Dr Justin Greaves - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr Justin Greaves


Crossing the Interdisciplinary Divide: Political Science and Biological Science Dr Justin Greaves University of Warwick Conclusions Hopefully we have encouraged the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr Justin Greaves

Crossing the Interdisciplinary Divide
Political Science and Biological Science
  • Dr Justin Greaves
  • University of Warwick

  • We are not students of some subject matter, but
    students of problems. And problems may cut right
    across the borders of any subject matter or
    discipline (Popper, 1963)

Why interdisciplinarity?
  • Policy challenges in todays world require
    political science to work effectively with other
    disciplines (climate change, GM technology, stem
    cell research)
  • This includes an imperative to work with natural
    science less well mapped and explored

Not a new phenomenon
  • American political scientist Charles Merriam a
    strong advocate
  • Leonard White noted his bold and persistent
    effort to marry political science with biology,
    anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics
    and medicine

The RELU programme
  • The Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) is a 25
    million research programme, funded by the ESRC,
    BBSRC and NERC
  • Committed to pursue interdisciplinary working
    across the social and natural sciences in every
    research project it funds

RELU 1 at Warwick
  • Project on the regulatory and environmental
    sustainability of biopesticides
  • A collaboration between political scientists and
    plant scientists
  • The University of Warwick brought together
    natural scientists from Warwick HRI and social
    scientists from the main campus
  • The creation of the RELU programme created a
    relevant funding opportunity

RELU 3 at Warwick
  • Project on the Governance of Livestock Diseases
  • One challenge has been the large and diverse mix
    of disciplines involved
  • Four team members from Biological Sciences (a
    veterinary epidemiologist, an infectious disease
    epidemiologist, an ecologist and a mathematical
    modeller), two from Political Science, two from
    Economics and one from Law

Hard and soft science
  • Our main focus is collaboration between politics
    and biological science perhaps the natural
    science that offers most to political scientists
  • Distinction made between hard sciences such as
    physics and chemistry and soft sciences such as
    psychology, sociology and politics
  • Hierarchy of science (Cohen and Medley)

Hard and soft science (2)
  • Harder sciences could be more difficult for
    political scientists to grasp e.g. physics,
  • String theory (The Trouble with Physics)
  • But collaboration with natural science could be
    easier than other social sciences mutual
    respect and less fear of capture
  • Competing methodologies - economics and
    methodological individualism

What is interdisciplinarity?
  • By interdisciplinary research I mean a mode of
    research ... that integrates information ...
    techniques, perspectives, concepts and/or theory
    from two or more disciplines or bodies of
    organized or specialized knowledge (Axelrod,

Politics a junction subject
  • In many ways politics is the junction subject of
    the social sciences, born out of history and
    philosophy, but drawing of the insights of
    economics and sociology and, to a lesser extent,
    the study of law, psychology and geography
  • This openness (eclecticism) can be seen as a
    strength allowing interdisciplinary work to

  • Political scientists are a rather insular lot
    (Andrew Jordan)
  • A recent ESRC benchmarking review of political
    science notes that interdisciplinary networks
    are patchy
  • No reference here to natural science

ESRC Strategic Plan 2009-14
  • Although much effort must be made to sustain the
    health of individual disciplines, the social
    scientists value is increasingly realised in
    interdisciplinary work. The natural and physical
    sciences are extending the boundaries of
    technical possibility ... alongside this we need
    to understand the social and economic
    implications of such advances. This too is

Current literature
  • Moran (2006) and McKenzie (2007) focus on
    interdisciplinarity within the social sciences
  • Warleigh-Lack and Cini (2009) touch on the
    potential for collaboration between natural and
    social science, hard and soft science but this
    needs to be developed further

Biology and political science
  • The first chapter of Mackenzies survey of
    political science is The Biological Context
  • Punctuated equilibrium models have their origins
    in evolutionary biology
  • The interaction between entity and setting is one
    that is amenable to political scientists

Biology and Political Science (2)
  • Aristotle first asserted the biological
    uniqueness of human political behaviour with his
    famous observation Man is, by nature, a
    political animal
  • Fowler and Schreiber (2008) describe recent
    advances and argue that biologists and political
    scientists must work together to advance a new
    science of human nature

Methodological reflections
  • Working with natural scientists has encouraged us
    to think again about some of the methodological
    challenges we face in political science
  • It has allowed us to focus on issues relating to
    the philosophy of social science e.g.
    differences and similarities between social and
    natural science

The problem of agency
  • Social science deals with conscious and
    reflective objects which may act differently
    under the same stimuli
  • Units making up physical science are assumed
    inanimate, unreflexive and predictable in
    response to external stimuli
  • Animal biology involves animate and, arguably,
    reflexive objects. Overlaps with social and
    political science?

