Title: SmartCopter
- Group 3
- Alvilda Rolle
- Brian Williams
- Matthew Campbell
- Sponsor
- Rogers, Lovelock, and Fritz
- Architecture and Engineering
- University of Central Florida
- December 4, 2009
- SmartCopter is a device that is mounted to the
underside of a RC helicopter and records flight
data. Such as acceleration, rotation, current
heading, and current video. All while streaming
video from the helicopter. - Motivation
- To understand the dynamics of RC helicopter
flight - To create a starting point for autonomous designs
- To record flight data
- Acceleration in x, y, and z axis
- Rotation about the x, y, and z axis.
- Altitude
- Magnetic Heading
- To record video
- Overlay flight information in post-production
- If time permits
4Helicopter Description
- ESKY BELT CP RC Helicopter
- Brushless motor
- Belt driven tail rotor
- More control
- Lower failure rate
- Capable of aerobatic flight
5Helicopter Description
6Helicopter Description
- Position Orientation
- Frame of reference
- Space Frame
- Body Frame
- Main Rotor Frame
- Pitch, roll, yaw
- Euler angles (shown on next page)
7Helicopter Description
8Helicopter Description
- Flight Surfaces
- Main Rotor
- Speed in RPMs
- Beta Angles or Pitch
- Collective Pitch
- Tail Rotor
- Pitch
9Power Management
- Battery
- Lithium Polymer
- 11.1V 1800mAh 20C 3-Cell high capacitance Li-Po
battery - Advantages
- Quantity 2
- Replaces Lithium-Ion
- Power Supply
- Battery
- Speed controller regulates voltage supplied to
motor - Motor - functions as a converter of electrical
energy to kenitc - Motor Control
- Esky 450 3800KV brushless motor
- Advantages longer lifetime, higher efficiency
- No brushes
Kv   3800 RPM/V Â
 No Load Current   2.0A Â
 Resistance   - Â
 Max Voltage   12V Â
 Max Current   20A Â
 Max Watts   220W Â
 Weight   58 g / 2.04 oz Â
 Size   27.7 mm x 30 mm Â
 Shaft Diameter   2.3 mm Â
 Poles   6 Â
- Standard vs. Digital
- Control flight device
- Uses error sensing feedback to provide correction
- Maintain position
- 3 wire control usage ground wire, signal wire,
power wire - Receives a series of pulses sent over a control
wire that control the angle of the actuator arm - Connected to linkage that connects to swashplate
11Subsystem Design
- Flight Data System- Hardware
- Used to measure acceleration forces
- Helps determine orientation
- Triple Axis Accelerometer ADXL 335
- Low noise and power consumption
- Polysilicon surface
- Mechanical sensors for X,Y, and Z axis
- Used with operating voltages above Vs 3V,
single-supply operation 1.8V to 3.6V - Low power 350 uA (typical)
- Great temperature stability, fully assembled
- Other possibilities Triple Axis Accelerometer
Breakout SCA3000
- Mechanical vs. Piezoelectric
- Pointed nose detection
- Gyro Breakout Board - IDG500 Dual 500 degree/sec
- Uses 2 sensor elements that sense the rate of
rotation about the X and Y axis - Heading Hold (HH) vs. Yaw Rate (YR)
- Noise filtering
- Other considerations IMU 5 Degrees of Freedom
IDG500/ADXL335 vs. Gyro Breakout Board Triple
Axis Accelerometer Breakout - The Inertia Measurement Unit
14Ultrasonic Range Finder
- Measure distances between moving and/or
stationary objects - Ping sensor
- Ultrasonic Range Finder - Maxbotix LV-EZ2
- Quantity 2
- ,
- Not specifically designed for outdoor use, but
device can be mounted so that the sensor is
protected from element exposure - Automatic Calibration to Compensate for Changes
in Temperature, Noise, Humidity, and Voltage
Type LV-MaxSonar-EZ2 XL-MaxSonar-EZ4 XL-MaxSonar-AE2 XL-MaxSonar-WR1 XL-MaxSonar-WRA1
Easy to use interface Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Has noise canceling Some Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outdoor use No No No Yes Yes
Automatic Calibration.. On power up only Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cost 30.00 55.00 55.00 105.00 105.00
- EM-406A
- SiRF Star III Chipset
- Accuracy of 5 meters
- 42 second average initialization time
- Updates every second
- TTL interface
- Formatted String output
- Hardware
- PIC 18F4610
- 40-pin configuration
- 13 A/D channels
- 10 bit accuracy
- CCP and ECCP modules
- Support of 5 PWM channels
- Operating Frequency of up to 48MHz
- Enough Memory to fit SD Card Driver
- ICSP Programming ability
- More Hardware
- 64k of program memory
- 2k of data memory
- 256 bytes of EEPROM
- 75 Instructions
