Title: Discrimination
BSc (Hons) Social Work SOW 1032M Values Ethics
and Equality
2What is Discrimination?Discrimination is a
process through which certain groups and
individuals are disadvantaged and
oppressed.Neil Thompson (1998)
3Definitions and MeaningsDirect Discrimination
a person directly discriminates against another
person when factors that are not related to
merit, ability, potential are used as a reason
for treating them differently and discriminating
against them.www.bangor.ac.uk
4Definitions Discrimination set up or act on
the basis of, a difference between another, make
a distinction especially on the grounds of race
or colour or sex The concise Oxford Dictionary
5- Discrimination can work at and within different
levels - Individual or person to person
- Institutional or organisation to individual or
organisation to organisation - Cultural, societal or structural, dominant
discriminatory themes or ideas that we are
inculcated into as part of our socialisation
6Types of Negative Discrimination
- Individual Discrimination
- When an individual treats somebody differently
because of external characteristics or lifestyle
and not in terms of individual value or worth. - Examples assuming older people have little to
contribute, avoiding someone you believe to be
7Institutional Discrimination
- What is institutional racism?
- "The collective failure of an organisation to
provide an appropriate and professional service
to people because of their colour, culture or
ethnic origin which can be seen or detected in
processes attitudes and behaviour which amount
to discrimination through unwitting prejudice,
ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist
stereotyping which disadvantages minority ethnic
people." From the Macpherson report
8- Racism in general terms consists of conduct or
words or practices which disadvantage or
advantage people because of their colour,
culture, or ethnic origin. In its more subtle
form it is as damaging as in its overt form. - Taken from
- The Stephen Lawrence inquiry
- Chapter 6 6.5
9Structural and Societal Discrimination
- The roots of discrimination are embedded in the
structures of wider societyinformed by history,
culture, dominant ideology, policies and
practices. - Promoting Equality in Care Practice
10- Examples of Societal Discrimination
- Study by Booth, McConnell and Booth 2006
- 2/3 of parents with learning difficulties known
to agencies and receiving services were recorded
as presenting child protection concerns. - 15.3 of children in care proceedings has at
least one parent with a learning disability. - 2 out of every 5 children born to mothers/
fathers with learning disabilities are
permanently removed from the care of their
parents. - Quote from Social work involved in study
- A lot of social workers wont have ever met an
adult with learning disabilitiesthey dont get
on with people with learning disabilities, they
dont like working with them because of the time
that they take, and they do take time - British Journal of Social work (2006)36, 997-1015
11Disabled people are twice as likely to live in
poverty because of the barriers they face in
finding paid employment, a wide-ranging report on
social exclusion finds. The number of disabled
adults of a working age living below 60 per cent
of the average income has increased by 10 per
cent over the past decade, says the report by
think-tank the New Policy Institute, and funded
by the Joseph Rowntree Trust. (Community Care
12The survey follows the commission's mental health
and ethnicity census, which last year found black
people were three times more likely to be
admitted to psychiatric hospitals in England and
Wales than the rest of the population.
Simeon Brody Community Care 15.11.2006
13How Discrimination can be displayed
- Overt Discrimination
- Covert Discrimination
- Use of Language
14How are people with disabilities discriminated
- What words are used to describe people with
disabilities? - How are people with disabilities portrayed in the
media? - What restrictions does Society place on people
with Disabilities?
15Legislation that informs anti discriminatory
- Disability Discrimination Act 1995
- Age Discrimination Act 2006
- Disability Equality (amended by DDA)
- Human Rights Act 1998
- Race Relations Act 1976
- White Paper Our Health, our Care, our say a
- new direction for community services. Jan 2006
- The Equality Act 2006