Social science and prediction
  • In the social sciences predictions may affect
    outcomes (Oedipus effect)
  • Paradox of prediction. Bad outcomes may not
    happen - people take action to ensure they do not
    become true
  • Objects of natural science rarely react to
    attempts to observe them
  • Many research effects in the social sciences
    (Hawthorne effect, Pygmalion effect). Placebo
    effect in medical science

Can research be objective?
  • Social and natural science do not differ much in
    this respect
  • They scientists like an experiment whose
    result is entirely comfortable, confirming their
    prejudices and satisfying the promises they made
    in the grant application which is funding their
    work (Cohen and Medley)

The experimental design
  • We are limited by the impossibility of
    experiment. Politics is an observational, not an
    experimental science (Lowell, 1910)
  • But in recent years an increased use of
    experimentation in political science
  • Our work with natural scientists has provided an
    insight into the experimental design

Experimental design (2)
  • Experiments are often more varied than social
    scientists assume
  • We should not push the notion that natural
    science is dominated by experiments too far
  • Causation is a very complex area perhaps
    political scientists do not always understand

Individualistic fallacy
  • Drawing conclusions about groups based on data on
    the individual
  • Social scientists prone to committing this
  • Model organisms in biology
  • Scaling up problem (pot plants to field to farm
    to broader level)
  • Care needed when generalizing from one organism
    to another

Hasty and anecdotal?
  • Can be broadened out to fallacy of hasty
  • Natural scientists may feel that social science
    is not rigorous, anecdotal
  • Interdisciplinary research requires mutual
    respect and confidence in each others findings

Positivist or interpretivist?
  • Positivists may find it easier to work with
    natural scientists than interpretivists would
    (and vice versa)
  • Scientific realism can straddle the natural and
    social sciences and is compatible with the
    interdisciplinary turn opening up collaboration
    between natural and social scientists

  • Hard science makes clear and rapid progress, soft
    science goes round in circles
  • Key distinction complexity
  • Particle physics deals with simplest objects
  • Biology more complex social and political world
    more complex still

Strong and weak inference
  • Hard science allows for strong inference
  • Softer science deals with complexities which
    yield only probabilistic answers
  • Social scientists need to be more realistic and
    honest in their claims and this may not be easy

Justified beliefs
  • We should import the notion of justified belief
    from philosophy
  • Are our conclusions justified given the evidence
    (or arguments) we produce to support them?
  • Are they backed up by sufficient evidence to
    justify the confidence to which they are asserted?

  • This links to debates on probability
  • Different forms of probability a priori
    calculus of chance, long term frequency
    samples, probability that the Big Bang theory of
    the universe is true
  • Shared understandings of what constitutes
    justified beliefs will allow successful
    interdisciplinary research to flourish

Our projects in practice
  • Steep learning curve for the political scientists
  • Biologists thought that political scientist might
    be identified with a particular political
    position, or at least researching the legitimacy
    of different political positions

Creating understanding
  • A procedure followed of each discipline reading
    literature selected from the other disciplines
    and presenting their understanding of the article
    to team meetings
  • Allowed misunderstandings to be resolved and
    helped create an understanding of how the other
    disciplines worked in terms of methodology and

Language and terminology
  • Often talk of the need for a common language in
    interdisciplinary research
  • The phrase trading zone is often used to denote
    an interdisciplinary partnership in which two or
    more perspectives are combined and a new, shared
    language develops (Collins, Evans and Gorman,
  • Perhaps the key is a shared understanding
    (Bracken Oughton, 2006)

  • Biological scientists used to tersely argued
    research papers that present key findings in a
    few printed pages
  • Political science articles more discursive
  • Challenge of writing together - difficult to
    carve out a coherent and readable paper
  • How do you standardise the jargon of different
    disciplines without losing thread of the content?

  • Hopefully we have encouraged the natural
    scientists to reflect on the scientific method
  • We must be careful not to treat bio-science as an
    undifferentiated whole (engagement may be easier
    with some areas rather than others)

Conclusions (2)
  • Some obstacles remain
  • RAE based around disciplinary panels
  • How will REF impact on interdisciplinarity? Use
    of metrics
  • We have had a positive experience and encourage
    others to cross the interdisciplinary divide

Please visit our websites
  • http//www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/biopesticid
  • http//www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/gld
  • Thanks to all members of the RELU 1 and RELU 3
    project teams (principal investigators Wyn Grant
    and Graham Medley)
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