Common Core State Standards - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Common Core State Standards


Common Core State Standards A Primer for Parents * One of the weaknesses of the math instruction in the US today is that at each level a lot of topics in math are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Common Core State Standards

Common Core State Standards
  • A Primer for Parents

What are the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ?
  • The Common Core State Standards grew out of an
    effort to develop a set of educational standards
    that are consistent across the country.
  • The Common Core State Standards replace an
    individual states state standards for education
    which determine what is going to be taught and
    when it will be covered.
  • In Louisiana, they are replacing our GLEs (Grade
    Level Expectations).

What are the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ?
  • The standards provide a set of learning skills
    that all American students should achieve in
    order to be successful in a career or college.
  • The standards are more rigorous than state
    standards have been in the past.
  • The standards are written for ELA and Math and
    progress from kindergarten through high school.

What are the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ?
  • The Common Core State Standards were developed by
    the Council of Chief State School Officers
    (CCSSO) and the NGA Center (National Governors
    Association) working with parents, teachers,
    school administrators, and educational experts.
  • They have been adopted by 46 states so far.

Common Core State Standards in ELA
  • In ELA, there are 3 major shifts or changes in

Common Core State Standards in ELA
  • 1. More complex text will be used.

Common Core State Standards in ELA
  • 2. Evidence from the text will be used to
    support both reading and writing.

Common Core State Standards in ELA
  • 3. There will be a much greater emphasis gaining
    knowledge from non-fiction text.

Common Core State Standards in Math
  • There are 4 instructional shifts in Math.

Common Core State Standards in Math
  • 1. The math curriculum is more focused so that
    fewer concepts, or topics, are covered at each
    level, but what is included is covered in much
    greater depth.

Common Core State Standards in Math
  • 2. The order in which math topics are covered
    has been rearranged so that the overall
    progression of instruction is more coherent.

Common Core State Standards in Math
  • 3. There is increased emphasis on understanding
    math. This includes being able to justify why an
    answer is correct and applying math to real-life

Common Core State Standards in Math
  • 4. Precision and fluency in math are also being

Where are we at with implementing the Common Core
State Standards?
  • 1. We are in a transitional period. The Common
    Core State Standards are being phased in.
  • 2. Kindergarten and first graders from 2012-13
    have started the CCSS.
  • 3. In other grades, the curriculum is shifting
    toward the CCSS more slowly so that there are no
    gaps in what students learn.

How will we assess student mastery of the Common
Core State Standards?
  • New standardized tests, known as the PARCC tests,
    are being developed.
  • PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of
    Readiness for College and Careers.
  • PARCC is a group of 23 states who are working
    together to design a set of common assessments
    for grades K-12 in English/Language Arts and Math

How will we assess student mastery of the Common
Core State Standards?
  • The tests will be given in grades 3-11.
  • This testing will be done online.
  • Current LEAP and iLEAP tests are shifting slowly
    toward PARCC tests.
  • PARCC testing will begin in the 2014-2015 school
    year, and will replace current LEAP, iLEAP and
    ITBS testing.

What about Science and Social Studies?
  • Science and Social Studies are not part of the
    Common Core Standards or PARCC testing.
  • At the state level, the curriculum in science and
    social studies is being made more rigorous.
  • The state will develop new, more rigorous tests
    for science and social studies and these will
    also be given for the first time in 2014-2015.

  • Common Core State Standards www.corestandards.or
  • Louisiana Department of Education
  • Louisiana PASS-
  • PARCC-
  • Parent resources-
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