBQS002620244, LBQS10245-0021, LBQS1029-0047,
LBQS134210155, MOA2001BLG5, MOA201BLG5,
MS024481928, MS035741046, Mrk110, Mrk335,
Mrk509, Mrk590, Mrk744, Mrk79, Mrk817,
NGC2403_ulx, NGC3031, NGC3227, NGC4051, NGC4151,
NGC4395, NGC4395d1, NGC4395d2, NGC4395d3,
NGC4395d4, NGC4639, NGC5548, NGC7469, PG0844p349,
PG0953414, PG1613p658, PHL1070, Q2237030,
RXJ17591p6635, RXJ17595p6645, RXJ17597p6629,
RXJ180036624, RXJ18003p6615, RXJ18006p6641,
RXJ18009p6622, RXJ180126624, RXJ180126631,
RXJ18012p6631, RXJ18015p6632, RXJ2138.20112,
RXJ2156.71426, RXSJ112403110, RXSJ131292628,
S02540101, S0257m0027, SDSS13091-0015,
SDSS172056128, SDSS172305400, SDSS172446036,
SDSS23264-0030, SDSSJ0007-0054, SDSSJ0207-0048,
SDSSJ03150012, SDSSJ0943-0043, SDSSJ0957-0023,
SDSSJ1004p4112, SDSSJ1024-0021, SDSSJ10440003,
SDSSpJ1204m0021, TON730, mcg08-11-011
Observation continues until
- ??????????
- ????????
- ????????
- ?? (U)BV ?????????????????
- ?? HK ????????????????????
NGC 5548
- ?? (U)BV ?????????????????
- ?? HK ????????????????????
NGC 4051
- ?? (U)BV ?????????????????
- ?? HK ????????????????????
NGC 3227
- ?? (U)BV ?????????????????
- ?? HK ????????????????????
NGC 7469
28flux vs. flux diagram in the optical
V ????? vs. B ?????
- ???????
- ??????????????????
- ????????????????
- B-V0.0-0.1
29flux vs. flux diagram in the near-infrared
K ????? vs. H ?????
- ????????????
- ????????????????
- H-K0.9-1.2
- ? Black body 1500-1800K
- ????(V,K)???????????????
- ? ???CCF(t)
- ???????????? (???) ? ????????????
- ????????????? (???) ?
- ???????
- ????????????????? (Maoz Netzer 1989
White Peterson 1994) - ????????? (Peterson et al. 1998)
? ?????????????????? ?????????
- ????? Structure Function (SF)
- ? ??????????
33Structure Function (SF)
- SF ?????????????(? Power Spectrum)
SF??? ? ???????