- 83 w/ Extended Instructions Enabled
- 20 Interrupt Sources
20SD Card Interface
- SD Card Pin Out
- Chip Select
- DI
- VDD (3.3V)
21SD Card Interface
- Flight data stored onto SD Card to be read after
the flight - Includes time stamp so that video can be synced
with data - FAT32 file system
- SPI interface
22Embedded Software
23Embedded Software
- GPS Reader
- Does
- Updates GPS via serial communications
- Knows
- Current Location
- Previous Location
- Analog Reader
- Does
- Manages the A/D Converter
- Updates sensor data
- Knows
- Values from each A/D channel
24Embedded Software
- Sensor Reader
- Does
- Initializes Readers
- Manages data from sources
- File Writer
- Does
- Writes flight data to SD card
25Embedded Software
- Controller
- Does
- Initializes components
- Relays data to File Writer
- Manages timing between data updates and file
writes - Knows
- Current time
- Current state
- Init
- Waiting on Data
- Writing Data
- Close
26Base Station Software
- Created using Java Media Framework
- GUI containing recorded flight video and data
- Financial burden
- Maintain structural integrity
- Timeline setback
- Crash could result in potential failure
- Must function on presentation day
28Testing Procedures
- Flight Simulator
- Manual Flight Controls
- Hardware Connections
- Global Positioning System
- HeliCam
- Software
29Flight Simulator
- Flight simulator testing will allow the team to
learn the fundamentals of the helicopter flight
controls. - Crashing the actual helicopter is a must to
avoid! - Upon successful completion of the flight
simulator, the team will fly the actual
30Hardware Connections
- Source Voltage ( Vdd )
- Ground ( Vss )
- 5/3.3 Voltage Regulator
- Accelerometer
- Gyrometer
- Ultrasonic Range Finder
- SiRF Star III Chipset
- SD Card Interface
31Source Voltage ( Vdd )
- Test circuit board input voltage via splice from
11.1V Lithium Polymer battery.
32Voltage Regulator
- Need to regulate voltage from 5V to 3.3V for
accelerometer, gyrometer, and SD card interface.
- Input voltage needs to be 3.3V at pin 9 of
breakout board. - Continuity test for XOUT , YOUT , ZOUT outputs
at pins 1, 2, and 3 of breakout board,
- Input voltage needs to be 3.3V at pin 9 of
breakout board. - Continuity test for XRATE , YRATE outputs at
pins 7 and 6 of breakout board, respectively.
35Ultrasonic Range Finder
- Input voltage needs to be 5V at pin labeled 5
- Continuity test for analog output at pin labeled
36SiRF Star III Chipset
- Input voltage needs to be 5V at pin 2 of SiRF
Star III unit. - Continuity test for RX and TX outputs at pins 3
and 4 of SiRF Star III unit.
37SD Card Interface
- Input voltage needs to be 3.3V at pins labeled
CS, DI, VCC , CLK, DO, IRQ, P9 - Continuity test at pins labeled CD, WP
3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V
38Global Positioning System
- Test for accuracy by comparison with Blackberry
Global Positioning System.
- Plug transceiver into television to ensure proper
function of wireless camera system prior to
mounting. - TV tuner card for wireless feed prior to mounting.
- Testing done incrementally
- Sensors Tested
- GPS Tested
- SD Card Tested
- Final Testing
- Make sure everything works together
41Testing Location
- Proper testing location
- Large area
- Minimal traffic
- Terrain composition
- Soft soil
- Grass
- Close proximity to
- two team members
- homes
42Testing Accommodations
- Maximize productivity and efficiency on test
days. - Additional batteries
- Transceiver
- Helicopter
- Multimeter
- Close access to electricity, computer, and
shelter in the event of unexpected weather.
43Completed hardware
44Base Station Software
Part Price per Unit () Quantity Total () Status
Esky Belt-CP 450 RC Helicopter 200.00 1 200.00
PIC 40 Pin 48MHz 16K 13 Channel A/D USB-18F4610 11.39 1 11.39
Ultrasonic Range Finder Maxbotix EZ2 27.95 2 55.90
Compass Module HMC 6352 59.95 0 59.95
Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout ADXL 330 34.95 0 0.00
Gyro Breakout Board Dual 500 degree/sec 59.95 0 0.00
20 Channel EM 406A SiRF III Receiver with Antenna 59.95 1 59.95
2.4Ghz HeliCam 39.95 1 39.95
IMU 5 Degrees of Freedom 99.95 1 99.95
Heli-CaM Wireless Camera 59.95 1 59.95
Serial Cable DB9 M/F - 6 Foot 3.95 1 3.95
40 Pin PIC Development Board 15.95 1 15.95
- Dr. Richie
- Professors present
- Rogers, Lovelock, and Fritz Architecture and
Engineering - Team members